- Reactjs - core library
- Vite - build tool
- Zustand - state management
- ReactQuery - data fetching
- Electron to build desktop app
- Typescript + Tailwindcss
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/huynhhanh-ms/HH.Webapp.git
Node.js v20.x
npm i
oryarn install
npm run dev
oryarn dev
npm run build
oryarn build
Open browser:
Electron: yarn electron
Distributed under the MIT license.
Some Configuration
- Change port -> update in nginx.conf file + vite.config + dockerfile and docker-compose file if you use docker compose right :D
- Setting cors origin withCredentials: true -> can not use * or anyOrigin, must be specific domain.
Work with Electron
Debug with electron: use config in .vscode/launch.json
Build electron: yarn electron
Electron have 2 process: main process and renderer process
Main process: manage all renderer process, create window, handle ipcMain, ipcRenderer
So we can use ipcMain to communicate between main process and renderer process
create a ContextBridge to expose ipcRenderer to renderer process
JS file type: use .mjs for ES6 module, .cjs for commonJS module
type:'module" in package.json to use ES6 module
use require() for commonJS module
I push all code Main process in src/desktop folder all use cjs file type and require() to import module.
- use Web serial API (support only in chrome, edge...)
- turn on flag in chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features
- it not work in http, must use https (or allow insecure localhost for development purpose)