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><i class=" "></i></p>
>This section contains information on licensing agreements and copyrights for V-Ray for 3ds Max.</p>
    <div class="section section-1" id="src-60100080_LicenseAgreementsandCopyrights-Overview">
        <h1 class="heading "><span>Overview</span></h1>
>The following pages contain detailed licensing information related to V-Ray:</p>
<ul class=" "><li class=" "><p   
><a  class="external-link" href="">End User License Agreement</a> &ndash; Contains the End User License Agreement.</p>
</li><li class=" "><p   
><a   href="Credits_and_Copyrights.html">Credits and Copyrights</a> &ndash; Contains copyright notice information.</p>
    <div class="section section-1" id="src-60100080_LicenseAgreementsandCopyrights-ProductSupportLifecyclePolicy">
        <h1 class="heading "><span>Product Support Lifecycle Policy</span></h1>
>For all of our products, we typically support compatibility with the current and past three versions of each host application. For example, V-Ray Next for 3ds Max supports 3ds Max 2020, as well as the previous 3ds Max versions 2019, 2018 and 2017. Only the newest version of V-Ray will be updated to be compatible with new versions of the host application.</p>
>Throughout the year, between major releases, we typically release Software Updates and Hotfixes. While both are free, Updates containing new features and improvements are made available only for the latest version of V-Ray. Hotfixes, which consist of bug fixes only, may be made available for previous versions as well.</p>
>Hotfixes for older versions of V-Ray are only released when an essential fix is required for an issue that occurred after the release of the software. An example of this would be if a host application or an operating system update causes a critical error in V-Ray.</p>
>Chaos provides support and technical assistance to clients for the current and one previous V-Ray major versions. For example, if the current shipping V-Ray version is NEXT, Chaos will support and assist users of V-Ray Next and V-Ray 3.x. You can also find community support for all current and previous versions of our software in the Chaos forum. Keep in mind that sometimes the only way to resolve an issue in a previous version of our software is to upgrade to the latest version.</p>


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