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编程导航的新项目,基于 Vue 3 + Spring Boot + COS + WebSocket 的企业级智能协同云图库平台。项目应用场景广泛,可作为表情包网站、设计素材网站、壁纸网站、个人云盘、企业活动相册等。用户可以在平台公开上传和检索图片素材;管理员可以上传、审核和管理分析图片;个人用户可将图片上传至私有空间进行批量管理、检索、编辑和分析;企业可开通团队空间并邀请成员,共享图片并实时…
《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
🔥「AI 低代码平台」前后端分离 SpringBoot 2.x/3.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue3,Mybatis,Shiro!强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领AI低代码开发模式 AI生成->OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决80%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,提高开发效率、节省成本,同时又不失灵活性
Spring Boot helps you to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss.
A high-quality tool for convert PDF to Markdown and JSON.一站式开源高质量数据提取工具,将PDF转换成Markdown和JSON格式。
渗透测试有关的POC、EXP、脚本、提权、小工具等---About penetration-testing python-script poc getshell csrf xss cms php-getshell domainmod-xss csrf-webshell cobub-razor cve rce sql sql-poc poc-exp bypass oa-getshell cve…
OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.
🚀 Curated collection of Amazing Python scripts from Basics to Advance with automation task scripts.
Automation with Python (Excel, scripts, etc)
🚀 Curated collection of Awesome Python Scripts which will make you go wow. Dive into this world of 360+ scripts. Feel free to contribute. Show your support by ✨this repository.
坚持分享 GitHub 上高质量、有趣实用的开源技术教程、开发者工具、编程网站、技术资讯。A list cool, interesting projects of GitHub.
A collection of simple python mini projects to enhance your python skills
白卷是一款使用 Vue+Spring Boot 开发的前后端分离项目,附带全套开发教程。(A simple CMS developed by Spring Boot and Vue.js with development tutorials)
小小商城系统,JavaWEB项目,基于SSM,仿天猫页面,功能齐全,实现了自动处理关联查询的通用Mapper、抽象 BaseService 类、注解鉴权、参数注解校验等
SoftVC VITS Singing Voice Conversion
🐧 Linux教程,主要内容:Linux 命令、Linux 系统运维、软件运维、精选常用Shell脚本
分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.