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GitProfile is an easy to use portfolio builder where you can create a portfolio page automatically by just providing your GitHub username. The project was originally built by Arif and it is modified for use as a template for students of The Young Maker to include Scratch projects as well. It is built using React.js on top of Vite. But it's not necessary to have knowledge on these to get you started. You can make your own copy with zero coding experience.
β Easy to Setup
β 33 Themes
β Google Analytics
β Hotjar
β Avatar and Bio
β Social Links
β Skill Section
β Experience Section
β Certification Section
β Education Section
β Projects Section
β Publication Section
β Blog Posts Section
To view a live example, click here.
There are three ways to use GitProfile. Use any.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project and deploy your portfolio online using GitHub Pages!
Fork repo: Click here to fork the repo so you have your own project to customize. A "fork" is a copy of a repository.
Rename repo:
- If you want to host your portfolio at
, rename your forked repository
in GitHub, whereusername
is your GitHub username (or organization name). - If you want to host your portfolio at
), rename your forked repository to<REPO_NAME>
) in GitHub.
- If you want to host your portfolio at
Enable workflows: Go to your repo's Actions tab and enable workflows.
Base Value: Open
, and changebase
's value.-
If you are deploying to
, setbase
. -
If you are deploying to
), then setbase
// gitprofile.config.ts { base: '/', // ... }
Commit the changes: Now commit to your main branch with your changes. Wait a few minutes so that the CI/CD pipeline can publish your website to GitHub Pages. You can check the progress in the Actions tab.
Your portfolio website will be live shortly. Any time you commit a change to the main branch, the website will be automatically updated. If you face any issue viewing the website, double-check the base
value in the gitprofile.config.ts
file. Also, check if Source is set to GitHub Actions in Settings β Pages β Build and deployment.
If you wish to add a custom domain, no CNAME file is required. Just add it to your repo's Settings β Pages β Custom domain.
As this is a Vite project, you can also host your website to Netlify, Vercel, Heroku, or other popular services. Please refer to this doc for a detailed deployment guide to other services.
If you are going to deploy using Vercel, remember to set the base
as /
// gitprofile.config.ts
base: '/',
// ...
Clone the project and change directory.
git clone cd gitprofile
Install dependencies.
npm install
Run dev server.
npm run dev
Finally, visit
from your browser.
Alternatively, you can set up and run the project using Docker with Vail, a powerful tool for local development of JavaScript/TypeScript Apps.
All the magic happens in the file gitprofile.config.ts
. Open it and modify it according to your preference.
You can leave most of the sections empty if you don't want to display them on your portfolio.
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
github: {
username: 'arifszn', // Your GitHub org/user name. (This is the only required config)
* If you are deploying to https://<USERNAME>, for example your repository is at, set base to '/'.
* If you are deploying to https://<USERNAME><REPO_NAME>/,
* for example your repository is at, then set base to '/portfolio/'.
base: '/gitprofile/',
projects: {
github: {
display: true, // Display GitHub projects?
header: 'Github Projects',
mode: 'automatic', // Mode can be: 'automatic' or 'manual'
automatic: {
sortBy: 'stars', // Sort projects by 'stars' or 'updated'
limit: 8, // How many projects to display.
exclude: {
forks: false, // Forked projects will not be displayed if set to true.
projects: [], // These projects will not be displayed. example: ['arifszn/my-project1', 'arifszn/my-project2']
manual: {
// Properties for manually specifying projects
projects: ['arifszn/gitprofile', 'arifszn/pandora'], // List of repository names to display. example: ['arifszn/my-project1', 'arifszn/my-project2']
external: {
header: 'My Projects',
// To hide the `External Projects` section, keep it empty.
