factorio-planner Public
A handy tool to analyze the optimal factory layout in the game Factorio.
Awaken Public
Forked from dtysky/Awaken一个基于WebDAV的全平台EPUB阅读器,支持笔记、进度、书签同步,支持Kindle笔记导入。
TypeScript GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 14, 2024 -
AutoBangumi Public
Forked from EstrellaXD/Auto_BangumiAutoBangumi - 全自动追番工具
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 22, 2023 -
PowerToys Public
Forked from microsoft/PowerToysWindows system utilities to maximize productivity
Neovim Public
Forked from LazyVim/LazyVimNeovim config for the lazy
tinyrenderer Public
Forked from ssloy/tinyrendererA brief computer graphics / rendering course
MyTinySTL Public
Forked from Alinshans/MyTinySTLAchieve a tiny STL in C++11
toipe Public
Forked from Samyak2/toipeyet another typing test, but crab flavoured
Wox.Plugin.BrightnessControl Public
Control screen brightness with Wox