bochscpu-python Public
Python bindings for BochsCPU
gef-extras Public
Extra goodies for GEF to (try to) make GDB suck even less
gef Public
GEF (GDB Enhanced Features) - a modern experience for GDB with advanced debugging capabilities for exploit devs & reverse engineers on Linux
binja-headless Public
Binja (sort of) headless
pwn--template Public template
Kickstart C++ exploits with pwn++, with auto-build by GithubActions
pwn-- Public
pwn++ is a Windows & Linux library oriented for exploit dev but mostly used to play with modern C++ features (17->26)
gef-docker Public
Ready to use Docker environment for GEF (used for https://demo.gef.blah.cat gef/gef-demo)
defcon_27_windbg_workshop Public
DEFCON 27 workshop - Modern Debugging with WinDbg Preview
systeminformer Public
Forked from winsiderss/systeminformerA free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware. Brought to you by Winsider Seminars & Solutions, Inc. @ http://www.windows-internals…
modern-cpp-template Public template
A template repository for my C++ projects, with docs and CI
stuff Public
Unsorted, raw, ugly & probably poorly usable tools for reversing, exploit and pentest
cemu Public
Cheap EMUlator: lightweight multi-architecture assembly playground
FindWDK Public
Forked from SergiusTheBest/FindWDKCMake module for building drivers with Windows Development Kit (WDK)
modern-cpp-windows-driver-template Public template
Windows driver template, using C++20 & cmake & GithubActions
kdmp-parser Public
Forked from 0vercl0k/kdmp-parserA Windows kernel dump C++ parser library with Python 3 bindings.
C++ MIT License UpdatedJul 13, 2024 -
windbg_js_scripts Public
Toy scripts for playing with WinDbg JS API
ctfhub Public
Where CTFs happen
symbolizer-rs Public
Forked from 0vercl0k/symbolizer-rsA fast execution trace symbolizer for Windows that runs on all major platforms and doesn't depend on any Microsoft libraries.
Rust MIT License UpdatedMay 6, 2024 -
ropgadget-rs Public
Another (bad) ROP gadget finder, but this time in Rust
Bochs Public
Forked from bochs-emu/BochsBochs - Cross Platform x86 Emulator Project
C++ GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedApr 7, 2024 -
CFB Public
Canadian Furious Beaver is a ProcMon-style tool designed only for capturing IRPs sent to any Windows driver.
ida-headless Public
IDA (sort of) headless
socat-rs Public
A port forwarder for Windows written in 10min. Don't expect much from it...