๐ฑ Iโm currently experimenting with my knowledge of JavaScript and React
๐จโ๐ป Portfolio
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Blogs and Resources
Limo store
A single vendor clothing e-commerce site. repo -
Limo store admin panel
Admin panel for limo store where admin could add products, categories and manage orders. repo -
Limo store backend
Backend for limo store. repo -
password manager
A secure and user-friendly password manager built with React, Node.js, Express and MongoDB. repo -
A portfolio site to display my skills and interests. repo -
Url sharing site built with react as frontend and nodejs and express in the backend with mongo db. repo -
Web Snippets
A sleek and minimalistic blog application built with Next.js, designed to simplify the process of writing and managing personal blogs. repo -
A minimal chat application built with React.js and Firebase firestore. repo -
News 24x7
A simple React app built with Tailwind CSS that displays news articles in a carousel format. Users can sort news articles by categories. repo -
Instagram non followers checker
This project is a simple web application that allows users to check for Instagram non-followers by processing provided json file. It provides a convenient way to identify users who don't follow you back on Instagram. repo -
Todo app (code sandbox)
Todo app - mark complete, undo completed todo, delete todo. repo -
Simple group chat app
Simple group chat app using socket io. Build with node, express and react, tailwind. repo -
Infinite carousel (code sandbox)
React infinite carousel tutorial, to understand by visualising. repo -
Product cart and total price calculation problem (code sandbox)
Implemented add to cart and calculated total price of all items in the cart. repo -
Traffic light problem (code sandbox)
Built a traffic light where the lights switch from green to yellow to red after predetermined intervals and loop indefinitely. repo -
Grid lights problem (code sandbox)
Built a grid of lights where the lights deactivate in the reverse order they were activated. repo -
Slider piechart problem (code sandbox)
Built a slider, on increasing/ decreasing the slider, value should reflect in a pieChart. repo
- Fancy todo app
Built a system for photo and message sharing with expiring link. repo -
Freecodecamp backend development and api
Freecodecamp backend projects for backend development and api certification. Developed -> Timestamp Microservice, Request Header Parser Microservice, URL Shortener Microservice, Exercise Tracker, File Metadata Microservice for the certification. repo
Blur_container (published to pub.dev)
A Flutter package for both android and iOS which provides Widget to blur a container. Deployed to pub.dev. repo -
Chat application
Chat application built using flutter and firebase realtime database. repo -
Notes app build using flutter and firebase. repo -
Flutter weather app using one api by open weather. repo -
Dark mode
Dark mode implementation in flutter using provider and shared preferences. repo