This repo contains code used in the Harness CD Community Edition which is licensed under the PolyForm Shield License 1.0.0. This repo also contains code belonging to Harness CD Enterprise Plan which is licensed under the PolyForm Free Trial License 1.0.0. You may obtain a copy of these licenses in the licenses directory at the root of this repository.
Grouped Code Coverage report for master branch: Coverage Report
Install NodeJS v16. There are many ways to do this (choose any one):
- Download relevant package from, unpack and install.
- Use Homebrew:
brew install node@16
- If you already have Node installed, use
to install/select correct version. (see
Note: Additional installation requirements for M1-based Macs found here
- Install yarn package manager
$ brew install yarn
Note: More options here:
- Clone this repo
$ git clone
$ cd harness-core-ui
- Add config to make Harness Github Package Registry accessible. Before running this step, make sure your github personal access token is authorized for both "wings-software" and "harness", step is here:
$ yarn setup-github-registry
Note: This is only needed if this is the first UI project you are installing on your machine
- Create self-assigned certificate before running the app
$ yarn generate-certificate
- Install/Update/Refresh dependencies
$ yarn
Note: This will take some time the first time you run it. Subsequent runs should be near-instant. Run this everytime you change branches or take a pull. If there are no dependency changes, this is practically a no-op.
Note: This is a shorthand for the command
yarn install
. Read more here:
- Compile/Build the code and start the web-server in watch mode
$ yarn dev
Note: This will start the local server in watch mode with hot reloading. Any code changes will trigger fast patch rebuilds and refresh the page in the browser.
- View in the browser
$ yarn build
$ yarn docker <tagname>
First command will create a production build (minified, optimised).
Second command will create a docker image and publish it to harness/nextgenui
Dockerhub repo.
You can configure/manage proxies for local development in the file webpack.config.js
. Sample:
proxy: {
'/cd/api': {
logLevel: 'info',
target: 'http://localhost:7457',
pathRewrite: { '^/cd/api': '' }
Note: These proxies are only relevant for local development. This config file is used by
package, which we use to serve files locally. This is not used in the docker builds.
The docker builds all use
to serve the built files, whose configuration is stored atscripts/nginx.conf
. This config is shared for prod builds, so please pay attention if making changes.
You can configure the application to use remote environments such as
to allow local UI development without the need to run backend services. To achieve this, two environment variables are available.
Variable | Default value | Description |
Location of backend services to access |
true |
Whether to use local backend services. Set to false to use remote services |
false |
Whether to disable the ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin for local development |
These environment variables can be passed in a number of ways including being set in your .bashrc
or .zshrc
file, set in a .env
file in the root of the application (see .env.example
), or passed when starting the dev server as below.
$ TARGET_LOCALHOST=false yarn dev
Run lint checks
$ yarn lint
Run unit tests
$ yarn test
- Find out which release branch you need to hotfix. You can do that checking the currently deployed version in the environment you want to hotfix. For eg. For UAT environment, you can hit to get the currently deployed version. (eg.
) - Create a branch from the corresponding release branch (eg.
) which you want to hotfix - Commit your changes on your branch
- Bump up the patch version in
(eg. 0.53.0 -> 0.53.1) - Raise PR with these changes
- When this PR gets merged, this Workflow will create a new build for you automatically
- Please inform Ops/QE team to deploy your new build, especially in QA, UAT or prod environment.
- Make sure to raise a PR with the same changes (minus the version bump) for
branch too. Otherwise your changes will get overriden with next deployment.
Use git bash for executing any git command and it is also helpful to run scripts of package.json where shell script is used.
If you face any issue while taking clone of this repo in Windows operating system. Kindly refer below.
For development *NIX system is preferred. On Windows 10 you can use Ubuntu via WSL
To run various scripts of package.json , you need to install dev dependency "cross-env": "^7.0.3"(any latest version) in package.json. Example:-
- To run this script "dev": "NODE_ENV=development webpack-dev-server --progress", just change it to "dev": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development webpack-dev-server --progress"
- To run shell script "setup-github-registry": "sh scripts/", just change it to "setup-github-registry": "cross-env scripts/"
Note: Similary you can update the scripts part wherever needed as per above to run in windows environment.