WARNING: Kubernetes deploys are not officially supported yet, please only use these instructions as a general guide and starting point.
As our charts aren't published for official use yet, you'll need a copy of the helm-charts
dir and run the following commands within it:
# with access to your cluster, e.g. KUBECONFIG correctly set
helm upgrade --install --atomic --namespace trigger --create-namespace trigger .
# watch the deployment
kubectl --namespace trigger get deployments -w
Name | Description | Value |
nameOverride |
Override release name | "" |
fullnameOverride |
Override release fullname | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
trigger.name |
trigger |
trigger.fullnameOverride |
trigger fullnameOverride | "" |
trigger.podAnnotations |
trigger pod annotations | {} |
trigger.deploymentAnnotations |
trigger deployment annotations | {} |
trigger.replicaCount |
trigger replica count | 2 |
trigger.image.repository |
trigger image repository | ghcr.io/triggerdotdev/trigger.dev |
trigger.image.tag |
trigger image tag | latest |
trigger.image.pullPolicy |
trigger image pullPolicy | Always |
trigger.resources.limits.memory |
container memory limit (docs) | 800Mi |
trigger.resources.requests.cpu |
container CPU requests (docs) | 250m |
trigger.affinity |
Backend pod affinity | {} |
trigger.kubeSecretRef |
trigger secret resource reference name | "" |
trigger.service.annotations |
trigger service annotations | {} |
trigger.service.type |
trigger service type | ClusterIP |
trigger.service.nodePort |
trigger service nodePort (used if above type is NodePort ) |
"" |
Name | Description | Value |
postgresql.enabled |
Enable Postgres | true |
postgresql.name |
Name used to build variables (deprecated) | postgresql |
postgresql.nameOverride |
Name override | postgresql |
postgresql.fullnameOverride |
Fullname override | postgresql |
postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.postgresPassword |
Password for the "postgres" admin user (overrides auth.postgresPassword ) |
password |
postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.username |
Name for a custom user to create (overrides auth.username ) |
postgres |
postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.password |
Password for the custom user to create (overrides auth.password ) |
password |
postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.database |
Name for a custom database to create (overrides auth.database ) |
trigger |
postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret |
Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials (overrides auth.existingSecret ). |
"" |
postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.secretKeys.adminPasswordKey |
Name of key in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials (overrides auth.secretKeys.adminPasswordKey ). Only used when postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret is set. |
"" |
postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.secretKeys.userPasswordKey |
Name of key in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials (overrides auth.secretKeys.userPasswordKey ). Only used when postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret is set. |
"" |
postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.secretKeys.replicationPasswordKey |
Name of key in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials (overrides auth.secretKeys.replicationPasswordKey ). Only used when postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret is set. |
"" |
postgresql.global.postgresql.service.ports.postgresql |
PostgreSQL service port (overrides service.ports.postgresql ) |
5432 |
postgresql.image.registry |
PostgreSQL image registry | docker.io |
postgresql.image.repository |
PostgreSQL image repository | bitnami/postgresql |
postgresql.image.tag |
PostgreSQL image tag (immutable tags are recommended) | 14.10.0-debian-11-r21 |
postgresql.image.digest |
PostgreSQL image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag | "" |
postgresql.image.pullPolicy |
PostgreSQL image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
postgresql.image.pullSecrets |
Specify image pull secrets | [] |
postgresql.image.debug |
Specify if debug values should be set | false |
postgresql.architecture |
PostgreSQL architecture (standalone or replication ) |
standalone |
postgresql.containerPorts.postgresql |
PostgreSQL container port | 5432 |
postgresql.postgresqlDataDir |
PostgreSQL data dir | /bitnami/postgresql/data |
postgresql.postgresqlSharedPreloadLibraries |
Shared preload libraries (comma-separated list) | pgaudit |
Name | Description | Value |
postgresql.primary.livenessProbe.enabled |
Enable livenessProbe on PostgreSQL Primary containers | true |
postgresql.primary.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe | 30 |
postgresql.primary.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period seconds for livenessProbe | 10 |
postgresql.primary.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout seconds for livenessProbe | 5 |
postgresql.primary.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
Failure threshold for livenessProbe | 6 |
postgresql.primary.livenessProbe.successThreshold |
Success threshold for livenessProbe | 1 |
postgresql.primary.readinessProbe.enabled |
Enable readinessProbe on PostgreSQL Primary containers | true |
postgresql.primary.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe | 5 |
postgresql.primary.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period seconds for readinessProbe | 10 |
postgresql.primary.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout seconds for readinessProbe | 5 |
postgresql.primary.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
Failure threshold for readinessProbe | 6 |
postgresql.primary.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
Success threshold for readinessProbe | 1 |
postgresql.primary.startupProbe.enabled |
Enable startupProbe on PostgreSQL Primary containers | false |
postgresql.primary.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay seconds for startupProbe | 30 |
postgresql.primary.startupProbe.periodSeconds |
Period seconds for startupProbe | 10 |
postgresql.primary.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout seconds for startupProbe | 1 |
postgresql.primary.startupProbe.failureThreshold |
Failure threshold for startupProbe | 15 |
postgresql.primary.startupProbe.successThreshold |
Success threshold for startupProbe | 1 |
postgresql.primary.persistence.enabled |
Enable PostgreSQL Primary data persistence using PVC | true |
postgresql.primary.persistence.existingClaim |
Name of an existing PVC to use | "" |
postgresql.primary.persistence.accessModes |
PVC Access Mode for PostgreSQL volume | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
postgresql.primary.persistence.size |
PVC Storage Request for PostgreSQL volume | 8Gi |
Name | Description | Value |
ingress.enabled |
Enable ingress | true |
ingress.ingressClassName |
Ingress class name | nginx |
ingress.nginx.enabled |
Ingress controller | false |
ingress.annotations |
Ingress annotations | {} |
ingress.hostName |
Ingress hostname (your custom domain name, e.g. infisical.example.org ) |
"" |
ingress.tls |
Ingress TLS hosts (matching above hostName) | [] |
ingress.trigger.path |
Trigger.dev ingress path | / |
ingress.trigger.pathType |
Trigger.dev ingress path type | Prefix |
This chart aims to be compliant with the Readme Generator For Helm to easily create and maintain the parameters tables above.
To update the docs, just run: pnpm generate-docs