The Terraform repo contains the following:
Terraform scripts: These scripts are written in the HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) and define the infrastructure that will be created in AWS. The scripts can create an ECR repository, App Runner service, and IAM roles and policies.
React App directory: This directory contains a React application that can be deployed to App Runner. The Terraform scripts can be used to create the following infrastructure in AWS:
An ECR repository: This is a private Docker registry that can be used to store Docker images.
An App Runner service: This is a managed service that can be used to deploy and run Docker containers.
IAM roles and policies: These are used to control access to AWS resources. The Terraform scripts can also be used to build and deploy Docker images to ECR and App Runner. To do this, you need to provide the following information to the Terraform scripts:
The Docker image name
The Dockerfile location
The AWS region
Once you have provided this information, you can run the Terraform scripts to create the infrastructure and deploy the Docker image.
Here are some of the benefits of using Terraform to manage AWS infrastructure:
- Terraform is a declarative language, which means that you can describe the infrastructure you want to create in a way that is easy to understand.
- Terraform is a reusable tool, so you can use the same scripts to create infrastructure in different environments.
- Terraform is a powerful tool, so you can use it to create complex infrastructure.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables of the AWS account to your terraform.tfvars file
You need to change the below configuration in files.
backend "s3" {
bucket = "terrafrom-workdir" -> S3 Bucket Name
dynamodb_table = "terraform" -> DynamoDB Table Name
You need to install and configure Docker , Terraform and AWS Cli in your local machine.
aws configure
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Terraform-AWS-AppRunner/Terraform\ App\ Runner\ Env
Init Backend and Providers
terraform init
Apply the terraform script
terraform apply --auto-approve
AWS: ECR, App Runner, IAM Roles, IAM Policy, S3, Dynamo DB
Others: Terraform, Docker, Linux, ReactJS, Git