The Myreads application lets you keep track of the books you are reading, want to read or have read. You can also use it to search for new books to add to your bookshelves.
- install all project dependencies with
npm install
- start the development server with
npm start
- Your webbrowser should automatically open a new tab with the application. If it does not open a tab,
you can browse to
On the mainscreen you can see three bookshelves that contain the books you are currently reading, want to read or have read. Using the green arrow button displayed on the book cover you can move a book to a different shelf. If you choose 'none', the book will be removed from your shelves.
Using the plus button in the lower right corner, you can go to the search screen. Using the search bar you can search for books. From the search results you can choose to add the book to a shelf using the green arrow button in the same manner you can add a book to a shelf on the home screen.