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Software Supply Chain Security

CD Scorecard OSSF OpenSSF Best Practices

Project Overview

This project demonstrates the implementation of tools and techniques to enhance software supply chain security. It includes signing, verification, dependency management, code quality improvement, SBOM generation, and CI/CD automation aligned with best practices in software development and security.

Assignments Overview

Assignment 1: Artifact Signing and Verification


  1. Created a text file artifact ( containing the NYU Net ID.
  2. Installed Sigstore’s cosign tool and signed the artifact, uploading its signature to the Rekor transparency log.
  3. Developed Python code to:
    • Fetch entry details from the Rekor log.
    • Extract the signature and certificate.
    • Verify the signature using the public key from the certificate.
    • Verify the inclusion proof of the artifact.
  4. Implemented code to check consistency between older and latest checkpoints in the transparency log.

Assignment 2: Code Quality Improvement


  1. Code Review:

    • Conducted peer code reviews on GitHub repositories.
    • Created issues linked to specific lines of code for feedback and discussion.
    • Resolved all raised issues in the following week.
  2. Static Analysis Tools:

    • Used tools to enforce code quality:
      • Formatting: Black and Ruff.
      • Linting: Flake8, Ruff, and Pylint.
      • Type Checking: mypy.
      • Static Application Security Testing (SAST): Bandit.

Assignment 3: Git Best Practices and Dependency Management


  1. Git Best Practices:

    • Added the following files to the repository:
      • for project documentation.
      • to outline security policies.
      • for contribution guidelines.
      • LICENSE for legal permissions.
      • CODEOWNERS to define code ownership.
      • .gitignore to exclude unnecessary files.
    • Configured branch protection rules to enforce pull requests for changes to main.
  2. Prevent Secrets Leakage:

    • Configured trufflehog and pre-commit hooks to scan for secrets in the latest commit.
    • Implemented pre-commit hooks for secret detection.
  3. Scrub Old Secrets:

    • Used git-filter-repo to remove sensitive data from repository history.
    • Documented steps in part3-writeup.txt.
  4. Build System Configuration:

    • Used Poetry to manage dependencies via pyproject.toml.
    • Configured tools in pyproject.toml for code quality:
      • mypy
      • black
      • ruff
      • flake8
      • pylint
      • bandit
  5. Testing and Coverage:

    • Developed unit tests with at least 10 test cases using pytest.
    • Measured code coverage using pytest-cov and ensured 75%+ coverage.

Assignment 4: SBOM Generation and Attestation


  1. Packaging and Publishing:

    • Packaged the Python project using Poetry.
    • Published the package (rektor) on PyPI.
    • Verified the package installation and usage.
  2. SBOM Generation:

    • Generated a CycloneDX SBOM using cyclonedx-py based on the pyproject.toml.
    • Saved the SBOM as cyclonedx-sbom.json.
  3. Attestation:

    • Used Sigstore’s cosign to attest the SBOM.
    • Generated attestation files:
      • sbom-attestation.json
      • sbom-attestation.bundle
    • Verified the attestation using cosign.

Project structure:

├── dist/
│   ├── rektor-4.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
│   ├── rektor-4.0.0.tar.gz
│   ├── cyclonedx-sbom.json
│   ├── sbom-attestation.json
│   ├── sbom-attestation.bundle
├── rektor/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── tests/
│   ├──
│   └──
├── pyproject.toml

Assignment 5: Automate Everything!


  1. Continuous Integration (CI):

    • Created a ci.yml workflow to automate:
      • Code formatting checks with tools like ruff and black.
      • Lint checks with flake8, ruff, and pylint.
      • Static Application Security Testing (SAST) with bandit.
      • Secret scanning with trufflehog.
      • Testing and code coverage using pytest and pytest-cov.
  2. Continuous Deployment (CD):

    • Created a cd.yml workflow to automate:
      • Building the project using Poetry.
      • Generating an SBOM with cyclonedx-py.
      • Attesting the SBOM using cosign.
      • Uploading build artifacts and attestations to GitHub releases.
  3. Repository Assessment:

    • Added badges to
      • Build status badge to indicate workflow success.
      • OpenSSF Scorecard badge to display repository security rating.
      • OpenSSF Best Practices badge to highlight adherence to best practices.

Tools and Technologies

  • Programming Language: Python
  • Version Control: Git (GitHub for repository management)
  • Signing Tool: Sigstore (cosign)
  • Transparency Log: Rekor
  • Static Analysis Tools:
    • Formatting: Black or Ruff
    • Linting: Flake8, Ruff, and Pylint
    • Type Checking: mypy
    • SAST: Bandit
  • Dependency Management: Poetry
  • SBOM Tools: CycloneDX (cyclonedx-py)
  • Testing Framework: pytest with pytest-cov for coverage measurement

Future Updates

This README will be updated as new assignments are released or additional tools and techniques are integrated.


Supply chain security coursework



Security policy





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