Docker image for golang which contains:
- GoMock
- Protocol Buffers
- Go support for Protocol Buffers
- Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets
- Golang ProtoBuf Validator Compiler
- gRPC-Go
- gRPC Gateway
- prototool
- buf
For newer images (version >= 1.13)
docker pull
For legacy images (version <= 1.16.6)
docker pull hyperjiang/golang
Latest versions:
- lastest, 1.17.8
- 1.16, 1.16.15
Check more available versions here:
From 1.13 and later on, dep is removed from the images.
From 1.13.5 and 1.12.14 and later on, buf and prototool are pre-installed.
From 1.14.2 and later on, buf is removed as it does not support 1.14.
From 1.14.10 and 1.15.3 and later on, grpc-gateway is upgraded to v2, check more details here.
From 1.16.3 and later on, buf and protoc-gen-go are pre-installed.
Some golang versions have defects, so their images will not be built.
- 1.11.3 and 1.10.6 have a bug which will break "go get" for import path patterns containing "..."
- 1.11.7, 1.11.8, 1.12.2, 1.12.3 have a bug of using the prebuilt binary releases on older versions of GNU/Linux led to failures when linking programs that used cgo.
- 1.12.8 have bugs in linker and the os and math/big package.
- 1.12.11, 1.13.2 have bugs in go command, runtime, syscall and net packages.
- 1.14.15, 1.13.13 have bugs in go command, the compiler, the linker, vet, and the database/sql, encoding/json, net/http, reflect, and testing packages.
- 1.15.9, 1.16.1 have bugs in cgo, the compiler, linker, the go command, and the syscall and time packages.
- Since 1.16.7, images will be only available in, no more in docker hub.