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- [query] drop support for shared grpc/http query server ports (@mahadzaryab1 in #6695)
- [es] refactor the es spanwriter to make it reusable for v2 apis (@Manik2708 in #6796)
- [refactor] move internal
type to packagejptrace
(@mahadzaryab1 in #6809) - Use empty slices instead of nil (@zhengkezhou1 in #6799)
- [refactor] refactor
for readability (@mahadzaryab1 in #6786) - [refactor] converge v2 api with v2 remote storage api (@mahadzaryab1 in #6784)
- Feat: enable configuration of hostnames for hotrod services (@w-h-a in #6782)
- [refactor] change
to accept typed attributes (@mahadzaryab1 in #6780) - [refactor] decouple
in integration tests (@mahadzaryab1 in #6779) - [refactor] inline proto definiton of
from otel (@mahadzaryab1 in #6775) - [refactor] return start and end timestamps from findtraceids in v2 remote storage api (@mahadzaryab1 in #6772)
- [refactor] return start and end timestamps from
in v2 api (@mahadzaryab1 in #6770) - Revert "add 'features' command to print available feature gates" (@yurishkuro in #6771)
- [remote-storage][v2] add complete idl for trace storage (@mahadzaryab1 in #6737)
- [remote-storage][v2] add idl for dependency storage (@mahadzaryab1 in #6738)
- [remote-storage][v2] add proto definition for
rpc (@mahadzaryab1 in #6736) - Fix /qualitymetrics to return data in expected format (@yurishkuro in #6733)
- [remote-storage][v2] add proto definition for
rpc (@mahadzaryab1 in #6730) - [bug][storage] make es-rollover idempotent by checking if the index or alias already exist (@Manik2708 in #6638)
- [refactor] use plain loops with iterators (@yurishkuro in #6722)
- Use stdlib iterators (@yurishkuro in #6714)
- Create a /quality-metrics endpoint (@ADI-ROXX in #6608)
- Move pkg/cache to internal (@won-js in #6720)
- [storage] change storage extension to hold v2 factories (@mahadzaryab1 in #6699)
- Fix go alpine version to 1.24.0 (@yurishkuro in #6713)
- [refactor] conditionally implement interfaces in v1adapter factory (@mahadzaryab1 in #6710)
- [fix] revert changes to tracereader adapter (@mahadzaryab1 in #6705)
- [refactor] conditionally implement interfaces in
(@mahadzaryab1 in #6701) - [refactor] use
instead ofgetstoragefactory
(@mahadzaryab1 in #6696) - [storage] add helper to storage extension for retrieving purger (@mahadzaryab1 in #6694)
- Import nop receiver/exporter and add a sample query service config (@danish9039 in #6687)
- [storage] add helper to storage extension for retrieving sampling store factory (@mahadzaryab1 in #6689)
- [idl check] fetch tags (@yurishkuro in #6758)
- [test]: check for jaeger-idl version mismatch (@ary82 in #6753)
- Allow dependency-review workflow to run from merge queue (@yurishkuro in #6729)
- Do not run dco-check from merge queue (@yurishkuro in #6727)
- Do not run label check from merge queue (@yurishkuro in #6726)
- Allow ci workflows to run from merge queue (@danish9039 in #6719)
- Replace react-vis with recharts (@hari45678 in #2679)
- Add config option to allow displaying full traceid (@avinpy-255 in #2536)
- [refactor] remove archive reader and writer from remote storage grpc handler (@mahadzaryab1 in #6611)
- Delete grpc metricsqueryservice, metricsquery.proto and related code (@yurishkuro in #6616)
- [storage] remove distinction between primary and
storage interfaces (@mahadzaryab1 in #6567) - [v2][query] create archive reader/writer using regular factory methods (@mahadzaryab1 in #6519)
- [fix] replace deprecated address field in service::telemetry (@mahadzaryab1 in #6679)
- [fix] change metrics port in kafka ingester config to avoid conflict with collector (@mahadzaryab1 in #6678)
- Update elasticsearch article link (@timyip3 in #6662)
- [chore] move scylladb implementation to
(@mahadzaryab1 in #6652) - [fix] refactor archive storage initialization and remove error log (@mahadzaryab1 in #6636)
- Update import paths for jaeger thrift files to use jaeger-idl (@Nabil-Salah in #6635)
- [v2][query] apply "max clock skew adjust" setting (@dnaka91 in #6566)
- Alias samping.thrift and clean thrift files (@Nabil-Salah in #6630)
- Fix(hotrod): include ca certificates for hotrod dockerfile (@prashant-shahi in #6627)
- Replace all imports of jaeger/thrift-gen/* with jaeger-idl/thrift-gen/* (@danish9039 in #6621)
- Redefine thrift-gen types as aliases to jaeger-idl (@danish9039 in #6619)
- Add 'features' command to print available feature gates (@ADI-ROXX in #6542)
- Replace jaeger_image_tag with jaeger_version (@ADI-ROXX in #6614)
- Use jeager-idl/proto-gen/api_v2 (@Nabil-Salah in #6609)
- Additional model/ cleanup (@yurishkuro in #6610)
- Return 400 instead of 500 on incorrect otlp payload (@ADI-ROXX in #6599)
- Replace model imports with jaeger-idl (@Nabil-Salah in #6595)
- Redefine model/ and api_v2/ types as aliases to jaeger-idl/ types (@Nabil-Salah in #6602)
- Add example of es/os server_urls to configs (@yurishkuro in #6601)
- Sanitize cassandra version before use it (@rubenvp8510 in #6596)
- Feat: add esmapping-generator into jaeger binary (@Rohanraj123 in #6327)
- Add replication parameter to cassandra schema script (@asimchoudhary in #6582)
- Exclude idl/ as a source of go code (@yurishkuro in #6591)
- Change model.tootelxxxid() to accept id argument (@yurishkuro in #6589)
- [refactor][storage][badger]refactored the prefilling of cache to reader (@Manik2708 in #6575)
- Move span.getsamplerparams out of model/ into sampling/aggregator (@Nabil-Salah in #6583)
- Remove logger parameter in adaptive/aggregator.go (@Nabil-Salah in #6586)
- Separate model parts into more independent pieces (@yurishkuro in #6581)
- [storage]generate mocks for dependency writer of v2 (@Manik2708 in #6576)
- [chore] remove unused method from grpc handler (@mahadzaryab1 in #6580)
- Document usage of feature gates for breaking changes (@yurishkuro in #6568)
- [refactor] move sampling strategy providers to internal/sampling/samplingstrategy (@ary82 in #6561)
- [v2][storage] implement reverse adapter to translate v2 writer to v1 (@mahadzaryab1 in #6555)
- [refactor] move sampling strategy interfaces to internal/sampling/strategy (@ary82 in #6547)
- Switch v1 receivers to use v2 write path (@yurishkuro in #6532)
- [refactor] move plugin/sampling/leaderelection to internal/leaderelection (@ary82 in #6546)
- [refactor] move sampling http handler to internal/sampling/http (@ary82 in #6545)
- [storage] remove dependency on archive flag in es reader (@mahadzaryab1 in #6490)
- [refactor] move sampling grpc handler to internal/sampling/grpc (@ary82 in #6540)
- Correct references in cmd readme.md (@jyoungs in #6539)
- Use jaeger-v2 by default in hotrod and monitor examples (@zzzk1 in #6523)
- Pass context through span processors (@yurishkuro in #6534)
- Upgrade storage integration test: use v2 archive readerwriter (@ekefan in #6489)
- [chore][tests] clean up integration tests to remove archive reader / writer (@mahadzaryab1 in #6625)
- Bump jaeger-idl (@yurishkuro in #6569)
- [storage]upgraded integration tests to use dependency writer of storage_v2 (@Manik2708 in #6559)
- [ci] fix binary-size-check workflow (@chahatsagarmain in #6552)
- [ci] scrape and verify metrics at the end of e2e tests (@chahatsagarmain in #6330)
- [ci] add workflow to guard against increases in the binary size (@chahatsagarmain in #6529)
- Remove defaultprops from minimap.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2615)
- Remove defaultprops from scatterplot.jsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2618)
- Migrate empasizednode from class based to function based component (@AdiIsHappy in #2638)
- Remove defaultprops from accordiantext.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2612)
- Remove defaultprops from ticks.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2617)
- Remove defaultprops from timelinerow.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2616)
