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- Samples-ObjectScript Public Forked from intersystems/Samples-ObjectScript
ObjectScript samples for use with the ObjectScript tutorial. Meant for use with InterSystems IRIS Data Platform.
- AnalyzeThis Public Forked from psteiwer/AnalyzeThis
Easily transform a CSV file/Table/SQL query into a personalized preview of DeepSee/InterSystems IRIS BI
- webterminal Public Forked from intersystems-community/webterminal
The first and the most powerful web-based terminal for InterSystems IRIS®, InterSystems Caché®, Ensemble®, HealthShare®, TrakCare® and other products built on top of InterSystems Data Platforms.
- PivotSubscriptions Public Forked from psteiwer/PivotSubscriptions
Subscribe to Pivot Tables in InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence to receive scheduled emails
- Samples-Aviation Public Forked from intersystems/Samples-Aviation
Provides sample data for use in exploring InterSystems IRIS Text Analytics capabilities. Also includes sample analytics model elements.
- ObjectScript-Foreach Public Forked from DaveAldon/ObjectScript-Foreach
Foreach function equivalent for ObjectScript
- Output-Capture Public Forked from DaveAldon/Output-Capture
👮 Captures the output of common ObjectScript terminal verbs, such as zwrite