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Admin Side (Separate Repo: shopAdmin):

(made with React + Firebase no server deployment required, can-be hosted on CloudFlare pages, Vercel, Netlify, Firebase Hosting Etc.)

KamiKoto - Exquisite Japanese Stationery E-Commerce Web App

Welcome to KamiKoto, a beautifully crafted e-commerce platform offering a seamless shopping experience for exquisite Japanese stationery. This project is built using React.js and Firebase, delivering a delightful UI/UX and mobile-friendly experience for all users.

🌟 Features

User Side:

  • Sign In / Sign Up: Create a new account or log in using email/password.
  • Google / GitHub Authentication: Sign in quickly using Google or GitHub accounts.
  • Password Reset: Securely reset forgotten passwords.
  • User Profile Setup: Update personal information (Profile Picture, Email, Phone, Address).
  • Cart System & Payment Handling: Add products to the cart and securely process payments.
  • Shipping Details: Enter shipping information for delivery.
  • Mobile Friendly: Responsive design for a smooth shopping experience across all devices.

Admin Side (Separate Repo: shopAdmin):

  • Manage Users: View user details (Profile Picture, Contact Info), ban users if necessary.
  • Manage Products: Add, edit, or delete products with detailed information such as:
    • Product Name
    • Description
    • Price (β‚Ή)
    • Brand, Stock, and Product Type
    • Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Image URLs
    • Option to feature the product on the homepage

πŸš€ Getting Started

Setup & Installation

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd kamikoto
  2. Install Dependencies

    npm install
  3. Start the Development Server

    npm start
  4. Firebase Configuration:

    • Add your Firebase project configuration in firebase.js.
    • Set up Firestore Database and Authentication in Firebase Console.
    • Update Firestore security rules accordingly.

πŸ›  Firebase Firestore Configuration

Set up Firebase Firestore by following these steps:

  1. Go to Firebase Console and enable Firestore and Authentication.

  2. Set Firestore rules for secure data access:

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
 match /databases/{database}/documents {

   match /users/{userId} {
     allow read: if request.auth != null && 
                 (request.auth.uid == userId || 
                  get(/databases/$(database)/documents/users/$(request.auth.uid)).data.userRole == 'Admin');
     allow write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid == userId;

   match /products/{productId} {
     allow read: if true;
     allow create, update, delete: if request.auth != null && 
                                    get(/databases/$(database)/documents/users/$(request.auth.uid)).data.userRole == 'Admin';

   match /users/{userId}/cart/{cartItemId} {
     allow read, write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid == userId;

   match /users/{userId}/orders/{orderId} {
     allow read, write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid == userId;

   match /products/{productId}/reviews/{reviewId} {
     allow read: if true;
     allow create: if request.auth != null;
     allow update, delete: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid ==;

  1. For Admin Panel Access, go to Firestore and add the following field to any user you want to give admin rights:

    userRole : Admin

⚑️ Admin Panel Access

To use the Admin Panel (shopAdmin):

  1. Register as a normal user.

  2. In the Firestore Console, find the user in the users collection and update their role:

    userRole : Admin (string)
  3. The user can now access the admin dashboard to manage products and users.

πŸ“ Notes

  • Optimized UI/UX: The application uses clean, modern design principles for a smooth user experience, modeled after Apple’s elegant design ethos.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Built with responsive design to ensure users have a great experience on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Secure Authentication: Firebase Authentication provides seamless sign-in options, including Google and GitHub for faster logins.
  • Easy Product Management: Admins can quickly add, edit, or remove products with all the necessary details, including images, stock, and pricing.
  • Performance-Oriented: Leveraging Firebase Firestore for fast data access and real-time updates.
  • Great for E-Commerce Projects: The codebase is structured to be scalable and can be extended for various other e-commerce needs.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React.js
  • Backend/Database: Firebase (Firestore, Authentication)
  • Deployment: Firebase Hosting (or any other service)