- Remove defaultprops from traceheader.jsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2620)
- Remove defaultprops from accordianlogs.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2613)
- Remove defaultprops fromt breakabletext.tsx (@ADI-ROXX in #2611)
- Remove defaultprops from errormessage & newwindowicon (@ADI-ROXX in #2609)
- [loadingindicator]: replace defaultprops with destructuring (@its-me-abhishek in #2601)
- [fix]: disable submit button on invalid minduration or maxduration (@hari45678 in #2600)
- [deps]: remove dependency on redux-form (@hari45678 in #2593)
- [fix]: remove redux-form dependency from sort selector (@hari45678 in #2569)
- [revert]: revert redux and react-redux dependency upgrades (@yurishkuro in #2577)
- Fix: deep clone trace data for consistency (@Zen-cronic in #2571)
- [fix]: remove redux-form dependency from monitor page (@hari45678 in #2562)
- Fix tracediff graph pan and zoom issue (@anshgoyalevil in #2566)
- Remove unused matrix from codeql workflow (@yurishkuro in #2635)
- Rename dco->dco check (@yurishkuro in #2633)
- Add fake dco check for merge queue events (@yurishkuro in #2632)
- Don't run label check in merge queue (@yurishkuro in #2631)
- Don't run codeql from merge queue (@yurishkuro in #2630)
- Enable workflows to run in merge queue (@yurishkuro in #2629)
- [ci] fix cache resolution and syntax in check binary size workflow (@chahatsagarmain in #2591)
- [ci]: add workflow to guard against growing bundle size (@hari45678 in #2586)
- [sampling] inherit default per-operation strategies (@yurishkuro in #6441)
- [query] enable trace adjusters in api_v2 and api_v3 handlers (@mahadzaryab1 in #6423)
- Return errors from span processor creation (@yurishkuro in #6488)
- Change collector's queue to use generics (@yurishkuro in #6486)
- Refactor collector pipeline to allow v1/v2 data model (@yurishkuro in #6484)
- [v2][storage] implement reverse adapter to translate v2 storage api to v1 (@mahadzaryab1 in #6485)
- [refractor] remove dependency on tlscfg.options (@Saumya40-codes in #6478)
- [query] update v1 query service to check for adapter at construction (@mahadzaryab1 in #6482)
- [api_v3][query] change api_v3 http handler to use v2 query service (@mahadzaryab1 in #6459)
- [api_v3][query] change api_v3 grpc handler to use query service v2 (@mahadzaryab1 in #6452)
- [v2][storage] create v2 query service to operate on otlp data model (@mahadzaryab1 in #6343)
- Support sampling file reload interval (@yurishkuro in #6440)
- [jptrace] add spaniter helper function (@yurishkuro in #6407)
- [refactor][query] propagate
flag to query service (@mahadzaryab1 in #6438) - [v1][adjuster] change v1 adjuster interface to not return error and modify trace in place (@mahadzaryab1 in #6426)
- [chore] move es/spanstore/dbmodel to internal directory (@zzzk1 in #6428)
- [refactor] move model<->otlp translation from
(@mahadzaryab1 in #6414) - Enable udp ports in all-in-one (@yurishkuro in #6413)
- [refactor] introduce helper for creating map of spans (@mahadzaryab1 in #6406)
- [fix] fix incorrect usage of iter package in aggregator (@mahadzaryab1 in #6403)
- [v2][query] implement helper to buffer sequence of traces (@mahadzaryab1 in #6401)
- [v2][adjuster] implement model to otlp translator with post processing (@mahadzaryab1 in #6397)
- [v2][adjuster] implement function to get standard adjusters to operate on otlp format (@mahadzaryab1 in #6396)
- [v2][adjuster] implement otlp to model translator with post processing (@mahadzaryab1 in #6394)
- [v2][adjuster] implement adjuster for correct timestamps for clockskew (@mahadzaryab1 in #6392)
- [v2][adjuster] implement adjuster for deduplicating spans (@mahadzaryab1 in #6391)
- Add optional time window for gettrace & searchtrace of http_handler (@rim99 in #6159)
- [v2][adjuster] implement adjuster for sorting attributes and events (@mahadzaryab1 in #6389)
- Support extra custom query parameters in requests to prometheus backend (@akstron in #6360)
- [v2][adjuster] remove error return from adjuster interface (@mahadzaryab1 in #6383)
- [fix][query] filter out tracing for access to static ui assets (@mahadzaryab1 in #6374)
- [v2][adjuster] implement span id uniquifier adjuster to operate on otlp data model (@mahadzaryab1 in #6367)
- [api_v3] add time window for gettrace http_gateway (@rim99 in #6372)
- [v2][adjuster] add warning to span links adjuster (@mahadzaryab1 in #6381)
- Feat: add time window for gettrace of anonymizer (@rim99 in #6368)
- [v2][adjuster] rework adjuster interface and refactor adjusters to return implemented struct (@mahadzaryab1 in #6362)
- [v2][adjuster] implement otel attribute adjuster to operate on otlp data model (@mahadzaryab1 in #6358)
- Respond correctly to stream send error (@yurishkuro in #6357)
- [v2][adjuster] implement ip attribute adjuster to operate on otlp data model (@mahadzaryab1 in #6355)
- Remove tls loading and replace with otel configtls (@yurishkuro in #6345)
- [jaeger][v2] implement span links adjuster to operate on otlp data model (@mahadzaryab1 in #6354)
- [remote-storage] use otel helper instead of tlscfg (@chahatsagarmain in #6351)
- Add go leak check for badgerstore, grpc and memstore e2e tests (@Manik2708 in #6347)
- [v2][query] add interface for adjuster to operate on otlp data format (@mahadzaryab1 in #6346)
- Change storage_v2 gettrace to gettraces plural (@yurishkuro in #6361)
- Change storage v2 api to use streaming (@yurishkuro in #6359)
- Upgrade storage integration tests:
to v2 (@zzzk1 in #6477) - Move remaining util scripts (@danish9039 in #6472)
- Move lint scripts to scripts/lint (@danish9039 in #6449)
- Move util scripts to scripts/util (@danish9039 in #6463)
- Upgrade storage integration test: use
(@ekefan in #6437) - Move e2e scripts to scripts/e2e (@danish9039 in #6448)
- Move build scripts under scripts/build/ (@danish9039 in #6446)
- Replace apiv2 with apiv3 client in e2e tests (@yurishkuro in #6424)
- Do not test with kafka 2.x (@yurishkuro in #6427)
- Upgrade storage integration test to v2 trace reader (@ekefan in #6388)
- Enhance kafka integration tests to support multiple kafka versions (@zzzk1 in #6400)
- [fix] fix test expectations for translator to avoid depending on order (@mahadzaryab1 in #6404)
- [clean-up]: remove deprecated plexus/directedgraph (@hari45678 in #2548)
- [fix]: make plexus demo work again (@hari45678 in #2538)
- Upgrade from raven-js to sentry/browser (@avinpy-255 in #2509)
- [metrics][storage] move metrics reader decorator to metrics storage factory (@mahadzaryab1 in #6287)
- [v2][storage] move span reader decorator to storage factories (@mahadzaryab1 in #6280)
- [v2][storage] implement read path for v2 storage interface (@mahadzaryab1 in #6170)
- Create cassandra db schema on session initialization (@akstron in #5922)
- Fix password in integration test (@akstron in #6284)
- [cassandra] change compaction window default to 2hrs (@yurishkuro in #6282)
- Improve telemetry.settings (@yurishkuro in #6275)
- [kafka] otel helper instead of tlscfg package (@chahatsagarmain in #6270)
- [refactor] fix package misspelling: telemetery->telemetry (@yurishkuro in #6269)
- [prometheus] use otel helper instead of tlscfg package (@chahatsagarmain in #6266)
- [fix] use metrics decorator around metricstorage (@yurishkuro in #6262)
- Use real metrics factory instead of nullfactory (@yurishkuro in #6261)
- [v2] use only version number for buildinfo (@yurishkuro in #6260)
- [refactor] move spm v2 config to cmd/jaeger/ with all other configs (@yurishkuro in #6256)
- [es-index-cleaner] use otel helper instead of tlscfg (@chahatsagarmain in #6259)
- [api_v2] change time fields in archivetracerequest to non-nullable (@rim99 in #6251)
- [es-rollover] use otel helpers for tls config instead of tlscfg (@chahatsagarmain in #6238)
- Enable usestdlibvars linter (@mmorel-35 in #6249)
- [storage_v1] add time window to gettracerequest (@rim99 in #6244)
