- Russia, Novosibirsk
- https://www.youtube.com/user/idlesign
django-sitetree Public
Reusable application for Django introducing site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements.
uwsgiconf Public
Configure uWSGI from your Python code
websockets Public
Forked from python-websockets/websocketsLibrary for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 28, 2025 -
torrt Public
Automates torrent updates for you
makeapp Public
Simplifies Python application rollout and publishing.
sponsrdump Public
Downloader for sponsr.ru / Скачиватель для sponsr.ru
webinardump Public
Скачиватель для webinar.ru
pg_analyse Public
Tools to gather useful information from PostgreSQL
pytest-djangoapp Public
Nice pytest plugin to help you with Django pluggable application testing.
iamreader Public
Useful tools for audio book creators.
pysyge Public
API to access data from Sypex Geo IP database files from your Python code
vininfo Public
Extracts useful information from Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
django-siteforms Public
Django reusable app to simplify form construction
torrentool Public
The tool to work with torrent files.
uwsgi Public
Forked from unbit/uwsgiuWSGI application server container
C Other UpdatedMay 10, 2023 -
pytest-responsemock Public
Simplified requests calls mocking for pytest
pythonz Public
Место, где делают pythonz.net
django-sitemessage Public
Reusable application for Django introducing a message delivery framework
django-etc Public
Tiny stuff for Django that won't fit into separate apps.
django-siteajax Public
Reusable application for Django bridging client and server sides
webscaff Public
Simplified scaffolding for web applications
django-sitegate Public
Reusable application for Django to ease sign up & sign in processes
deluge-webapi Public
Plugin for Deluge WebUI providing sane JSON API
django-siteflags Public
Reusable application for Django allowing users to flag/bookmark site objects
django-admirarchy Public
Django Admin addon to navigate through hierarchies.
envbox Public
Detect environment type and work within.
pytest-race Public
Race conditions tester for pytest
lassie Public
Forked from michaelhelmick/lassieWeb Content Retrieval for Humans™
pytest-datafixtures Public
Data fixtures for pytest made simple
deflacue Public
Cue Sheet driven FLAC audio splitter