I'm Saurabh, I'm a full-stack web developer from Delhi, 🇮🇳.
I'm experienced in Node.js, React, Typescript, and GraphQL. Apart from this I also have some experience in native mobile apps and rust.
I have worked extensively with third-party APIs including Shopify, Facebook, and Google.
🔭 Currently I'm working on
- Macro - An ad automation platform
- Shopify Apps for e-commerce merchants
🌱 I’m currently learning
- Rust
- Jetpack Compose (Native Android Development)
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on
- High-performance web servers or frontend using rust or wasm
- Native apps
💬 Ask me about
- Science stuff especially Cosmology
- Typescript or static types in general
- GraphQL or Prisma
- AWS or Cloudflare Edge functions
📫 How to reach me:
- hey@itsjzt.com
- @itsjzt on all major social media platforms
⚡ Fun fact:
- I was initially learning Ruby on Rail but this post pushed me to focus on javascript instead.
- My username is inspired by the internet name of Jamie Zawinski, creator of RegEx.
- I'm a community and tag moderator on dev.to
See my work profile if you want to see a better GitHub contribution tile.