- [fix][query] fix misconfiguration in tls settings from using otel http helper (@mahadzaryab1 in #6239)
- Auto-generate gogo annotations for api_v3 (@yurishkuro in #6233)
- Use confighttp in expvar extension (@yurishkuro in #6227)
- Parameterize listen host and override when in container (@yurishkuro in #6231)
- Remove overrides in hotrod ci (@yurishkuro in #6226)
- [storage][v2] add reader adapter that just exposes the underlying v1 reader (@mahadzaryab1 in #6221)
- Change start/end time in gettrace request to not be pointers (@yurishkuro in #6218)
- Pass real meterprovider to components (@chahatsagarmain in #6173)
- [v2] update versions in readme (@yurishkuro in #6206)
- Fix: testcreatecollectorproxy unit test failing on go-tip (@Saumya40-codes in #6204)
- Respect environment variables when creating internal tracer (@akstron in #6179)
- [v2]add script for metrics markdown table (@vvs-personalstash in #5941)
- Allow using different container runtime (@rim99 in #6247)
- K8s integration test for hotrod (@chahatsagarmain in #6155)
- Pass username/password to cassandra docker-compose health check (@akstron in #6214)
- [fix][ci] change the prometheus healthcheck endpoint (@mahadzaryab1 in #6217)
- Add new formatting function "add" (@drewcorlin1 in #2507)
- Add pad_start link formatting function #2505 (@drewcorlin1 in #2504)
- Allow formatting link parameter values as iso date #2487 (@drewcorlin1 in #2501)
Jaeger v2 is here! 🎉 🎉 🎉
- Remove jaeger-agent from distributions (@yurishkuro in #6081)
- Fix possible null pointer deference (@vaidikcode in #6184)
- Chore: enable all rules of perfsprint linter (@mmorel-35 in #6164)
- Chore: enable err-error and errorf rules from perfsprint linter (@mmorel-35 in #6160)
- [query] move trace handler to server level (@mahadzaryab1 in #6147)
- [fix][query] remove bifurcation for grpc query server (@mahadzaryab1 in #6145)
- [jaeger-v2] add hotrod integration test for jaeger-v2 (@Saumya40-codes in #6138)
- [query] use otel's helpers for http server (@mahadzaryab1 in #6121)
- Use grpc interceptors instead of explicit context wrappers (@chahatsagarmain in #6133)
- Fix command in v2 example (@haoqixu in #6134)
- Fix span deduplication via correct ordering of adjusters (@cdanis in #6116)
- Move all query service http handlers into one function (@yurishkuro in #6128)
- [fix][grpc] disable tracing in grpc storage writer clients (@mahadzaryab1 in #6125)
- Feat: automatically publish readme to docker hub (@inosmeet in #6118)
- Use grpc interceptors for bearer token (@chahatsagarmain in #6063)
- [fix][query] correct query server legacy condition (@mahadzaryab1 in #6120)
- [query] use otel's helpers for grpc server (@mahadzaryab1 in #6055)
- Enable lint rule: import-shadowing (@inosmeet in #6102)
- [refractor] switch to enums for es mappings (@Saumya40-codes in #6091)
- Fix rebuild-ui.sh script (@andreasgerstmayr in #6098)
- Use otel component host instead of no op host for prod code (@chahatsagarmain in #6085)
- [cassandra] prevent fallback to old schema for operation names table in case of db issues (@arunvelsriram in #6061)
- Add otlp json support for kafka e2e integration tests (@joeyyy09 in #5935)
- [v2] add es config comments (@yurishkuro in #6110)
- [chore][docs] add documentation to elasticsearch configuration (@mahadzaryab1 in #6103)
- [jaeger-v2] refactor elasticsearch/opensearch configurations to have more logical groupings (@mahadzaryab1 in #6090)
- [jaeger-v2] implement utf-8 sanitizer for otlp (@mahadzaryab1 in #6078)
- [jaeger-v2] migrate elasticsearch/opensearch to use otel's tls configuration (@mahadzaryab1 in #6079)
- [jaeger-v2] enable queueing configuration in storage exporter (@mahadzaryab1 in #6080)
- [jaeger-v2] implement empty service name sanitizer for otlp (@mahadzaryab1 in #6077)
- [jaeger-v2] refactor elasticsearch/opensearch storage configurations (@mahadzaryab1 in #6060)
- [v2] use health check in grpc e2e test (@yurishkuro in #6113)
- Update node.js github action to use npm lockfile, switch to latest jaeger ui (@andreasgerstmayr in #6074)
- Migrate from yarn v1 to npm (@andreasgerstmayr in #2462)
- Run s390x build on push to main only (@andreasgerstmayr in #2481)
- [query] change http and tls server configurations to use otel configurations (@mahadzaryab1 in #6023)
- [fix][spm]: change default metrics namespace to match new default in spanmetricsconnector (@mahadzaryab1 in #6007)
- [grpc storage]: propagate tenant to grpc backend (@frzifus in #6030)
- [feat] deduplicate spans based on their hashcode (@cdanis in #6009)
- [jaeger-v2] consolidate v1 and v2 configurations for grpc storage (@mahadzaryab1 in #6042)
- [jaeger-v2] use environment variables in kafka config (@mahadzaryab1 in #6028)
- [jaeger-v2] align cassandra storage config with otel (@mahadzaryab1 in #5949)
- [jaeger-v2] refactor configuration for query service (@mahadzaryab1 in #5998)
- [v2] add temporary expvar extension (@yurishkuro in #5986)
- [ci] disable fail fast behaviour for ci workflows (@mahadzaryab1 in #6052)
- Testifylint: enable go-require (@mmorel-35 in #5983)
- Fix regex for publishing v2 image (@yurishkuro in #5988)
- Support uploads of .jsonl files (@Saumya40-codes in #2461)
This release contains an official pre-release candidate of Jaeger v2, as binary and Docker image jaeger
- Remove support for cassandra 3.x and add cassandra 5.x (@mahadzaryab1 in #5962)
- Fix: the 'tagtype' in es jaeger-span mapping tags.properties should be 'type' (@chinaran in #5980)
- Add readme for adaptive sampling (@yurishkuro in #5955)
- [adaptive sampling] clean-up after previous refactoring (@yurishkuro in #5954)
- [adaptive processor] remove redundant function (@yurishkuro in #5953)
- [jaeger-v2] consolidate options and namespaceconfig for badger storage (@mahadzaryab1 in #5937)
- Remove unused "namespace" field from badger config (@yurishkuro in #5929)
- Simplify bundling of ui assets (@mahadzaryab1 in #5917)
- Clean up grpc storage config (@yurishkuro in #5877)
- Add script to replace apache headers with spdx (@thecaffeinedev in #5808)
- Add copyright/license headers to script files (@Zen-cronic in #5829)
- Clearer output from lint scripts (@yurishkuro in #5820)
- [jaeger-v2] add validation and comments to badger storage config (@mahadzaryab1 in #5927)
- [jaeger-v2] add validation and comments to memory storage config (@mahadzaryab1 in #5925)
- Support tail based sampling processor from otel collector extension (@mahadzaryab1 in #5878)
- [v2] configure health check extension for all configs (@Wise-Wizard in #5861)
- [v2] add legacy formats into e2e kafka integration tests (@joeyyy09 in #5824)
- [v2] configure healthcheck extension (@Wise-Wizard in #5831)
- Added _total suffix to otel counter metrics. (@Wise-Wizard in #5810)
- Release v2 cleanup 3 (@yurishkuro in #5984)
- Replace loopvar linter (@anishbista60 in #5976)
- Stop using v1 and v1.x tags for docker images (@yurishkuro in #5956)
- V2 repease prep (@yurishkuro in #5932)
- Normalize build-binaries targets (@yurishkuro in #5924)
- Fix integration test log dumping for storage backends (@mahadzaryab1 in #5915)
- Add jaeger-v2 binary as new release artifact (@renovate-bot in #5893)
- [ci] add support for v2 tags during build (@yurishkuro in #5890)
- Add hardcoded db password and username to cassandra integration test (@Ali-Alnosairi in #5805)
- Define contents permissions on "dependabot validate" workflow (@mmorel-35 in #5874)
- [fix] print kafka logs on test failure (@joeyyy09 in #5873)
- Pin github actions dependencies (@harshitasao in #5860)
- Add go.mod for docker debug image (@hellspawn679 in #5852)
- Enable lint rule: redefines-builtin-id (@ZXYxc in #5791)
- Require manual go version updates for patch versions (@wasup-yash in #5848)
- Clean up obselete 'version' tag from docker-compose files (@vvs-personalstash in #5826)
- Update expected codecov flags count to 19 (@yurishkuro in #5811)
Dependencies upgrades only.
