批量为视频或者音频生成字幕,并可批量将字幕翻译成其它语言。这是一个客户端工具, 跨平台支持 mac 和 windows 系统, 支持百度,火山,deeplx, openai, deepseek, ollama 等多个翻译服务
A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface.
📜 @right-menu 是一个使用 TypeScript 开发的右键菜单插件, 🏆 可以在 JS / TS / Vue / React 等多端框架使用, 🦄 支持多级菜单 / 异步渲染 / 骨架Loading / 自适应主题 / mac黑夜模式
H5 Page Maker, H5 Editor, LowCode. Make H5 as easy as building blocks. | 让H5制作像搭积木一样简单, 轻松搭建H5页面, H5网站, PC端网站,LowCode平台.
🚀Electron + Vue 仿网易云音乐windows客户端
Vue & Canvas - JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using Vue.
🎖🎖🎖 基于 TS + Canvas 开发的【大转盘 / 九宫格 / 老虎机】抽奖插件,🌈 一套源码适配多端框架 JS / Vue / React / Taro / UniApp / 微信小程序等,🎨 奖品 / 文字 / 图片 / 颜色 / 按钮均可配置,支持同步 / 异步抽奖,🎯 概率前 / 后端可控,🚀 自动根据 dpr 调整清晰度适配移动端
React + Canvas = Love. JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using React.
A responsive image cropping tool for React
When you use eight values specifying border-radius in CSS, you can build organic looking shapes. Simply use our Generator at
A fork of tweakpane-image-plugin with build optimizations.
A mini audio player for Tweakpane.
Zero dependency Docking Layout Manager. Supports Vanilla TypeScript, React and Vue.
relation-graph is a relationship graph display component that supports Vue2, Vue3, React. Allowing you to fully customize the graphical elements using HTML/CSS and Vue or React components through s…
Mac app that shows all open files, directories, sockets, pipes and devices in use by all running processes. Nice GUI for lsof.
🦀 Create modern Tauri desktop apps in just a few simple steps with shadcn/ui. React, Next.js, Sveltekit.
A set of beautifully-designed, accessible components and a code distribution platform. Works with your favorite frameworks. Open Source. Open Code.