Ever wanted to see at a glance what the top insiders from the hottest companies are doing with their shares of company stock?
This Rails API does all the back end data processing to make that happen. It requests insider transactions from SEC servers, scrapes FTP servers for corresponding XML files, parses files into database objects using Nokogiri, and serves up JSON-formatted information to deployed front end Smarter Bear Client.
You can also check out the Github repo here.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
ruby 2.3.1
bundler 1.12.5
rails 5.0.0
From the command terminal, clone the repository to your local directory...
$ git clone https://www.gihub.com/everysum1/insiderAPI.git
$ cd insiderAPI
Then run bundle command to install all dependencies and run the server.
$ bundle install
$ rails server
bundle exec rspec spec
You must have Heroku CLI installed and be logged in to Heroku in order to deploy live via Heroku servers (Please see the documentation to get set up with Heroku)
Then, after installation and login, via the command line...
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open
- Ruby on Rails - Backend API framework used
- React - Front end UI framework used
- Highcharts - Data visualization library
- Redux - Predictable state container used in front end application
- Nokogiri - XML parser used
- PostgreSQL - Database used
- HTTParty - Library used for making HTTP requests
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Thank you for all your help!!
- Jeff Tchang
- Dave Cheng
- Sally Park