This application helps you train your brain! You can create decks with flashcards with it that you can use to practise and test your knowledge with.
This app has been tested on the Android platform only. Use an android device or simulator to test it.
You need a working node environment and a package manager like npm or yarn installed.
You'll also need the expo cli tooling, follow instructions on
to get expo up and running.
Once you've checked out the sourcecode, run yarn start
or npm start
to start the application
which will also open an expo interface in your browser. From there, use either the simulator (requires simulator setup) or a real device (requires the expo app on your device)
- create your own flashcard decks with questions and answers
- Take a quiz to test your knowledge
- A reminder notification will be shown on your device at 20.00 hours if you have not yet completed a quiz on a given day.
- decks are stored on your device using redux-persist
- state management via redux
- ui components used from NativeBase