Integrate cutting-edge LLM technology quickly and easily into your apps
PMS full-text search engine with no external dependencies written in C#
Fusion programming language. Transpiling to C, C++, C#, D, Java, JavaScript, Python, Swift, TypeScript and OpenCL C.
A Kotlin-based testing/scraping/parsing library providing the ability to analyze and extract data from HTML (server & client-side rendered). It places particular emphasis on ease of use and a high …
A C#/.NET wrapper around libheif for decoding and processing high efficiency image formats (heif, heic).
A Javascript library providing multi-touch gestures for zooming and dragging on any DOM element.
Failure Detection and Consensus in Distributed Systems with F#
A rewrite of the old legacy software "depends.exe" in C# for Windows devs to troubleshoot dll load dependencies issues.
Lunr-core is a small, full text search library for use in small applications. It's a .NET port of LUNR.js.
Simple, cross-platform chart library for .NET
convert wavefront obj files to other file format, like gltf, 3dtiles
ReverseMarkdown.Net is a Html to Markdown converter library in C#. Conversion is very reliable since HtmlAgilityPack (HAP) library is used for traversing the Html DOM
A phonetic matching library. Includes text utilities to do string comparisons on phonemes (the sound of the string), as opposed to characters.
Textc is a natural language processing library that allows developers build text command based applications with extensible text parsing capabilities.
evgeniylevakhin / NWaves
Forked from ar1st0crat/NWaves.NET library for 1d signal processing focused specifically on audio processing
🚀 Catalyst is a C# Natural Language Processing library built for speed. Inspired by spaCy's design, it brings pre-trained models, out-of-the box support for training word and document embeddings, a…
Scalable, fast, and lightweight system for large-scale topic modeling
Open source NLP tools (sentence splitter, tokenizer, chunker, coref, NER, parse trees, etc.) in C#
SgmlReader is a .NET library that is handy for converting SGML content (like HTML and OFX) into well formed XML via XmlReader, XmlDocument, XDocument or XPathDocument. It runs on Windows and Linux …
.Net bindings to the V8 JavaScript engine
A library for panning and zooming elements using CSS transforms 🔍
A javascript library to run SQLite on the web.
Automated image compression for efficiently distributing images on the web.
A markdown-it plugin to create GitHub-style task lists
ProseMirror Markdown integration