An UML Class explorer for InterSystems Caché.
- Build class diagrams for arbitrary list of classes;
- Build diagrams for whole package or subpackage;
- Edit diagrams after build;
- Switch between strict UML notation and designed view;
- Export diagrams as an image;
- See Class methods, properties, parameters, SQL queries, xDatas and more;
- See any keywords and related information by hovering over everything with pointer;
- Check which fields are connected by hovering over link;
- View methods code, sql queries and xDatas with syntax highlighting;
- Zoom in and out;
- Search on diagram or in class tree;
- Explore!
To install latest Caché Class Explorer, you just need to import ClassExplorer package. Download the
archive from latest releases, and then import
Note that importing ClassExplorer.WebAppInstaller class will also create a /ClassExplorer application. If you want to create WEB application manually, please, do not import this class. Anyway, importing this class requires %SYS permission.
Visit [server domain and port]/ClassExplorer/
(slash at end required) to enter
To build project, you need NodeJS platform to be installed. Then, clone source
code and run npm install
from the root of the project. This will install all necessary
modules from NPM for the project.
After that and each next time just run npm run gulp
command from the project root.
This will generate build
directory, where you will find XML file ready to import.