- Completely remove "grpc-plugin" as storage type (@yurishkuro in #5741)
- Do not use image tag without version (@yurishkuro in #5783)
- Only attach :latest tag to versioned images from main (@yurishkuro in #5781)
- Add references to jaeger v2 (@yurishkuro in #5779)
- Ensure hotrod image is published at the end of e2e test (@yurishkuro in #5764)
- [bug] [hotrod] delay env var mapping until logger is initialized (@yurishkuro in #5760)
- Make otlp receiver listen on all ips again (@yurishkuro in #5739)
- [hotrod] fix connectivity in docker compose (@yurishkuro in #5734)
- [v2] enable remote sampling extension and include in e2e tests (@yurishkuro in #5802)
- Ensure similar naming for storage write metrics (@Wise-Wizard in #5798)
- [v2] ensure similar naming for query service metrics (@Wise-Wizard in #5785)
- Configure otel collector to observe internal telemetry (@Wise-Wizard in #5752)
- Add kafka exporter and receiver configuration (@joeyyy09 in #5703)
- Enable spm in jaeger v2 (@FlamingSaint in #5681)
- [jaeger-v2] add
extension (@Pushkarm029 in #5389) - Created telset for remote-storage component (@Wise-Wizard in #5731)
- Unpin codeql actions (@yurishkuro in #5787)
- Skip building hotrod for all platforms for pull requests (@Manoramsharma in #5765)
- Add a threshold for expected zero values in the spm script (@FlamingSaint in #5753)
- [v2] add e2e test with memory store (@yurishkuro in #5751)
- Rationalize naming of gha workflow files (@yurishkuro in #5750)
- Allow uploading json-per-line otlp data (@BenzeneAlcohol in #2380)
- The OTEL Collector upgrade brought in a change where OTLP receivers started listening on
instead of0.0.0.0
as before. As a result, when running in container environment the endpoints are likely unreachable from other containers (Issue #5737). The fix will be available in the next release. Meanwhile, the workaround is to instruct Jaeger to listen on0.0.0.0
, as in this fix:
- Update opentelemetry-go to v1.28.0 and refactor references to semantic conventions (@renovate-bot in #5698)
- Run jaeger-es-index-cleaner and jaeger-es-rollover locally (@hellspawn679 in #5714)
- [tracegen] allow use of adaptive sampling (@yurishkuro in #5718)
- [v2] add v1 factory converter to v2 storage factory (@james-ryans in #5497)
- Upgrade badger v3->badger v4 (@hellspawn679 in #5619)
- Cleanup the prometheus config (@FlamingSaint in #5720)
- Upgrade microsim to v0.4.1 (@FlamingSaint in #5702)
- Add all mocks to mockery config file and regenerate (@danish9039 in #5626)
- Add better logging options (@yurishkuro in #5675)
- Restore "operation" name in the metrics response (@yurishkuro in #5673)
- Add flag for custom authenticators in cassandra storage (@hellspawn679 in #5628)
- Rename strategy store to sampling strategy provider (@yurishkuro in #5634)
- [query] avoid errors when closing shared listener (@vermaaatul07 in #5559)
- Bump github.com/golangci/golangci-lint from 1.55.2 to 1.59.1 and fix linter errors (@FlamingSaint in #5579)
- Fix binary path in package-deploy.sh (@yurishkuro in #5561)
- Implement telemetry struct for v1 components initialization (@Wise-Wizard in #5695)
- Support default configs for storage backends (@yurishkuro in #5691)
- Simplify configs organization (@yurishkuro in #5690)
- Create metrics.factory adapter for otel metrics (@Wise-Wizard in #5661)
- Apply 'latest' tag to latest published snapshot images (@yurishkuro in #5724)
- [bug] use correct argument as jaeger-version (@yurishkuro in #5716)
- Add spm integration tests (@hellspawn679 in #5640)
- Add spm build to ci (@yurishkuro in #5663)
- Remove unnecessary .nocover files (@yurishkuro in #5642)
- Add tests for anonymizer/app/query. (@shanukun in #5638)
- Add alternate way to install gotip (@EraKin575 in #5618)
- Add semver to dependencies (@danish9039 in #5590)
- Create config file for mockery instead of using explicit cli flags in the makefile (@jesslourenco in #5623)
- Update renovate bot to not apply patches to e2e test dependencies (@DustyMMiller in #5622)
- Require renovate bot to run go mod tidy (@yurishkuro in #5612)
- Fix new warnings from the linter upgrade (@WaterLemons2k in #5589)
- [ci] validate that generated mocks are up to date (@yurishkuro in #5568)
- Add escaped example to tag search help popup (@yurishkuro in #2354)
- SPM: Restore "operation" name in the metrics response (@yurishkuro in #5673)
- Remove support for otel spanmetrics processor (@varshith257 in #5539)
- Remove support for expvar-backed metrics (@joeyyy09 in #5437)
- Remove support for elasticsearch v5/v6 (@FlamingSaint in #5448)
- Remove support for gRPC-Plugin (@h4shk4t in #5388)
- Set desired providers/converters instead of relying on defaults (@TylerHelmuth in #5543)
- Add elasticsearch helper binaries to release (@FlamingSaint in #5501)
- Replace internal metrics.factory usage with direct calls to expvar (@prakrit55 in #5496)
- [refactor] move root span handler into aggregator (@Pushkarm029 in #5478)
- Refactor adaptive sampling aggregator & strategy store (@Pushkarm029 in #5441)
- [remote-storage] add healthcheck to grpc server (@james-ryans in #5461)
- Fix alpine image to 3.19.0 (@prakrit55 in #5454)
- Replace grpc-plugin storage type name with just grpc (@yurishkuro in #5442)
- [grpc-storage] use grpc.newclient (@yurishkuro in #5393)
- Replace public initfromoptions with private configurefromoptions (@yurishkuro in #5417)
- [jaeger-v2] fix e2e storage integration v0.99.0 otel col failing (@james-ryans in #5419)
