Haploflow is a strain-aware viral genome assembler for short read sequence data.
It uses a flow algorithm on a deBruijn graph data structure to resolve viral strains. Haploflow is still actively under development and release 0.1 is freely available under the
GPLv3 license. It is written entirely in C++ and currently works on UNIX systems.
This README lists the requirements, installation information and a short tutorial on how to use Haploflow and its parameters.
If you are using Haploflow, please cite: Fritz, A., Bremges, A., Deng, ZL. et al. Haploflow: strain-resolved de novo assembly of viral genomes. Genome Biol 22, 212 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-021-02426-8
The easiest way to install haploflow is using bioconda and conda install -c bioconda haploflow
If this does not work, you can build haploflow from source:
- CMake >= 2.8
- Boost >= 1.54
It is possible that later Boost and gcc versions are incompatible. If you encounter difficulties in building Haploflow, using gcc 4.9.2 and Boost 1.55.0 should ensure a correct build. We are working to resolve the other build conflicts.
First, clone this repository using git clone
address, then enter the directory which you cloned Haploflow to and create a build folder,
e.g. mkdir build
. Enter this new directory and run cmake with cd build; cmake ..
. This will create a Makefile which you can then run
to create the Haploflow executable: make
. This should create a haploflow
executable in your build directory.
When building on Ubuntu >= 14.04, build.sh will perform these steps, build a manpage and produce a tar file as build/haploflow.tar.gz
The haploflow executable can be directly executed. If using the haploflow.tar.gz file, it can be unpacked (with tar xvf haploflow.tar.gz) to / as user root, which will install the executable and man page in locations which should already be in the path / manpath. The tar.gz file can also be unpacked to any other location (eg. home dir) and the executable run from that location.
Using the executable you can show the help and parameters using ./haploflow --help
. This lists the parameters as follows:
HaploFlow parameters:
--help Produce this help message
- [ --read-file ] arg read file (fastq)
- [ --dump-file ] arg deBruijn graph dump file produced by
--log arg log file (default: standard out)
- [ --k ] arg (=41) k-mer size, default 41, please use an
odd number
- [ --out ] arg folder for output, will be created if
not present. WARNING: Old results will
get overwritten
- [ --error-rate ] arg (=0.0199999996)
percentage filter for erroneous kmers -
kmers appearing less than relatively e%
will be ignored
--create-dump arg create dump of the deBruijn graph.
WARNING: This file may be huge
--from-dump arg run from a Haploflow dump of the
deBruijn graph.
- [ --two-strain ] arg (=0) mode for known two-strain mixtures
- [ --strict ] arg (=1) more strict error correction, should be
set to 5 in first run on new data set
to reduce run time. Set to 0 if low
abundant strains are expected to be
- [ --filter ] arg (=500) filter contigs shorter than value
- [ --thresh ] arg (=-1) Provide a custom threshold for
complex/bad data
The input reads are given with the --read-file
option and the output directory with --out
, which are the only required options.
Haploflow will then run with default parameters.
The most important other parameters are k
, the k-mer size of the deBruijn graph. This is 41 by default, increasing this value might
improve assembly for large read lengths or very deep sequencing runs.
is the next parameter, which determines a lower bound of coverage or detection limit of different strains and
is a percentage value. By default this value is set to 0.02
, because Illumina data is expected to have less than 2% errors.
Setting this value too low can cause Haploflow to run far slower; setting it too high will prevent Haploflow from finding lower abundant
The strict
parameter is complementary in the sense that it determines an overall lower bound for read coverage. Setting it to -1
imposes no constraints, 0
will use the inflection point of the coverage histogram and every value ≥1
will result in use of a sliding window over the coverage histogram to determine the lower bound.
Finally, the last error correction parameter is thresh
: it is mutually exclusive with the strict
parameter and will overwrite its
value if set. This parameter sets a fixed threshold below which k-mers are ignored.
Finally, Haploflow by default filters contigs shorter than 500 bp. This value can be changed using the filter
The parameters create-dump
, from-dump
and dump-file
are just needed if the deBruijn graph is supposed to be written to a file to be
reused in another run. This file is possibly huge (because uncompressed), so use with caution.
There is a small test data set of reads for three HIV strains added alongside Haploflow, HIV_3_toy.fq
After compiling Haploflow, you can assemble this data set using the following simple command: ./haploflow --read-file ../HIV_3_toy.fq --out test --log test/log
If everything worked, the assembly of this data set should take about 1 minute and produce a folder called out
, containing a fasta-file called contigs.fa
containing three contigs, a sub-folder called Coverages
containing the coverage distributions of all connected components. Since the thre HIV strains are closely related, this is only one single file Cov0.tsv
, containing tab-separated the coverage of a k-mer and the number of k-mers with that coverage. The second sub-folder is Graphs
, containing the initial unitig graph (Graph.dot
) as well as all temporary assembly graphs after each path removal step (Graph0.dot
to Graph13.dot
). Finally the log of Haploflow is stored in the file log
, printing the used options and the individual steps of Haploflow.
The format of contigs produced by Haploflow in the fasta-file is Contig_CONTIGNUMBER_flow_FLOWVALUE_cc_CONNECTEDCOMPONENT
; the abundance of individual strains/contigs is stored in FLOWVALUE
You can then test different k-mer and error-correction settings for further testing or move on to your own data sets.