Let's is a web app designed to find the perfect time for you and your friends.
- Event Response
- Event Management
Make sure you have PostGreSQL installed and a database named 'doodleplus' running.
Feel free to edit the PostGreSQL user information with server/config/enivornment/development.js.
uri: 'postgres://USER:PASS@localhost/doodleplus'
Run the app with
.grunt serve
Note: If you encounter errors in the installation process for npm, it is recommended that you try running the install command with sudo
First, clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/j1ands/doodleplus.git
install.npm install bower install
Let's is installed!
- E-mail templating with let's' logo
- Final time selection with e-mail/text confirmation
- Response chart will visually separate blocks of time
- Integration with iCal & Google Calendar & iCloud contacts
- No need for user authentication
- Will send e-mail and text invitations for you with G+ integration
- Visual response chart to help you find the best time with individual specificity
- Mobile-First with Material Design
- Simple, Easy, click & drag interface on desktop
- Dates in event management view are unordered.
- Justin Sung - LinkedIn | GitHub
- Katie Peters - LinkedIn | GitHub
- Jordan Landau - LinkedIn | GitHub
- Andy Watt - LinkedIn | GitHub
This projected is licensed under the terms of the MIT license