- Oakland CA
- http://blog.izs.me
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isaacs / config-chain
Forked from dawsbot/config-chainHANDLE CONFIGURATION ONCE AND FOR ALL
isaacs / routil-static
Forked from Raynos/routil-staticServe static files
isaacs / replicate
Forked from mikeal/replicateA customizable CouchDB replicator in node.js.
isaacs / node-resolve
Forked from browserify/resolveImplements the node.js require.resolve() algorithm
isaacs / hashing-stream
Forked from mmalecki/hashing-streamPass thru stream which hashes incoming data
isaacs / pushover
Forked from quickredfox/pushovergit push deploy server over http
isaacs / node-burrito
Forked from chrisdew/node-burritoWalk and transform the javascript AST with rice and beans on the side
isaacs / dnode-protocol
Forked from guybrush/dnode-protocolImplements the dnode protocol abstractly in node.js
isaacs / dnode
Forked from pkrumins/dnodeFreestyle RPC for node.js (and perl, ruby, java)
isaacs / stylus
Forked from stylus/stylusExpressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs
isaacs / node-quine
Forked from pkrumins/node-quineA node.js module that exports a function that prints itself
isaacs / ejs
Forked from tj/ejsEmbedded JavaScript templates for node
isaacs / cookies
Forked from pillarjs/cookiesSigned and unsigned cookies based on Keygrip
isaacs / negotiator
Forked from jshttp/negotiatorAn HTTP content negotiator for node.js
isaacs / gista
Forked from tim-smart/gistaSimple cli utility for using gist.github.com like a unix pro.
isaacs / node-gyp
Forked from nodejs/node-gypNode.js native addon build tool
isaacs / node_redis
Forked from redis/node-redisredis client for node
isaacs / node-awesm
Forked from scopely/node-awesmNode.JS Wrapper for Awe.SM Link Shortening Service
isaacs / tilemill
Forked from tilemill-project/tilemillA modern map design studio.
isaacs / node-mkdirp
Forked from dominictarr/node-mkdirpRecursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`, but in node.js
isaacs / conway
Forked from willbailey/conwayconway's game of life in coffeescript
isaacs / valid
Forked from bronson/validValidate JSON objects against a schema written in JSON
isaacs / nide
Forked from coreh-deprecated/nideBeautiful IDE for Node.js
isaacs / ronnjs
Forked from kapouer/ronnjsA CommonJS port of rtomayko's ronn
isaacs / request
Forked from request/requestSimplified HTTP request client.