irjudson / dm-rest-adapter
Forked from datamapper/dm-rest-adapterREST Adapter for DataMapper
irjudson / gollum
Forked from gollum/gollumA simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
irjudson / cookbooks
Forked from chef-boneyard/cookbooksOpscode Cookbooks for Chef
All the code you need to get started, with an emphasis on dynamic languages.
irjudson / rails-footnotes
Forked from indirect/rails-footnotesEvery Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links back to your editor
irjudson / dm-visualizer
Forked from postmodern/dm-visualizerVisualizes the Models, Properties and Relationships defined in a DataMapper based Ruby project.
irjudson / persevere
Forked from yogo/persevereRuby client library for persevere datastore.
irjudson / bundler
Forked from rubygems/bundlerManage your application's gem dependencies with less pain
irjudson / cloud-crowd
Forked from documentcloud/cloud-crowdParallel Processing for the Rest of Us
irjudson / yardstick
Forked from dkubb/yardstickA tool for verifying YARD documentation coverage
irjudson / dm-reflection
Forked from snusnu/dm-reflectionDataMapper plugin that will allow to generate models source files from existing relational databases.
irjudson / ruby-net-ldap
Forked from dim/ruby-net-ldapPure Ruby LDAP library
dim / ruby-net-ldap
Forked from innovationfactory/ruby-net-ldapPure Ruby LDAP library
schacon / grit
Forked from mojombo/gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object oriented manner - this fork tries to intergrate as much pure-ruby functionality as possible