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Microsoft Teams |
Overview |
Never miss another message from a customer in Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is available on the [Scale pricing plan](https://www.plain.com/pricing).If you are interested in trying this feature, please reach out to us at sales@plain.com or via our shared Slack channel.
Microsoft Teams support is something we recently shipped. As you'd be among our early adopters, we'd love for you to [book a demo with us](https://38j36lhg2hq.typeform.com/to/zRvsFJPO?typeform-source=www.plain.com) so we can show you around.Our Microsoft Teams integration lets you sync messages from selected Teams channels to Plain and respond directly to customers from the platform.
To get started you need to:
- Create a team and a channel in Microsoft Teams
- Install the Plain app in Microsoft Teams
- Invite guests
Once this is set up, the integration allows you to:
- Respond to teams messages in Plain
- Sync messages from selected Teams channels to Plain
- Reply as your Teams user from Plain
Here's a quick demo of the Plain Microsoft Teams integration in action, to get started, see the installation guide.
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