- Add purge method for cassandra (@akagami-harsh in #5414)
- [v2] add diagrams to the docs (@yurishkuro in #5412)
- [es] remove unused indexcache (@yurishkuro in #5408)
- Create new grpc storage configuration to align with otel (@akagami-harsh in #5331)
- Add workflow to validate dependabot config (@yurishkuro in #5556)
- Create separate directories for docker compose files (@FlamingSaint in #5554)
- [ci] use m.x version names in workflows (@hellspawn679 in #5546)
- Enable lint rule: unused-parameter (@FlamingSaint in #5534)
- Add a new workflow for testing the release workflow (@yurishkuro in #5532)
- Enable lint rules: struct-tag & unexported-return (@FlamingSaint in #5533)
- Enable lint rules: early-return & indent-error-flow (@FlamingSaint in #5526)
- Enable lint rule: exported (@FlamingSaint in #5525)
- Enable lint rules: confusing-results & receiver-naming (@FlamingSaint in #5524)
- Add manual dco check using python script dco-check (@yurishkuro in #5528)
- Use docker compose for cassandra integration tests (@hellspawn679 in #5520)
- Enable lint rule: modifies-value-receiver (@FlamingSaint in #5517)
- Enable lint rule: unused-receiver (@FlamingSaint in #5521)
- Enable lint rule: dot-imports (@FlamingSaint in #5513)
- Enable lint rules: bare-return & empty-lines (@FlamingSaint in #5512)
- Manage 3rd party tools via dedicated go.mod (@yurishkuro in #5509)
- Enable lint rule: use-any (@FlamingSaint in #5510)
- Enable lint rule: unexported-naming (@FlamingSaint in #5511)
- Add nolintlint linter (@yurishkuro in #5508)
- Use docker compose for kafka integration tests (@hellspawn679 in #5500)
- Use docker compose for elasticsearch/opensearch integration tests (@hellspawn679 in #5490)
- Split v1 and v2 es/os integration tests (@yurishkuro in #5487)
- Remove args and depict the image in from directive (@prakrit55 in #5465)
- [v2] remove retries and increase timeout for e2e tests (@james-ryans in #5460)
- Restore code coverage threshold back to 95% (@varshith257 in #5457)
- [v2] add logging to read/write spans in e2e tests (@james-ryans in #5456)
- Remove elasticsearch v5/v6 from tests (@FlamingSaint in #5451)
- [v2] replace e2e span_reader grpc.dialcontext with newclient (@james-ryans in #5443)
- Stop running integration tests for elasticsearch v5/v6 (@yurishkuro in #5440)
- [v2] remove temporary skipbinaryattrs flag from e2e tests (@james-ryans in #5436)
- [v2] dump storage docker logs in github ci if e2e test failed (@james-ryans in #5433)
- [v2] change e2e jaeger-v2 binary log output to temp file (@james-ryans in #5431)
- [bug] fix syntax for invoking upload-codecov action (@yurishkuro in #5416)
- Use helper action to retry codecov uploads (@yurishkuro in #5411)
- Only build docker images for crossdock tests for linux/amd64 (@varshith257 in #5410)
- Document how to debug unit tests in vscode (@RISHIKESHk07 in #2297)
- Github actions added to block prs from fork/main branch (@varshith257 in #2296)
- [jaeger-v2] define an internal interface of storage v2 spanstore (@james-ryans in #5399)
- Combine jaeger ui release notes with jaeger backend (@albertteoh in #5405)
- [agent] use grpc.newclient (@yurishkuro in #5392)
- [sampling] fix merging of per-operation strategies into service strategies without them (@kuujis in #5277)
- Create sampling templates when creating sampling store (@JaeguKim in #5349)
- [kafka-consumer] set the rackid in consumer config (@sappusaketh in #5374)
- Adding best practices badge to readme.md (@jkowall in #5369)
- Improve trace page title with data and unique emoji (fixes #2256) (@nox in #2275)
- Require node version 20+ (@Baalekshan in #2274)
- Fix hotrod instructions (@yurishkuro in #5273)
- Refactor healthcheck signalling between server and service (@WillSewell in #5308)
- Docs: badger file permission as non-root service (@tico88612 in #5282)
- [kafka-consumer] add support for setting fetch message max bytes (@sappusaketh in #5283)
- [chore] remove repetitive words (@tgolang in #5265)
- Fix zipkin spanformat (@fyuan1316 in #5261)
- [kafka-producer] support setting max message size (@sappusaketh in #5263)
- [jaeger-v2] add support for opensearch (@akagami-harsh in #5257)
- [jaeger-v2] add support for cassandra (@Pushkarm029 in #5253)
- Allow go-leak linter to fail ci (@yurishkuro in #5316)
- [jaeger-v2] add grpc storage backend integration test (@james-ryans in #5259)
- Github actions added to block prs from fork/main branch (@varshith257 in #5272)
- UI pinned to version 1.40.0.
- Support uploading traces to UI in OpenTelemetry format (OTLP/JSON) (@NavinShrinivas in #5155)
- Add Elasticsearch storage support for adaptive sampling (@Pushkarm029 in #5158)
- Add the
subcommand (@gmafrac in #5200) - Return more detailed errors from ES storage (@yurishkuro in #5209)
- Bump go version (@yurishkuro in #5180)
- [jaeger-v2] Add support for gRPC storarge (@james-ryans in #5228)
- [jaeger-v2] Add support for Elasticsearch (@akagami-harsh in #5152)
- UI pinned to version 1.39.0.
- Remove remnants of internal otlp types (@yurishkuro in #5107)
- Use official otlp types in api_v3 and avoid triple-marshaling (@yurishkuro in #5098)
- [jaeger-v2] add support for badger (@akagami-harsh in #5112)
- [jaeger-v2] streamline storage initialization (@yurishkuro in #5171)
- Replace security self-assesment with one from cncf/tag-security (@jkowall in #5142)
- Avoid changing a correct order of span references (@sherwoodwang in #5121)
- Remove test summary reports (@albertteoh in #5126)
- UI pinned to version 1.38.0.
