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Setup Guide

In order to install Flightplan, there are a few development tools needed first. The below steps will guide you through installing them.


To run Javascript programs outside the browser, you'll need to install a JavaScript runtime, called Node.js. The method is slightly different, depending on your platform.


  1. Download and run the Node.js Installer. Choose the Current version instead of the LTS version.

Note: After the installer completes, be sure to restart your computer.

  1. Open an elevated PowerShell prompt (in taskbar search, type powershell, right-click on "Windows PowerShell" and select "Run as Administrator"). Then run:
> npm install --add-python-to-path --global --production windows-build-tools --vs2015

Note: Once the install is complete, you must restart your computer again.


  1. Install XCode from the Apple App Store.

  2. Open a Terminal window, and run the following command to install the XCode command line tools:

$ xcode-select --install
  1. Install HomeBrew, following the instructions on their website.

  2. Open a Terminal window, and run:

$ brew install node


  1. Make sure curl is installed, by opening Terminal and running:
$ sudo apt install curl
  1. Add the PPA for the latest Node.js release:
$ curl -sL | sudo bash -
  1. Now install Node.js and NPM:
$ sudo apt install -y nodejs
  1. Finally, install the build tools:
$ sudo apt install -y build-essential

Verify Your Setup

To make sure Node.js and NPM were installed successfully, open up a command line (cmd.exe or PowerShell on Windows, or Terminal on MacOS or Ubuntu), and run the following commands:

$ node -v

$ npm -v

Your versions may be slightly different, just be sure there are no error messages.

Installing Flightplan

The final step is to install Flightplan itself:

$ npm install --global flightplan-tool

If you received any errors, please file an issue. Otherwise, run the following command to verify Flightplan was installed properly:

$ flightplan --version

Again, your exact version may be slightly different, that's OK.

Note: When you install Flightplan, it will be bundled with a recent version of Chromium automatically (so you do not need Chrome installed on your machine to use Flightplan).