issues Search Results · repo:imputnet/cobalt language:Svelte
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inimputnet/cobalt (press backspace or delete to remove)bug description
I found this app and it was initially working really well with all the default settings, but I noticed that it s started
to randomly cut things off. I ve been using it to download podcasts, ...
main instance issue
- 1
- Opened yesterday
- #1149
bug description
Sometimes when I want to download a video from Pinterest, сobalt for some unknown reason downloads avatar of user who
uploaded this video
reproduction steps
1. copy link to video
2. ...
- 1
- Opened yesterday
- #1148
bug description
Hello, If you set the file name option to any option that contains the video title such as “Basic” and try to download
any video it will make the non English characters “????” Question ...
- 1
- Opened yesterday
- #1147
describe the feature you d like to see
I know there is a 90-second limit before the token expires, but I think it s possible to not generate the link right
after it gets the URL, instead save it somewhere ...
feature request
- Opened 2 days ago
- #1146
bug description
I ve been trying to download two different videos with cobalt, but every time I try to download them, it tells me to try
downloading them without HLS enabled, along with a “couldn t find ...
- 4
- Opened 2 days ago
- #1144
bug description
noticed a lot of random errors recently (you can see them at too). sometimes same exact
videos with same client settings get 403d by googlevideo.
we re already ...
main instance issue
- 3
- Opened 3 days ago
- #1142
bug description
I m running cobalt locally, i.e. on Windows 10. When I download a youtube video/audio, the api server exits at some
variable point during the download.
reproduction steps
I clone the ...
- 2
- Opened 6 days ago
- #1139
describe the feature you d like to see
When selecting the best (no re-encode) quality in cobalt, downloading audio from YouTube results in a weba file. These
just hold an opus stream. It s easy to convert ...
feature request
- Opened 10 days ago
- #1137
bug description
Despite enabling don t contribute to analytics under settings - privacy, continues connecting to This functionality should be entirely disabled ...
main instance issue
- 5
- Opened 10 days ago
- #1136
bug description
When I use Cobalt it prompts me to manually download remuxed files every time. I ve set the browser permissions to allow
for automatic downloads however it still does this.
reproduction ...
- Opened 10 days ago
- #1135

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