- 💤 swap zipkin server for zipkin receiver from otel collector contrib (@yurishkuro in #5045)
- Make all-in-one metric names match metrics from standalone components (@yurishkuro in #5008)
- Upgrade thrift compiler to v0.19 and regenerate types (@yurishkuro in #5080)
- Add gogo/protobuf to opentelemetry otlp data model (@yurishkuro in #5067)
- Remove grpc-gateway dependency (@yurishkuro in #5060)
- Add manual implementation of apiv3 http endpoints (@yurishkuro in #5054)
- Allow specifying version for hotrod docker-compose (@yurishkuro in #5011)
- Publish go tip test report (@albertteoh in #5082)
- Upload test report (@albertteoh in #5035)
- Separate test report collection from the main target (@yurishkuro in #5061)
- Bugfix: set pipefail when running unit tests to preserve exit code (@yurishkuro in #5057)
- Regenerate thrift types and enable thrift check (@yurishkuro in #5039)
- Regenerate hotrod proto (@yurishkuro in #5040)
- Fix permission failed on checks-run (@albertteoh in #5041)
- Refactor protobuf types generation (@yurishkuro in #5037)
- Publish test report (@albertteoh in #5030)
- Ci: simplify check-label workflow (@EshaanAgg in #5033)
- Fix goroutine leaks in several packages (@yurishkuro in #5026)
- Add goleak check in more tests that do not fail (@akagami-harsh in #5025)
- Ci: add retry logic in the install go tip github action (@akagami-harsh in #5022)
- Move go tip installation into sub-action (@yurishkuro in #5020)
- Add goleak check to packages with empty tests (@yurishkuro in #5017)
- Add goleak check to cmd/agent/app/configmanager (@yurishkuro in #5015)
- Feature: add goleak to check goroutine leak in tests (@akagami-harsh in #5010)
- Remove custom gocache location (@yurishkuro in #4995)
- Support Elasticsearch 8.x (@pmuls99 in #4829)
- Make ArchiveTrace button auto-configurable (@thecoons in #4913)
- [SPM] differentiate null from no error data (@albertteoh in #4985)
- Fix example/grafana-integration (@angristan in #4980)
- Fix (badger): add missing SamplingStoreFactory.CreateLock method (@slayer321 in #4966)
- Normalize metric names due to breaking change (@albertteoh in #4957)
- [kafka-consumer] add topic name as a tag to offset manager metrics (@abliqo in #4951)
- Make UI placeholder more descriptive (@yurishkuro in #4937)
- Remove google.golang.org/protobuf dependency from model & storage apis (@akagami-harsh in #4917)
- Read OTEL env vars for resource attributes (@yurishkuro in #4932)
- Exp: rename jaeger-v2 binary to just jaeger (@yurishkuro in #4918)
- [CI]: improve kafka integration test self-sufficiency (@RipulHandoo in #4989)
- Separate all-in-one integration tests for v1 and v2 (@yurishkuro in #4968)
- Collect code coverage from integration tests and upload to codecov (@yurishkuro in #4964)
- [CI/ES] use default template priorities (@yurishkuro in #4962)
- Unleash dependabot on docker files and add dependency review workflow (@step-security-bot in #4945)
- Split unit-test workflow into tests and lint (@MeenuyD in #4933)
- [CI]: harden github actions (@step-security-bot in #4923)
- [CI]: build jaeger v2 image on main branch runs (@yurishkuro in #4920)
- Exp: publish jaeger v2 image (@yurishkuro in #4919)
- [CI]: set default to fix 'unbound variable' error on main (@yurishkuro in #4916)
- [CI]: test jaeger-v2 as all-in-one in ci (@yurishkuro in #4890)
- Fix release script broken by recent linting cleanup (@yurishkuro in #4915)
- UI pinned to version 1.36.0.
- Feat: add sampling store support to badger (@slayer321 in #4834)
- Feat: add span adjuster that moves some otel resource attributes to span.process (@james-ryans in #4844)
- Add product/file version in windows executables (@ResamVi in #4811)
- Fix dependency policy and add to security-insights.yml (@jkowall in #4907)
- Add reload interval to otel server certificates (@james-ryans in #4898)
- Feat: add blackhole storage, for benchmarking (@yurishkuro in #4896)
- Add otel resource detector to jaeger components (@james-ryans in #4864)
- Fix batchprocessor to set correct span format flags (@k0zl in #4796)
- Expose collector ports in docker images (@arunvelsriram in #4810)
- Exp(jaeger-v2): simplify all-in-one configuration (@yurishkuro in #4875)
- Exp: support primary and archive storage (@yurishkuro in #4873)
- Feat(jaeger-v2): create default config for all-in-one (@yurishkuro in #4842)
- Ci: split the install-tools into test/build groups (@MeenuyD in #4878)
- Simplify binary building in makefile (@yurishkuro in #4885)
- Ci: pass variable instead of calling make build-xxx-debug (@yurishkuro in #4883)
- Simplify makefile (@yurishkuro in #4882)
- Test: add more linters (@yurishkuro in #4881)
- Ci: enable linting of code in examples/ (@yurishkuro in #4880)
- Ci: keep the ui asset's .gz file timestamps the same as the original file (@yurishkuro in #4879)
- Add first pass at the security-insights.yml (@jkowall in #4872)
- Create scorecard.yml for ossf implementation (@jkowall in #4870)
- Add ci validation of shell scripts using shellcheck (@akagami-harsh in #4826)
- Chore: add dynamic loading bar functionality to release-notes.py (@anshgoyalevil in #4857)
- Ci: add the label-check workflow to verify changelog labels on each pr (@anshgoyalevil in #4847)
- Ci(hotrod): print hotrod container logs in case of test failure (@yurishkuro in #4845)
- Ci: drop -v from ci unit tests to make failures easier to see (@yurishkuro in #4839)
- Use commit hash as image label when building & integration-testing (@yurishkuro in #4824)
- Clean-up some linter warnings in build scripts (@yurishkuro in #4823)
- Fix build-all-in-one-image script (@albertteoh in #4819)
- [ci-release] improve release workflow for manual runs (@yurishkuro in #4818)
- Add --force to docker commands (@albertteoh in #4820)
- Use setup-node.js for publish release (@albertteoh in #4816)
- Clean up ci scripts and prune docker images between builds (@yurishkuro in #4815)
- Clean-up & fortify ci-release (@yurishkuro in #4813)
- UI pinned to version 1.35.0.
- [sampling] Remove support for SAMPLING_TYPE env var and 'static' value (@yurishkuro in #4735)
- Use non-root user in built containers (@nikzayn in #4783) - this change may cause issues with existing installations using Badger storage, because the existing files would be owned by a different user and would not be writeable after Jaeger upgrade. The workaround is to manually chown the files to the new user (uid=10001).
- Add cassandra schema compaction window configuration (@sameersecond in #4767)
- Add jaeger-v2 single binary based on otel collector (@yurishkuro in #4766)
- [kafka-consumer] Consumer metrics should have a tag with topic name (@abliqo in #4778)
- Support http proxy env variables (@pavolloffay in #4769)
- Support reloading es client's password from file (@haanhvu in #4342)
- Fix jaegerqueryreqsfailing alert rule missing 'operation' in query (@james-ryans in #4797)
- Add e2e test for sampling storage (@slayer321 in #4772)
- [tests] Simplify cassandra e2e test cleanup (@yurishkuro in #4794)
- [tests] Fix failing e2e test for cassandra storage (@slayer321 in #4776)
- Remove unneeded references to opentracing (@yurishkuro in #4790)
- Use non-root user in built containers (@nikzayn in #4783)
- Run all integration tests against cassandra (@yurishkuro in #4773)
- [hotrod] Log driver locations as json to demo respective ui capability (@yurishkuro in #4765)
- Replace python script with tracegen (@albertteoh in #4753)
- [fix] Close elasticsearch client properly (@Lauquik in #4754)
- Add deprecation warning to jaeger-agent (@yurishkuro in #4749)
- Deprecate grpc-storage-plugin sidecar model (@yurishkuro in #4744)
- Upgrade query api v3 to official opentelemetry format (@yurishkuro in #4742)
- [SPM] Deprecate support for spanmetrics processor naming convention (@yurishkuro in #4741)
- Deprecate expvar metrics backend (@yurishkuro in #4740)
- Fix flaky testgetroundtripper* tests (@albertteoh in #4738)
- UI pinned to version 1.34.0.
- [hotrod] Make OTLP the default exporter in HotROD (@yurishkuro in #4698)
- [SPM] Support spanmetrics connector by default (@albertteoh in #4704)
- [tracegen] Stop supporting -trace-exporter=jaeger (@yurishkuro in #4717)
- [hotrod] Stop supporting -otel-exporter=jaeger (@yurishkuro in #4719)
- [hotrod] Metrics endpoints moved from route service (:8083) to frontend service (:8080) (@yurishkuro in #4720)
- Allow disabling brearer token override from request in metrics store (@pavolloffay in #4726)
- Add the enable tracing opt-in flag (@albertteoh in #4685)
- [tracegen] Add build info during compilation (@yurishkuro in #4727)
- Log version/build info on startup (@yurishkuro in #4723)
- [zipkin] Replace zipkin exporter from jaeger sdk with otel zipkin exp (@afzal442 in #4674)
- UI pinned to version 1.33.0.
