This project implements a redundant API for Amazon Bedrock, allowing fallback to different models and regions.
- Redundant model invocation across multiple AWS regions
- AWS X-Ray tracing integration
- REST API using Amazon API Gateway
- Serverless architecture using AWS Lambda
- AWS SAM CLI installed
- Python 3.11 or later
- AWS credentials configured locally
├── config/
│ └── models.yaml # Model configuration
├── src/
│ ├── # Lambda function code
│ └── requirements.txt # Python dependencies (auto-installed by SAM)
├── tests/
│ └──
└── template.yaml # SAM template
Install AWS SAM CLI:
uv add aws-sam-cli
Configure your AWS credentials:
aws configure
Build the application:
sam build
Deploy the application:
sam deploy --guided
During the guided deployment, you will be prompted to:
- Enter a unique stack name
- Choose an AWS Region
- Confirm creation of IAM roles
The deployment will automatically:
- Install Python dependencies from src/requirements.txt
- Set up the API Gateway endpoint
- Configure Lambda function with proper permissions
- Set up X-Ray tracing
- Load model configuration from config/models.yaml
To run the tests locally:
python -m pytest tests/
To invoke the function locally:
sam local invoke BedrockRedundantFunction -e events/event.json
Send a POST request to the deployed API endpoint with the following body structure:
curl -X POST \
"<your api endpoint url>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"contents": [
"Tell me a joke"
"temperature": 0.8,
"max_tokens": 2048
The API will attempt to invoke the Bedrock models in order as defined in config/models.yaml, with automatic fallback if a model or region is unavailable.