projects: [
title: 'Project Name',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, nunc ut.',
link: '',
title: 'Project Name',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, nunc ut.',
link: '',
seo: {
title: 'Portfolio of Ariful Alam',
description: '',
imageURL: '',
social: {
linkedin: 'ariful-alam',
twitter: 'arif_szn',
mastodon: '',
researchGate: '',
facebook: '',
instagram: '',
reddit: '',
threads: '',
youtube: '', // example: 'pewdiepie'
udemy: '',
dribbble: '',
behance: '',
medium: 'arifszn',
dev: 'arifszn',
stackoverflow: '', // example: '1/jeff-atwood'
skype: '',
telegram: '',
website: '',
phone: '',
email: '',
resume: {
'', // Empty fileUrl will hide the `Download Resume` button.
skills: [
experiences: [
company: 'Company Name',
position: 'Position',
from: 'September 2021',
to: 'Present',
companyLink: '',
company: 'Company Name',
position: 'Position',
from: 'July 2019',
to: 'August 2021',
companyLink: '',
certifications: [
name: 'Lorem ipsum',
body: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
year: 'March 2022',
link: '',
educations: [
institution: 'Institution Name',
degree: 'Degree',
from: '2015',
to: '2019',
institution: 'Institution Name',
degree: 'Degree',
from: '2012',
to: '2014',
publications: [
title: 'Publication Title',
conferenceName: '',
journalName: 'Journal Name',
authors: 'John Doe, Jane Smith',
link: '',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, nunc ut.',
title: 'Publication Title',
conferenceName: 'Conference Name',
journalName: '',
authors: 'John Doe, Jane Smith',
link: '',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, nunc ut.',
// Display articles from your medium or dev account. (Optional)
blog: {
source: 'dev', // medium | dev
username: 'arifszn', // to hide blog section, keep it empty
limit: 3, // How many articles to display. Max is 10.
googleAnalytics: {
id: '', // GA3 tracking id/GA4 tag id UA-XXXXXXXXX-X | G-XXXXXXXXXX
// Track visitor interaction and behavior.
hotjar: {
id: '',
snippetVersion: 6,
themeConfig: {
defaultTheme: 'nord',
// Hides the switch in the navbar
// Useful if you want to support a single color mode
disableSwitch: false,
// Should use the prefers-color-scheme media-query,
// using user system preferences, instead of the hardcoded defaultTheme
respectPrefersColorScheme: false,
// Display the ring in Profile picture
displayAvatarRing: true,
// Available themes. To remove any theme, exclude from here.
themes: [
// Custom theme, applied to `procyon` theme
customTheme: {
primary: '#fc055b',
secondary: '#219aaf',
accent: '#e8d03a',
neutral: '#2A2730',
'base-100': '#E3E3ED',
'--rounded-box': '3rem',
'--rounded-btn': '3rem',
// Optional Footer. Supports plain text or HTML.
footer: `Made with <a
class="text-primary" href=""
>GitProfile</a> and β€οΈ`,
enablePWA: true,
export default CONFIG;
There are 33 themes available that can be selected from the dropdown.
The default theme can be specified.
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
themeConfig: {
defaultTheme: 'light',
// ...
You can create your own custom theme by modifying these values. Theme procyon
will have the custom styles.
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
* Defines the custom theme colors and styles for the application.
* The theme includes the following properties:
* - `primary`: The primary color used throughout the application.
* - `secondary`: The secondary color used for accents and highlights.
* - `accent`: The accent color used for special elements.
* - `neutral`: The neutral color used for backgrounds and text.
* - `base-100`: The base background color.
* - `--rounded-box`: The border radius for boxes and containers.
* - `--rounded-btn`: The border radius for buttons.
themeConfig: {
customTheme: {
primary: '#fc055b',
secondary: '#219aaf',
accent: '#e8d03a',
neutral: '#2A2730',
'base-100': '#E3E3ED',
'--rounded-box': '3rem',
'--rounded-btn': '3rem',
GitProfile supports both GA3 and GA4. If you do not want to use Google Analytics, keep the id
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
googleAnalytics: {
Besides tracking visitors, it will track click events
on projects and blog posts, and send them to Google Analytics.
