- Oakland CA
- http://blog.izs.me
- @izs
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A node.js C++ module for creating GIF images and animated GIFs from RGB or RGBA buffers.
Deprecated: Harmony Proxies in node (no longer needed)
nodejs bindings for the C markdown "discount" library
isaacs / node-proxy
Forked from samshull/node-proxyHarmony Proxies in node
Multiply two numbers, slowly, on the thread pool.
srand bindings for node - Seedable predictable pseudorandom number generator
isaacs / node-msgpack
Forked from pgriess/node-msgpackA space-efficient object serialization library for node.js
isaacs / libxmljs
Forked from libxmljs/libxmljslibxml bindings for v8 javascript engine
isaacs / node-usb
Forked from schakko/node-usbnode.js bindings for libusb-1.0
isaacs / node-png
Forked from pkrumins/node-pngA nodejs C++ module that given a buffer with RGB or RGBA values creates a PNG image (in memory).
isaacs / node-discount
Forked from tj/node-discountnodejs bindings for the C markdown "discount" library
isaacs / node-gif
Forked from pkrumins/node-gifA node.js C++ module for creating GIF images from RGB or RGBA buffers.
isaacs / node-crypto
Forked from waveto/node-cryptoA cryptographic module for node.js