- Oakland CA
- http://blog.izs.me
- @izs
- Pro
Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
🍉 VS Code Extension to enrich files of code with code context
Node module to redirect users to the canonical hostname for your site.
isaacs / config-chain
Forked from dawsbot/config-chainHANDLE CONFIGURATION ONCE AND FOR ALL
A node program for parsing couchdb log files
isaacs / routil-static
Forked from Raynos/routil-staticServe static files
isaacs / replicate
Forked from mikeal/replicateA customizable CouchDB replicator in node.js.
Allow using require('sys') with Node.js v0.8.x
isaacs / node-resolve
Forked from browserify/resolveImplements the node.js require.resolve() algorithm
isaacs / hashing-stream
Forked from mmalecki/hashing-streamPass thru stream which hashes incoming data
A demo blog written live at Voxer HQ so it probably isn't great.
isaacs / pushover
Forked from quickredfox/pushovergit push deploy server over http
isaacs / node-burrito
Forked from chrisdew/node-burritoWalk and transform the javascript AST with rice and beans on the side
isaacs / dnode-protocol
Forked from guybrush/dnode-protocolImplements the dnode protocol abstractly in node.js
isaacs / dnode
Forked from pkrumins/dnodeFreestyle RPC for node.js (and perl, ruby, java)
a program for testing node remotely on the Joyent Public Cloud
Cleanse your node.js program of require.cache malarky so that compile-to-js languages have to actually be compiled to js.
isaacs / stylus
Forked from stylus/stylusExpressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs
Easily send errors in Node.js HTTP servers. Think like the `ErrorDocument` declarations in Apache config files.
isaacs / node-quine
Forked from pkrumins/node-quineA node.js module that exports a function that prints itself
A lightweight template thing for node http servers
isaacs / ejs
Forked from tj/ejsEmbedded JavaScript templates for node
isaacs / cookies
Forked from pillarjs/cookiesSigned and unsigned cookies based on Keygrip