Added getter and setter methods for the compression to use for the
Added getter and setter methods for the compression to use for the
Does not use HKLM registry keys for an installer with perUser
Does not use HKLM registry keys for an installer with perUser
Build for Gradle version 8.4 because there are API changes since Grad…
Build for Gradle version 8.4 because there are API changes since Grad…
protect line breaks in *.sh files on all platforms
protect line breaks in *.sh files on all platforms
print notarize errors to the error stream and not to the debug stream
print notarize errors to the error stream and not to the debug stream
Change API to reflect xcrun notarytool options
Change API to reflect xcrun notarytool options
Remove osascript, introduce dmgbuild
Remove osascript, introduce dmgbuild
Add ability to create custom closure to sign files
Add ability to create custom closure to sign files
Changed the parameter for the program starter from %F to %U so they
Changed the parameter for the program starter from %F to %U so they
Because the daemon system was changed from init.d to SystemD, the old
Because the daemon system was changed from init.d to SystemD, the old
Added the properties for setting the pre and post run scripts for the
Added the properties for setting the pre and post run scripts for the