pdfixer is a tool for pdf-rebuilding, that utilize common libraries and preform the specified task said
pdfixer reduce PDF files to 150 dpi and offset them to 200*250~ (about the size of an A4 file) - PDF version 1.3
#TL;DR - PDFixer takes a PDF files and makes a new PDF file that contain the content as pictures in JPG format.
there are 4 stages to PDFixer -
- choose the PDF file that need to used
- choose output folder
- run tasks 3+4 (if pdf is large - it will take a few seconds)
deprecation==2.1.0 fpdf==1.7.2 img2pdf==0.4.4 lxml==4.9.1 packaging==21.3 pdf2image==1.16.0 pikepdf==6.2.4 Pillow==9.3.0 pip==22.0.4 pyparsing==3.0.9 setuptools==58.1.0
ALSO - use poppler Release-22.11.0-0 and set it to PATH C:\Users\User\Documents\poppler-22.11.0\Library\bin
you might need to install VC_redist.x86