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Provision and automate cloud hosts in Go

This is an example CLI that shows how to use the provision package by inlets to create and automate a cloud host, optionally installing some packages using user-data/cloud-init.

What's this for? This is an example of how to use the provision package as used in inletsctl and the inlets-operator.

  • Have fun
  • Learn about cloud + platform engineering
  • Practice or build your Go skills

Want to know more about inlets? Inlets is a Cloud Native Tunnel Want to learn Go? Start with Alex's golang basics series


Checkout the provision README file to find out more, before starting.


export GOPATH=$HOME/go
mkdir -p $GOPATH/inlets/
cd $GOPATH/inlets

git clone
cd provision-example
go build

Now read the code, in main.go, and make sure you understand what's happening. You will need a cloud API token saved into a file, you can create this via your dashboard. The example uses DigitalOcean, but you can customise it to use any provisioner.

Create a file ./cloud-config.txt

  - nginx
  - systemctl enable nginx
  - systemctl start nginx

For more examples of cloud-init, including how to add a custom user and SSH key, see cloud-init examples.

Run the example:

./provision-example \
  --access-token $(cat ~/Downloads/do-access-token) \
  --userdata-file cloud-config.txt

2020/02/22 11:01:58 Provisioning host with DigitalOcean
Host ID: 181660892
Polling status: 1/250
Polling status: 2/250
Polling status: 3/250
Polling status: 4/250
Polling status: 5/250
Polling status: 6/250
Polling status: 7/250
Polling status: 8/250
Polling status: 9/250
Polling status: 10/250
Polling status: 11/250
Your IP address is:

Then try the host:

curl -s | head -n 4
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

Delete any hosts you create via your dashboard, or using the cloud-provider's CLI.

What about SSH?

Here's an example with my SSH key pre-installed on the host:

## Note: Replace with your own public key
  - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQD5P+iIgayz0nM6ra5y25KyKEPZyyRiXssOQ92GS7+JHKcerHndzbgWHUBH4Sc0HE/IeIFiZ20iYVBMLJZteXfrrEV91LNPApZ010RRNehzGIfPj0C/5bNVA3NtwsXWtz6O17goEPlblhcbJ1XoS5xdy4U2GMfaB8C9bZ0RvYFuXP+FJfgvJ9mp4MesLKMH/rKUc7uLIWCQWgrTLoTx1r+merWkQCiWU8onvfh+B7vXggY9ffOxADJ+JqXjEbG49CiXG3zJq2xnbiyf0zVvvG2Utr45lPm1cxbqch5BdJrZpIb8qSvjuV/oq6AUvUqpBei2YLZKz1sPKONkBB1t5e3Xa9+PYB19PUmn8/WUQYWGJ4LB5mTe87nfs1Q1p/cQe4pq+Y8s3rUitnqwv16g5CdUAXG8KPWlAXB+VK04cj1E3CYkEOUIeeeyUDlMPezrEFEKjDcqhaReDMjHMma95SeMjlt3ZrO2FsXjmgLfjv5kvsWFZdDjl3zQovVfs+pVzGk= alex@am1.local
  - curl -SLs | sh
  - k3sup install --local --k3s-channel stable


Polling status: 15/250
Your IP address is:

Connect with:

# Log in to change root password, check your email for the value
ssh root@

# Then run the below:
ssh root@ "sudo kubectl get nodes -o wide"

NAME                STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION        INTERNAL-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE             KERNEL-VERSION       CONTAINER-RUNTIME
provision-example   Ready    control-plane,master   21s   v1.21.5+k3s2   <none>        Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS   4.15.0-159-generic   containerd://1.4.11-k3s1

Merge it to your local kubeconfig for administration by running k3sup on your local machine:

k3sup install --skip-install --ip \
 --user root \
 --local-path $HOME/.kube/config \
 --context auto-k3s

 Saving file to: /Users/alex/.kube/config

# Test your cluster with:
export KUBECONFIG=/Users/alex/.kube/config
kubectl config set-context auto-k3s
kubectl get node -o wide

NAME                STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
provision-example   Ready    control-plane,master   68s   v1.21.5+k3s2

Need to troubleshoot?

Log in to the instance via SSH and explore the logs:

cat /var/log/cloud-init.log
cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log

What next?

Have fun, start learning and customise the example to create something cool.

Remember to delete the instances you create using this tool.


Please follow the inlets contributing guide

Need support? Join the OpenFaaS Slack and the #inlets channel, or open an issue if there is a genuine issue with the code.