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94 lines (72 loc) · 2.79 KB

File metadata and controls

94 lines (72 loc) · 2.79 KB



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Installing ipykernel for development

ipykernel is a pure Python package, so setting up for development is the same as most other Python projects:

# clone the repo
git clone
cd ipykernel
# do a 'development' or 'editable' install with pip:
pip install -e .

Code Styling

ipykernel has adopted automatic code formatting so you shouldn't need to worry too much about your code style. As long as your code is valid, the pre-commit hook should take care of how it should look. To install pre-commit, run the following::

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

You can invoke the pre-commit hook by hand at any time with::

pre-commit run

which should run any autoformatting on your code and tell you about any errors it couldn't fix automatically. You may also install black integration into your text editor to format code automatically.

If you have already committed files before setting up the pre-commit hook with pre-commit install, you can fix everything up using pre-commit run --all-files. You need to make the fixing commit yourself after that.

Some of the hooks only run on CI by default, but you can invoke them by running with the --hook-stage manual argument.

Releasing ipykernel

Releasing ipykernel is almost standard for a Python package:

  • set version for release
  • make and publish tag
  • publish release to PyPI
  • set version back to development

The one extra step for ipykernel is that we need to make separate wheels for Python 2 and 3 because the bundled kernelspec has different contents for Python 2 and 3. This affects only the 4.x branch of ipykernel as the 5+ version is only compatible Python 3.

The full release process is available below:

# make sure version is set in ipykernel/
# commit the version and make a release tag
git add ipykernel/
git commit -m "release $VERSION"
git tag -am "release $VERSION" $VERSION

# push the changes to the repo
git push
git push --tags

# publish the release to PyPI
# note the extra `python2 bdist_wheel` for creating
# the wheel for Python 2
pip install --upgrade twine
git clean -xfd
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
python2 bdist_wheel  # the extra step for the 4.x branch.
twine upload dist/*

# set the version back to '.dev' in ipykernel/
# e.g. if we just released 4.9.0
git add ipykernel/
git commit -m "back to dev"
git push