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Immense Networks

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  1. Remotely Remotely Public

    A remote control and remote scripting solution, built with .NET 8, Blazor, and SignalR.

    C# 4.7k 1.6k

  2. RemoteControl RemoteControl Public archive

    Server and client libraries that provide remote control functionality.

    C# 46 27

  3. immybox immybox Public

    An autocomplete-like jQuery plugin.

    JavaScript 37 7

  4. knockout-datatable knockout-datatable Public

    DataTable for Knockout.js-enabled tables

    JavaScript 28 11

  5. php-macaroons php-macaroons Public

    PHP implementation of Macaroons

    PHP 27 3

  6. quill-drag-and-drop-module quill-drag-and-drop-module Public

    Quill module to add drag-and-drop support to the Quill container

    JavaScript 23 7


Showing 10 of 35 repositories


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  • @StartAutomating
  • @KelvinTegelaar

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