EloquentDataSource - improved generating runnable queries to correctl…
EloquentDataSource - improved generating runnable queries to correctl…
Bumped version to 5.3.4, updated changelog.
Bumped version to 5.3.4, updated changelog.
Bumped version to 5.3.4, updated changelog.
Bumped version to 5.3.4, updated changelog.
FileStorage - fixed compatibility with old PHP versions when writing …
FileStorage - fixed compatibility with old PHP versions when writing …
GuzzleDataSource - fixed handling for Guzzle exceptions with no respo…
GuzzleDataSource - fixed handling for Guzzle exceptions with no respo…
Bumped version to 5.3.3, updated changelog.
Bumped version to 5.3.3, updated changelog.
GuzzleDataSource - Rewind the response body as well.
GuzzleDataSource - Rewind the response body as well.
Web - updated web interface to Clockwork App 5.3.2.
Web - updated web interface to Clockwork App 5.3.2.
LaravelHttpClientDataSource - Rewind response body after collecting it.
LaravelHttpClientDataSource - Rewind response body after collecting it.
Bumped version to 5.3.2, updated changelog.
Bumped version to 5.3.2, updated changelog.
Bumped version to 5.3.2, updated changelog.
Bumped version to 5.3.2, updated changelog.
LaravelNotificationsDataSource - fixed crash collecting anonymous not…
LaravelNotificationsDataSource - fixed crash collecting anonymous not…
Bumped version to 5.3.1, updated changelog.
Bumped version to 5.3.1, updated changelog.
Storage - fixed handling of HTTP requests in SQL and Redis storage, t…
Storage - fixed handling of HTTP requests in SQL and Redis storage, t…
Bumped version to 5.3 Beta 1, updated changelog.
Bumped version to 5.3 Beta 1, updated changelog.
Web - updated web interface to Clockwork App 5.3 Beta 1.
Web - updated web interface to Clockwork App 5.3 Beta 1.
Changed file_exists call to is_file/is_dir.
Changed file_exists call to is_file/is_dir.
LaravelNotificationsDataSource - added "to" value for database and br…
LaravelNotificationsDataSource - added "to" value for database and br…
Clean up the x-clockwork cookie if it's not needed anymore.
Clean up the x-clockwork cookie if it's not needed anymore.
Symfony - added Symfony 7.x support.
Symfony - added Symfony 7.x support.
Symfony - disable profiler for the Web UI requests.
Symfony - disable profiler for the Web UI requests.
Removed some unused code for overriding Request data.
Removed some unused code for overriding Request data.
DoctrineDataSource - added support for Doctrine 3+.
DoctrineDataSource - added support for Doctrine 3+.