GitProfile supports hotjar to track visitor interaction and behavior. If you do not want to use Hotjar, keep the id
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
hotjar: {
id: '',
snippetVersion: 6,
You can customize the meta tags for SEO in seo
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
seo: {
title: 'Portfolio of Ariful Alam',
description: '',
imageURL: '',
GitProfile is PWA enabled. The site can be installed as a Progressive Web App. To turn it off, set enablePWA
to false
Your avatar and bio will be fetched from GitHub automatically.
You can link your social media services you're using, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Mastodon, ResearchGate, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Threads, YouTube, Udemy, Dribbble, Behance, Medium, dev, Stack Overflow, Skype, Telegram, personal website, phone and email.
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
social: {
linkedin: 'ariful-alam',
twitter: 'arif_szn',
mastodon: '',
researchGate: '',
facebook: '',
instagram: '',
reddit: '',
threads: '',
youtube: '',
udemy: '',
dribbble: '',
behance: '',
medium: '',
dev: '',
stackoverflow: '',
skype: '',
telegram: '',
website: '',
phone: '',
email: '',
To showcase your skills provide them here.
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
skills: ['JavaScript', 'React.js'],
Empty array will hide the skills section.
Provide your job history in experiences
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
experiences: [
company: 'Company Name',
position: 'Position',
from: 'September 2021',
to: 'Present',
companyLink: '',
company: 'Company Name',
position: 'Position',
from: 'July 2019',
to: 'August 2021',
companyLink: '',
Empty array will hide the experience section.
Provide your education history in educations
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
educations: [
institution: 'Institution name 1',
degree: 'Bachelor of Science',
from: '2015',
to: '2019',
institution: 'Institution name 2',
degree: 'Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)',
from: '2012',
to: '2014',
Empty array will hide the education section.
Provide your industry certifications in certifications
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
certifications: [
name: 'Lorem ipsum',
body: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
year: 'March 2022',
link: '',
Empty array will hide the certifications section.
- Automatic Mode: Seamlessly showcase your top GitHub projects based on stars or last updated date.
- Manual Mode: Choose specific repositories to highlight.
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
projects: {
github: {
display: true, // Display GitHub projects?
header: 'Github Projects',
mode: 'automatic', // Mode can be: 'automatic' or 'manual'
automatic: {
sortBy: 'stars', // Sort projects by 'stars' or 'updated'
limit: 8, // How many projects to display.
exclude: {
forks: false, // Forked projects will not be displayed if set to true.
projects: [], // These projects will not be displayed. example: ['arifszn/my-project1', 'arifszn/my-project2']
manual: {
// Properties for manually specifying projects
projects: ['arifszn/gitprofile', 'arifszn/pandora'], // List of repository names to display. example: ['arifszn/my-project1', 'arifszn/my-project2']
- Highlight Projects Beyond GitHub: Feature projects hosted on other platforms or personal websites.
- Control over Content: Provide custom titles, descriptions, images, and links for each external project.
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
projects: {
external: {
header: 'My Projects',
// To hide the `External Projects` section, keep it empty.
projects: [
title: 'Project Name',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, nunc ut.',
link: '',
title: 'Project Name',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, nunc ut.',
link: '',
Provide your academic publishing in publications
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
publications: [
title: 'Publication Title',
conferenceName: 'Conference Name',
journalName: 'Journal Name',
authors: 'John Doe, Jane Smith',
link: '',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, nunc ut.',
Empty array will hide the publications section.
If you have medium or dev account, you can show your recent blog posts in here just by providing your medium/dev username. You can limit how many posts to display (Max is 10
// gitprofile.config.ts
const CONFIG = {
// ...
blog: {
source: 'dev',
username: 'arifszn',
limit: 5,
The posts are fetched by blog.js.
You can show your support by starring this project. β
To contribute, see the Contributing guide.