Check out the setup info (need twitter credentials)
npm i twpm -g
# use npx for one-off command
npx twpm install
twpm install --save left-pad
The default package folder/require prefix is
// usage for `twpm install 712799807073419264 --save left-pad`
const leftPad = require("@twpm/left-pad");
leftPad(1, 5) // "00001"
environment variables when running twpm
Create a config file at the root of your git repo.
You can create a Twitter app to get keys at
module.exports = {
"consumer_key": "",
"consumer_secret": "",
"app_only_auth": true,
# will install to node_modules/@twpm/712799807073419264
twpm install 712799807073419264
# will install to node_modules/@twpm/712799807073419264
twpm install
`twpm install` creates a `index.js` with transpiled source and a `package.json` with metadata (including the original source).
# Will install to node_modules/@twpm/left-pad
twpm install 712799807073419264 --save left-pad
# install everything under `twpm.dependencies` in `package.json`
twpm install
# shorthand
twpm i
You can search through tweets that are hashtagged with #twpm
and install them
# get some random ones
twpm search
# specific keyword search
twpm search left-pad
Since twpm will be transpiling the code, twpm will strip out the first line if the tweet is multiline and contains the hashtag #twpm
@_henryzhu //#twpm:left-pad
export default (v, n, c = '0') => String(v).length >= n ? '' + v : (String(c).repeat(n) + v).slice(-n);
// Input to be transpiled (just the function. otherwise an error will occur with decorators)
export default (v, n, c = '0') => String(v).length >= n ? '' + v : (String(c).repeat(n) + v).slice(-n);
Currently you will need to use a export default function() {}
or export default () => {}
in your tweet.
"name": "your-app-here",
"twpm": {
"modulesLocation": "node_modules", // default folder
"folderPrefix": "@twpm/", // default prefix
"packageMetadata": [
] // default fields to take from twitter status
"dependencies": {
"@twpm/left-pad": "712799807073419264"
"@twpm/sort": "713782217646931968"
# twpm i 712799807073419264 --save left-pad
twpm-left-pad@0.0.0 /Users/hzoo/twpm-test
Tweet 712799807073419264: 359 π, 632 π
@rauchg at Thu Mar 24 00:34:51 +0000 2016
// ES6 leftPad
export default (v, n, c = '0') => String(v).length >= n ? '' + v : (String(c).repeat(n) + v).slice(-n);
- twpm-test
- node_modules
- @twpm
- left-pad
- index.js # transpiled index.js
- package.json # reformatted twitter data + name field