fix: unit testing failing
fix: unit testing failing
feat: implement system theme preference listeners & add automatic the…
feat: implement system theme preference listeners & add automatic the…
Force push
fix: platformVersion data type for Android
fix: platformVersion data type for Android
Merge branch 'master' into feat-timeline-export
Merge branch 'master' into feat-timeline-export
Fixed linting, dependency, and formatting errors across the project
Fixed linting, dependency, and formatting errors across the project
Force push
release(eslint-plugin-reactotron): 0.1.7 [skip ci]
release(eslint-plugin-reactotron): 0.1.7 [skip ci]
Bump eslint version to trigger release for all workspaces
Bump eslint version to trigger release for all workspaces
release(reactotron-app): 3.7.6 [skip ci]
release(reactotron-app): 3.7.6 [skip ci]
Change reactotron-app to trigger a build
Change reactotron-app to trigger a build
Actually use electronuserland/builder:20-wine-07.24
Actually use electronuserland/builder:20-wine-07.24
chore(.circleci/config.yml): electronuserland/builder:20-wine-chrome
chore(.circleci/config.yml): electronuserland/builder:20-wine-chrome
release(reactotron-app): 3.7.5 [skip ci]
release(reactotron-app): 3.7.5 [skip ci]
chore(reactotron-app): refactor electron-store to match docs
chore(reactotron-app): refactor electron-store to match docs
release(reactotron-core-ui): 2.4.0 [skip ci]
release(reactotron-core-ui): 2.4.0 [skip ci]