Promptly Health Analytics
- Portugal
dotfiles Public
My curated dotfiles for osx. Neovim + fish + nice colors
fastapi-celery Public
Forked from GregaVrbancic/fastapi-celeryMinimal example utilizing fastapi and celery with RabbitMQ for task queue, Redis for celery backend and flower for monitoring the celery tasks.
Python UpdatedJan 15, 2022 -
mllp-http Public
Forked from rivethealth/mllp-httpConvert MLLP to HTTP and vice versa
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 25, 2021 -
django-defender Public
Forked from jazzband/django-defenderA simple super fast django reusable app that blocks people from brute forcing login attempts
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 1, 2020 -
huey Public
Forked from coleifer/hueya little task queue for python
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 13, 2020 -
redis Public
Forked from redis/docker-library-redisDocker Official Image packaging for Redis
Dockerfile BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 22, 2018 -
legit Public
Forked from frostming/legitGit for Humans, Inspired by GitHub for Mac™.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 21, 2018 -
factory_boy Public
Forked from FactoryBoy/factory_boyA test fixtures replacement for Python
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 23, 2018 -
fbone Public
Forked from imwilsonxu/fboneFbone (Flask bone) is a Flask (Python microframework) template/bootstrap/boilerplate application.
Python Other UpdatedDec 13, 2017 -
jasmin Public
Forked from jookies/jasminJasmin - Open source SMS gateway
Python Other UpdatedDec 3, 2017 -
imbox Public
Forked from martinrusev/imboxPython IMAP for Human beings - with support to STARTTLS
repository-downloader Public
Forked from IonicaBizau/repository-downloader📂 Downloads all your repositories from BitBucket and GitHub locally
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 8, 2017 -
best-practices Public
Forked from thecodingmachine/best-practicesThis repository contains the files to generate the http://bestpractices.thecodingmachine.com website
CSS UpdatedJul 4, 2017 -
fujifilm Public
Forked from karthik/fujifilmJust a collection of my notes on the Fujifilm X-T2 and X-mount ecosystem
UpdatedMay 9, 2017 -
vim-disapprove-deep-indentation Public
Forked from dodie/vim-disapprove-deep-indentationಠ_ಠ Vim plugin to disapprove deeply indented code. ಠ_ಠ
Vim Script MIT License UpdatedMar 6, 2017 -
pdetl Public
Python ETL framework based on Pandas
pynagios Public
Forked from jimbrowne/pynagiosPython library for writing Nagios plugins
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 24, 2016 -
jasmin-monitoring Public
Forked from jookies/jasmin-monitoringScripts, configs and templates for monitoring RabbitMQ, Redis and Jasmin through Zabbix 2.4+.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 9, 2015 -
check_beerbug Public
Forked from zyberpunker/check_beerbugop5 Monitor/Naemon/Nagios plugin for checking beerbug API
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJul 10, 2014 -
install-redis-amazon-linux-centos Public
Forked from saxenap/install-redis-amazon-linux-centosThis is a script to install the latest Redis on Centos linux server
Shell UpdatedMar 14, 2014 -
resume.github.com Public
Forked from resume/resume.github.comResumes generated using the GitHub informations
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2013 -
flask-bones Public
Forked from cburmeister/flask-bonesAn example of a large scale Flask application using blueprints and extensions.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 9, 2013 -
vim-snippets Public
Forked from honza/vim-snippetsvim-snipmate default snippets (Previsouly snipmate-snippets)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 17, 2013 -
ultisnips Public
Forked from MarcWeber/ultisnipsOfficial Mirror of UltiSnips trunk on LaunchPad. Send pull requests to SirVer/ultisnips!
Python UpdatedMay 2, 2013 -
flask-empty Public
Forked from italomaia/flask-emptyAn empty project example for flask framework
Python UpdatedFeb 22, 2013 -
gitignore Public
Forked from github/gitignoreA collection of useful .gitignore templates
UpdatedOct 5, 2012