- [fix] Disable tracing of OTLP Receiver (@yurishkuro in #4662)
- [hotrod/observer_test] Switch to OpenTelemetry (@afzal442 in #4635)
- [memstore-plugin]Switch to OpenTelemetry SDK (@afzal442 in #4643)
- [tracegen] Allow to control cardinality of attribute keys (@yurishkuro in #4634)
- Replace OT const wth OTEL trace.span for zipkin comp (@afzal442 in #4625)
- Replace OpenTracing instrumentation with OpenTelemetry in grpc storage plugin (@afzal442 in #4611)
- Replace OT trace with
otel trace
spans type to span model (@afzal442 in #4614) - Replace cassandra-spanstore tracing instrumentation with
(@afzal442 in #4599) - Replace es-spanstore tracing instrumentation with OpenTelemetry (@afzal442 in #4596)
- Replace metricsstore/reader tracing instrumentation with OpenTelemetry (@afzal442 in #4595)
- Replace Jaeger SDK with OTEL SDK + OT Bridge (@afzal442 in #4574)
- [kafka-consumer] Ingester should use topic name from actual Kafka consumer instead of configuration (@abliqo in #4593)
- Enable CORS settings on OTLP HTTP endpoint (@pmuls99 in #4586)
- [hotrod] Return trace ID via traceresponse header (@yurishkuro in #4584)
- [hotrod] Remove most references to OpenTracing (@yurishkuro in #4585)
- [hotrod] Validate user input to avoid security warnings from code scanning (@yurishkuro in #4583)
- [hotrod] Upgrade HotROD to use OpenTelemetry instrumentation (@afzal442 in #4548)
- [kafka-consumer] Use wait group to ensure goroutine is finished before returning from Close (@kennyaz in #4582)
- [tracegen] Enable BlockOnQueueFull in OTel SDK to avoid dropped spans (@haanhvu in #4578)
- [hotrod] Handle both OT and OTEL baggage (@yurishkuro in #4572)
- UI pinned to version 1.32.0.
- [SPM] Due to a breaking change in OpenTelemetry's prometheus exporter (details)
metric names will no longer be normalized by default, meaning that the expected metric names would be
. Backwards compatibility with older OpenTelemetry Collector versions can be achieved through the following flags:prometheus.query.normalize-calls
: If true, normalizes the "calls" metric name. e.g. "calls_total".prometheus.query.normalize-duration
: If true, normalizes the "duration" metric name to include the duration units. e.g. "duration_milliseconds_bucket".
- [Cassandra] Add Configuration.Close() to ensure TLS cert watcher is closed (@kennyaz in #4515)
- Add *.kerberos.disable-fast-negotiation option to Kafka consumer (@pmuls99 in #4520)
- Support Prometheus normalization for specific metrics related to OpenTelemetry compatibility (@albertteoh in #4555)
- Add readme for memstore plugin (@yurishkuro in 283bdd9)
- Pass a wrapper instead of
to ease migration to OTEL in the future [part 1] (@afzalbin64 in #4529) - [hotROD] Add OTEL instrumentation to customer svc (@afzal442 in #4559)
- [hotROD] Replace gRPC instrumentation with OTEL (@afzal442 in #4558)
- [hotROD]: Upgrade
service to use native OTEL instrumentation (@afzal442 in #4533) - [hotROD] Fix OTEL logging in HotRod example (@albertteoh in #4556)
- [hotrod] Reduce span exporter's batch timeout to let the spans be exported sooner (@GLVSKiriti in #4518)
- [tracegen] Add options to generate more spans and attributes for additional use cases (@yurishkuro in #4535)
- Build improvement to rebuild jaeger-ui if the tree does not match any tag (@bobrik in #4553)
- [Test] Fixed a race condition causing unit test failure by changing the logging (@yurishkuro in #4546) resolves #4497
- UI pinned to version 1.31.0.
OTLP receiver is now enabled by default (#4494). This change follows the Jaeger's strategic direction of aligning closely with the OpenTelemetry project. This may cause port conflicts if jaeger-collector
is depoyed in host network namespace. The original --collector.otlp.enabled
option is still available and MUST be set to false
if OTLP receiver is not desired.
- Make OTLP receiver enabled by default (@yurishkuro in #4494)
- [SPM] Add support for OpenTelemetry SpanMetrics Connector (@albertteoh in #4452). See Migration README.
- Log processor error in Kafka consumer (@pavolloffay in #4399)
- [bug] Remove TerminateAfter from Elasticsearch/Opensearch query resulting in incomplete span count/list (@Jakob3xD in #4336)
- [agent] Use RawConn.Control to get fd instead of Fd() to prevent deadlock on shutdown (@ChenX1993 in #4449)
- [SPM] Fix docker compose command (@tqi-raurora in #4444)
- [test] Fix flaky test - TestSpanProcessorWithOnDroppedSpanOption (@yurishkuro in #4489)
- [ci] Skip debug builds when not making a release (@psk001 in #4496)
- Fix some function comments (@cuishuang in #4410)
- Increase dependabot open-pull-requests-limit=10 (@yurishkuro in 04548fc)
- Add jkowall as release manger for July (@jkowall in #4446)
- Fix versions in release schedule (@yurishkuro in 8a9d13a)
- UI pinned to version 1.30.0.
- Add HTTP post port mapping to docker command (@albertteoh in #4407)
- Simplify ES config and factory (@yurishkuro in #4396)
- Add otlp-grpc for tracegen's trace-exporter (@boysusu in #4374)
- Allow follows-from reference as a parent span id (@kubarydz in #4382)
- Expose drop span hook as an option in Collector SpanProcessor (@ChenX1993 in #4387)
- UI pinned to version 1.29.1.
- Store span warnings as tags in Cassandra (@utsavoza in #4313)
- Add Keep-Alive flag for Zipkin HTTP server (@topjung3 in #4366)
- Log access to static assets; remove favicon test (@yurishkuro in #4302)
- UI pinned to version 1.29.0.
- Support secure OTLP exporter config for hotrod (@graphaelli in #4231)
- Jaeger YugabyteDB(YCQL) support (@HarshDaryani896 in #4220)
- Replace pkg/multierror with standard errors.Join (@ClementRepo in #4293)
- Remove pkg/multicloser (@yurishkuro in #4291)
- Refactor build linux artifacts only for PR (@Eileen-Yu in #4286)
- Speed-up CI by using published UI artifacts (@shubbham1219 in #4251)
- Update Go version to 1.20 (@SaarthakMaini in #4206)
- Use http.MethodGet instead of "GET" (@my-git9 in #4248)
- Updating all-in-one path (@bigfleet in #4234)
- Migrate the use of fsnotify to fswatcher in cert_watcher.go (@haanhvu in #4232)
- Restore baggage support in HotROD 🚗 (@yurishkuro in #4225)
- UI pinned to version 1.28.1.
- HotROD 🚗 application is switched from Jaeger SDK to OpenTelemetry SDK (@yurishkuro in #4187). Some environment variables previously accepted are no longer recognized. See PR for details.
- Map old env vars from Jaeger SDK to OTel SDK vars (@yurishkuro in #4200)
- Use patched version of github.com/opentracing-contrib/go-grpc in HotROD (@yurishkuro in #4210)
utility is switched from Jaeger SDK to OpenTelemetry SDK (@yurishkuro in #4189). Some environment variables previously accepted are no longer recognized. See PR for details.
- Add CLI flags for controlling HTTP server timeouts (@yurishkuro in #4167)
- Watch directories for certificate hot-reload (@tsaarni in #4159)
- Support tenant header propagation in query service and grpc-plugin (@pavolloffay in #4151)
- Replace Thrift-gen with Proto-gen types for sampling strategies (@yurishkuro in #4181)
- Use Protobuf-based JSON output for sampling strategies (@yurishkuro in #4173)
- [tests]: Use
to set env vars in tests (@Juneezee in #4169) - ci(lint): bump golangci-lint to v1.50.1 (@mmorel-35 in #4195)
- Convert token propagation integration test to plain unit test (@yurishkuro in #4162)
- Refactor scripts/es-integration-test.sh (@yurishkuro in #4161)
- Fix "index out of range" when receiving a dual client/server Zipkin span (@yurishkuro in #4160)
- No changes.
