- Bump the version number of JSON manifets, including:
- Replace version number strings in text files, including:
- config files
- source code
- README files
- license files
- Commit changes to GIT
- Tag the commit with the version number
- Push the commit to remote
- Optionally prompt for the type of version bump (major, minor, revision, beta, etc.)
npm install -g version-bump-prompt
Usage: bump [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
--major Increase major version
--minor Increase minor version
--patch Increase patch version
--premajor Increase major version, pre-release
--preminor Increase preminor version, pre-release
--prepatch Increase prepatch version, pre-release
--prerelease Increase prerelease version
--prompt Prompt for type of bump (patch, minor, major, premajor, prerelase, etc.)
--preid <name> The identifier for prerelease versions (default is "beta")
--commit [message] Commit changed files to Git (default message is "release vX.X.X")
--tag Tag the commit in Git
--push Push the Git commit
--all Commit/tag/push ALL pending files, not just the ones changed by bump
--grep <filespec...> Files and/or globs to do a text-replace of the old version number with the new one
$ bump --patch
$ bump --major --tag
$ bump --patch --tag --all --grep README.md LICENSE
$ bump --prompt --tag --push --all
Version-Bump-Prompt is a fork of Version-Bump by Alexey Raspopov (c). Both the original project and this fork are licensed under the MIT License