A friendly wrapper for launchctl. Start your agents and go to lunch!
This is a port of original lunchy ruby gem by Mike Perham with extra functionality.
Don't you hate OSX's launchctl? You have to give it exact filenames. The syntax is annoying different from Linux's nice, simple init system and overly verbose. It's just not a very developer-friendly tool.
Lunchy aims to be that friendly tool by wrapping launchctl and providing a few simple operations that you perform all the time:
- ls [pattern]
- start [pattern]
- stop [pattern]
- restart [pattern]
- status, ps [pattern]
- install [file]
- show [pattern]
- edit [pattern]
- remove, rm [pattern]
- scan [path]
where pattern is just a substring that matches the agent's plist filename.
So instead of:
$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/io.redis.redis-server.plist
you can do this:
$ lunchy start redis
$ lunchy ls
You can install binary by running the following bash command:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sosedoff/lunchy-go/master/install.sh | bash
Install using Homebrew:
brew install lunchy-go
Precompiled binaries are available on Github: https://github.com/sosedoff/lunchy-go/releases
Build source code with Go 1.2+:
git clone https://github.com/sosedoff/lunchy-go.git $GOPATH/src/lunchy
cd lunchy
go build
mv ./lunchy-go /usr/local/bin/lunchy
Add a new plist:
# Install plist
$ lunchy install /usr/local/Cellar/redis/2.8.1/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist
Manage services:
$ lunchy start redis
$ lunchy stop redis
$ lunchy restart redis
$ lunchy status redis
If you have multiple plists from homebrew, you can simple control all of them:
$ lunchy status
# Will stop all processes prefixed by "homebrew"
$ lunchy stop homebrew
Manage plists:
$ lunchy show redis
$ lunchy edit redis
Scan directory for existing plists:
$ lunchy scan /usr/local/Cellar
Scan all homebrew plists:
$ lunchy scan homebrew
When switching between different projects you might find yourself stopping and starting lots of different daemons in order to reduce memory usage. This is all good but there's a better way of doing it. Enter lunchy profiles.
Profile file .lunchy
should be placed under your project's root directory and
include a list of services that needs to be started or stopped. Example:
Then you can simply run the following command to start/stop/restart ALL of them at once:
lunchy start
lunchy stop
lunchy restart
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Dan Sosedoff, dan.sosedoff@gmail.com