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103 lines (72 loc) · 4.07 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (72 loc) · 4.07 KB



  • Node.js version >= 14.15.0
  • Postgres version >= 13
  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone
    cd cloud-pricing-api
  2. Use the Infracost CLI to get an API key so your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API can download the latest pricing data from us:

    infracost register

    The key is saved in ~/.config/infracost/credentials.yml.

  3. Generate a 32 character API token that your Infracost CLI users will use to authenticate when calling your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API. If you ever need to rotate the API key, you can simply update this environment variable and restart the application.

    export SELF_HOSTED_INFRACOST_API_KEY=$(cat /dev/urandom | env LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
  4. Add a .env file with the following content:

    # Don't forget to run `CREATE DATABASE cloud_pricing;` first.
    # The Infracost API from Step 2, used to download pricing data from us.
    INFRACOST_API_KEY=<API Key from Step 2>
    # The API key you generated in step 3, used to authenticate Infracost CLI users with your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API.
  5. Install the npm packages:

    npm install
  6. Download the pricing data, this can take a few minutes. The second command will show the number of products in the DB (each product has multiple prices).

    npm run job:init && npm run data:status:dev

    If there are DB changes, run npm run db:setup to apply them. The init job runs this too so this should only be needed if you haven't run that recently.

  7. Prices can be kept up-to-date by running the update job once a week, for example from cron:

    npm run job:update
    # Cron: add a cron job to run every week to update the database data. The cron entry should look something like:
    0 4 * * SUN npm run-script job:update >> /var/log/cron.log 2>&1
  8. Start the server:

    In development mode:

    npm run dev

    In production mode:

    npm run build
    npm run start

    curl -i http://localhost:4000/health should show success.

  9. To configure the Infracost CLI to use your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API, you can use:

    export INFRACOST_PRICING_API_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4000
    infracost breakdown --path /path/to/code

    You can also access the GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:4000/graphql using something like the modheader browser extension so you can set the custom HTTP header X-API-KEY to your SELF_HOSTED_INFRACOST_API_KEY.


@alikhajeh1 and @aliscott rotate release responsibilities between them.

  1. In package.json update version and push to master.
  2. In the cloud-pricing-api repo, run git tag vx.y.z && git push origin vx.y.z
  3. Wait for the GH Actions to complete as that creates/pushes the docker tag.
  4. Goto and find the diff between the latest and the previous version so you can create a description for the GitHub Release.
  5. Click Releases > Draft New Release button, set the vx.y.z value in the tag name and release title. Also add the release description from step 4 and click on publish.
  6. Follow the Helm chart release steps.
  7. Announce the release in the infracost-community Slack announcements channel.
  8. Update the docs repo with any required changes.
  9. Close addressed issues and tag anyone who liked/commented in them to tell them it's live in version X.