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IronBound State

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IronBound State is a State Machine library heavily influenced by yohang/finite.


use IronBound\State\Factory\StateMachineFactory;
use IronBound\State\Graph\GraphId;
use IronBound\State\Transition\TransitionId;

/** @var StateMachineFactory $stateMachineFactory */
$subject = new Order();
$machine = $stateMachineFactory->make($subject, new GraphId('payment'));
$state   = $machine->getCurrentState(); // State object for "unpaid"

$machine->apply(new TransitionId('pay'));
echo $subject->paymentStatus; // processing

foreach ($machine->getAvailableTransitions() as $transition) {
    echo $transition->getId();

if ($machine->evaluate(new TransitionId('refund'))->isValid()) {
    // do refund.

Core Components


The subject is the object that maintains state and has transitions applied to it. The only requirement is that it is a PHP object; there is no interface defined for subjects.


The State object represents the current state the subject is in. For instance, a post could be in the "Pending" state or "Published" state. A delivery state could be "Processing", "Waiting at Carrier", "In Transit", and "Delivered".


The Transition object defines how a subject moves from one state to another. For instance, when you "Publish" a post it moves from the "Pending" state to the "Published" state. When you "Deliver to Carrier" a package, it transitions from "Processing" to "Waiting at Carrier".


The Graph object is responsible for holding the set of available states a subject can be in and the list of transitions between those states.

A subject can have more than one Graph. For instance, an ecommerce order might have a payment status and a delivery status. Each status is a separate graph.

State Machine

The StateMachine is how you interact with a subject's state and transition between states. It can tell you what transitions are available from the current state and apply a transition to change the subject's state.

State Mediator

There are many different ways that a subject can store and change it's state. For instance, it could be an instance property, behind a method, or perhaps tracked somewhere completely separate from the subject's data. The StateMediator is used to abstract these details away from the StateMachine.


The most direct way to use IronBound State is to instantiate a ConcreteStateMachine directly.

use IronBound\State\Graph\{GraphId, MutableGraph};
use IronBound\State\ConcreteStateMachine;
use IronBound\State\StateMediator\PropertyStateMediator;
use IronBound\State\State\{StateId, MutableState, StateType};
use IronBound\State\Transition\{TransitionId, MutableTransition};

$graph = new MutableGraph(new GraphId('status'));
$graph->addState(new MutableState(new StateId('pending'), StateType::INITIAL()));
$graph->addState(new MutableState(new StateId('published')));
$graph->addTransition(new MutableTransition(
    new TransitionId('publish'),
    [ new StateId('pending') ],
    new StateId('published')

$mediator = new PropertyStateMediator('status');

$stateMachine = new ConcreteStateMachine($mediator, $graph->toImmutable(), $subject);

However, you may prefer an alternate construction style where you use a Factory that is preconfigured.

use IronBound\State\Graph\GraphId;
use IronBound\State\Factory\StateMachineFactory;

/** @var StateMachineFactory $factory*/
$factory->make($subject, new GraphId('status'));

The recommended way to do this is to use the StateMachineFactoryConfigurator class to do the heavy lifting based on a configuration array.

use IronBound\State\Factory\StateMachineFactoryConfigurator;
use IronBound\State\Graph\GraphId;
use IronBound\State\State\StateType;
use IronBound\State\StateMachine;
use IronBound\State\Transition\Evaluation;

$config = [
        // The test determines which Graphs apply to the given subject. This means that
        // GraphIds only have to be unique to the subject type instead of globally.
        'test'   => [
            // This particular test type checks if the subject is an instance of the given class. 
            'class' => 'Order',
        // The list of all the graphs for this subject.
        'graphs' => [
            'payment'  => [
                'mediator'    => [
                    // Use a mediator that checks against an object's properties.
                    'property' => 'paymentStatus',
                // The list of all the available states
                'states'      => [
                    'unpaid'   => [
                        // Specifies the StateType manually. The default is NORMAL.
                        'type' => StateType::INITIAL,
                    // If you don't need any extra configuration options,
                    // you can just specify a string with no key.
                    'refunded' => [
                        'type' => StateType::FINAL,
                        // Custom defined attributes.
                        'attributes' => [
                            'label' => 'Refunded',
                // The list of all the available transitions
                'transitions' => [
                    'pay'      => [
                        // The list of states this transition can be applied from
                        'from' => 'unpaid',
                        // The state the subject will be in after transitioning. 
                        'to'   => 'processing',
                        // Custom defined attributes.
                        'attributes' => [
                            'label' => 'Pay',
                    'complete' => [
                        'from' => 'processing',
                        'to'   => 'paid',
                    'refund'   => [
                        'from' => [ 'processing', 'paid' ],
                        'to'   => 'refunded',
                        // Use a guard to add constraints to when a transition is available. 
                        'guard' => static function(StateMachine $machine) {
                            if ($machine->getSubject()->createdAt + WEEK_IN_SECONDS < time()) {
                                return Evaluation::invalid('The refund window has expired.');
                            return Evaluation::valid();
            'delivery' => [
                'mediator'    => [
                    'property' => 'deliveryStatus',
                'states'      => [
                    'processing' => [
                        'type' => StateType::INITIAL,
                    'delivered'  => [
                        'type' => StateType::FINAL,
                'transitions' => [
                    'drop-at-carrier' => [
                        'from' => 'processing',
                        'to'   => 'in-transit',
                    'deliver'         => [
                        'from' => 'in-transit',
                        'to'   => 'delivered',
        'test'   => [
            'class' => 'BlogPost',
        'graphs' => [
            'states'      => [
                'draft'     => [
                    'type' => StateType::INITIAL,
                'published' => [
                    'type' => StateType::FINAL,
            'transitions' => [
                'publish' => [
                    'from' => 'draft',
                    'to'   => 'published',

$stateMachineFactory = (new StateMachineFactoryConfigurator())->configure( $config );

$paymentStateMachine = $stateMachineFactory->make(new Order(), new GraphId('payment'));
$deliveryStateMachine = $stateMachineFactory->make(new Order(), new GraphId('delivery'));
$blogPostStateMachine = $stateMachineFactory->make(new BlogPost(), new GraphId('status'));


IronBound-State integrates with the PSR-14 Event Dispatcher spec to customize behavior and listen for actions.

You can provide the ConcreteStateMachine with an EventDispatcherInterface instance by calling ConcreteStateMachine::setEventDispatcher. The following events are currently supported.

Called during the evaluation process after determining that the transition is available, and it's guard returned a valid evaluation. Call TestTransitionEvent::reject($reason) to dynamically prevent a transition from being applied.

Called before updating a subject's state in response to a transition being applied.

Called after updating a subject's state in response to a transition being applied.


State Machine Library for PHP 7.2+








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