App generator with everything exposed for maximum control (powered by TypeScript, ESBuild, Jest, ESLint, GitHub Actions, Prettier, and more)
Like zero-config? Get out!
Generate a flexible starting point for your app, where config files and scripts are in-your-face and ready to adapt to your needs.
Because every app is unique.
Go for it:
npm init exposed-app
- 🏆 Powered by the usual suspects: TypeScript, Jest, ESLint
- 📦 TS → JS, powered by esbuild
- It's so fast! With tree shaking too
- Outputs CJS, ESM, and
- 🚀 CI/CD, powered by GitHub Actions
- Publishing, versioning, and changelog generation, powered by Release Please
- Automatically format code, and commit changes back to the repo
- PRs display a code coverage report, powered by Coveralls
- 🎀 Format code, powered by Prettier, EditorConfig, import-sort, sort-package-json, doctoc
- đź“š Documentation templates
-,,,,, and LICENSE
- GitHub templates for PRs and issues
- Architectural Decision Records
- 🎉 More!
npm install @iamturns/create-exposed-app
Run the following command and follow the prompts:
npm init exposed-app
You can also invoke the app with arguments. For example:
npx create-exposed-app \
--packageName="my-awesome-project" \
--npmScope="@example" \
--oneLiner="Does awesome stuff" \
--authorName="Bruce Wayne" \
--authorEmail="" \
--authorGithub="batman" \
--authorTwitter="TheRealBatman" \
This project is authored and maintained by Matt Turnbull ( / @iamturns).
A big thank you to all contributors 🏆
Open-source under MIT License.
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- I wish something was different…
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- My question isn't answered :(
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Keen to hear all ideas in GitHub discussions.
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