CLI tool to keep track of your crypto portfolio. Allows users to show the overview of portfolio and filter by specific date or token or both.
You'll need to have nodejs installed on your system beforehand.
Node.js installation guide:
Once installed,
Clone the project.
git clone
Navigate to the project directory.
Install the required packages.
npm install
Download and extract `transactions.csv file from
Copy the file to the root of the project.
Run the project.
node index.js
node index.js help
Lists all the commands available on the script.
node index.js overview
Shows the overview of the entire portfolio.
node index.js filter --token=BTC --date=2019-10-25
Filter the portfolio by token, date or both.
directory lists all the commands available and related functionalities.
directory holds all the repeated logics supporting the commands.
handles the app startup. for building command line tools with nodejs.
Stackoverflow and other resources found on Google.