Imgbot supports optional configuration through a .imgbotconfig
json file.
This is not a required step to using Imgbot and is only for more advanced scenarios.
This file should be placed in the root of the repository and set to your liking. See this past issue for details about the location for this file.
Here is an example .imgbotconfig setup that shows some of the options.
"schedule": "daily", // daily|weekly|monthly
"ignoredFiles": [
"*.jpg", // ignore by extension
"image1.png", // ignore by filename
"public/special_images/*", // ignore by folderpath
"aggressiveCompression": "true", // true|false
"compressWiki": "true", // true|false
"minKBReduced": 500, // delay new prs until size reduction meets this threshold (default to 10)
"prTitle" : "Your own pr title",
"prBody" : " Text before optimization ratio {optimization_ratio} Text after optimization ratio
Text before optimization details {optimization_details} Text after optimization details",
Outside of the .imgbotconfig
file, there are additional settings that can be configured by logging in to
the website. This is the current list of settings supported in this UI:
- Default branch override (If you want Imgbot to look after a different branch instead of the default for the repo)
If there are any configuration settings you would like to see supported, please feel free to open an issue in the repo or shoot an email over to