- Remove global platform arg in cassandra schema dockerfile (@jkandasa in #4123)
- Add multi arch support to cassandra-schema container (@jkandasa in #4122)
- No changes.
- Fix cassandra schema scripts to be able to run from a remote node (@yurishkuro in #4087)
- Catch panic from Prometheus client on invalid label strings (@yurishkuro in #4051)
- Span tags of type int64 may lose precision (@shubbham1215 in #4034)
- UI pinned to version 1.27.3.
- Add support for OpenSearch 2.x (@gaurav-05 in #3966)
- Pin SBOM action to commit (@yurishkuro in bb49249)
- Remove auth requirement on monitor demo (@joe-elliott in #4005)
- Increase sleep time when waiting for ES/OS backend (@yurishkuro in b9805f7)
- Fix CVE-2022-32149 for gotlang.org/x/text package (@mehta-ankit in #3992)
- Expose otel configured thrift http port (@albertteoh in #3986)
- Adding anchore for SBOM signing during release (@jkowall in #3987)
- Bump sarama to 1.33.0 (@pavolloffay in #3983)
- Add note on jaeger grpc storage compliance (@arajkumar in #3985)
- Added link to FOSSA and Artifact Hub to README (@jkowall in #3964)
- Add grafana container to monitor docker-compose (@albertteoh in #3955)
- Expose storage integration helpers as go pkg (@arajkumar in #3944)
- UI pinned to version 1.27.2.
- Bump github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/pkg/translator/jaeger (@dependabot[bot] in #3939)
- Bump github.com/apache/thrift from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 (@dependabot[bot] in #3936)
- Bump github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog from 1.2.2 to 1.3.1 (@dependabot[bot] in #3934)
- Bump go.opentelemetry.io/otel from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 (@dependabot[bot] in #3932)
- Bump github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin from 1.4.4 to 1.4.5 (@dependabot[bot] in #3930)
- Bump github.com/spf13/viper from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 (@dependabot[bot] in #3931)
- Bump OTEL dependencies => v0.60.0 and grpc => v1.49.0 (@yurishkuro in #3928)
- Bump golang.org/x/net to 2022-09-26 (@yurishkuro in #3927)
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (@dependabot[bot] in #3917)
- UI pinned to version 1.27.1 to bump dependencies.
- fix: jaeger-agent sampling endpoint returns backwards incompatible JSON (@vprithvi in #3897)
- fix: streaming span writer is not working in grpc based remote storage plugin (@arajkumar in #3887)
- Fix race condition when adding collector tags (@yurishkuro in #3886)
- Change build info date to commit timestamp (@TripleDogDare in #3876)
- Add 🚗 (@yurishkuro in 55a8ca9)
- Add AdditionalDialOptions to ConnBuilder (@vprithvi in #3865)
- Add sample docker-compose configuration using Kafka (@yurishkuro in 7006e9f)
- UI pinned to version 1.27.0 - see the changelog.
- Add remote-storage service (@yurishkuro in #3836)
- Fix ingester panic when span.process=nil (@locmai in #3819)
- Added windows zip file generation (@adhithyasrinivasan in #3817)
- Refactor gRPC storage plugin for better composability (@yurishkuro in #3833)
- UI pinned to version 1.26.0 - see the changelog.
- Add flag to enable span size metrics reporting (@ymtdzzz in #3782)
- Span size metrics are enabled via the
flag (even if--collector.queue-size-memory
is disabled).
- Span size metrics are enabled via the
- Add multi-tenancy support (@esnible in #3688)
- Enabled when
is passed to the collector. - The header carrying the tenants can be specified via the
flag, which defaults tox-tenant
. - The list of allowed tenants can be set via the
flag, which defaults to an unrestricted list of tenants.
- Enabled when
- Introduce ParentReference adjuster (@bobrik in #3786)
- Ignore the problem of self-reported spans when multi-tenant enabled (@esnible in #3787)
- Copy expvar metrics implementation from jaeger-lib (@yurishkuro in #3772)
- Copy Prometheus metrics implementation from jaeger-lib (@yurishkuro in #3771)
- Copy metrics API from jaeger-lib (@yurishkuro in #3767)
- Use file move instead of overwriting content (@yurishkuro in #3726)
- Refactor tenancy checking from gRPC to gRPC batch consumer (@esnible in #3718)
- Fix ineffectual
flag in es-rollover (@frzifus in #3724) - Fix custom gogo codec to allow OTLP data (@yurishkuro in #3719)
- UI pinned to version 1.25.0 - see the changelog.
- Fix custom gogo codec to allow OTLP data (@yurishkuro in #3719)
- Introduce OTLP receiver configuration flags (@yurishkuro in #3710)
- Define Health Server for GRPC servers (@mmorel-35 in #3712)
- Add OTLP receiver to collector (@yurishkuro in #3701)
- Add flag to enable/disable dependencies on rollover (@rubenvp8510 in #3705)
- Add TLS configuration for Admin Server (@mmorel-35 in #3679)
- Add TLS configuration for Zipkin (@mmorel-35 in #3676)
- Fix for WithTenant() lost orig context (@esnible in #3685)
- Add entries to env command for new storage types (@yurishkuro in #3678)
- Fix Prometheus factory signature (@yurishkuro in #3681)
- UI pinned to version 1.24.0 - see the changelog.
- Add kubernetes example for hotrod app (@highb in #3645)
- Support writing via gRPC stream in storage plugin (@vuuihc in #3640)
- Instrument MetricsReader with metrics (@albertteoh in #3667)
- Sanitize spans with null process or empty service name (@yurishkuro in #3631)
- Flow tenant through processors as a string (@esnible in #3661)
- Fix es.log-level behaviour (@albertteoh in #3664)
- Mention remote gRPC storage API (@yurishkuro in cb6853d)
- Perform log.fatal if TLS flags are used when tls.enabled=false #2893 (@clock21am in #3030)
- Upgrade to Go 1.18 (@yurishkuro in #3624)
- UI pinned to version 1.23.0. The changelog is available here v1.23.0.
- Add SAMPLING_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable (@joe-elliott in #3573)
- Support min/max TLS version in TLS config (@Ashmita152 in #3567)
- Add support for ciphersuites in tls config (@Ashmita152 in #3564)
- Fix: exit on grpc plugin crash (@johanneswuerbach in #3604)
- Bump go.opentelemetry.io/collector/model from 0.47.0 to 0.48.0 (@dependabot[bot] in #3608)
- Fix format string for go1.18 (@bobrik in #3596)
- Fix favicon returning 500 inside container (@Ashmita152 in #3569)
- Elasticsearch: Do not create index templates if ILM is enabled. (@rbizos in #3610)
- UI pinned to version 1.22.0. The changelog is available here v1.22.0.
- Enable gRPC reflection service on collector/query (@yurishkuro in #3526)
- Fix query for latency metrics (@Ashmita152 in #3559)
- Fix integration tests containing spans in the future (@johanneswuerbach in #3538)
- Add system diagram using mermaid markdown (@yurishkuro in #3529)
- Fix indexDateLayout for elasticsearch dependencies #3523 (@ilyamor in #3524)
- Fix builds due to upstream OTEL proto path change (@albertteoh in #3525)
- UI pinned to version 1.21.0. The changelog is available here v1.21.0.
- Bump Go compiler in CI to 1.17.6 (@yurishkuro in #3516)
- Add support for ES index aliases / rollover to the dependency store (Resolves #2143) (@frittentheke in #2144)
- Use existing functions from xdg-go/scram pkg (@yurishkuro in #3481)
- UI pinned to version 1.20.1. The changelog is available here v1.20.1.
- Add remote gRPC option for storage plugin (@cevian in #3383)
- Build binaries for darwin/arm64 (@jhchabran in #3431)
- Add MaxConnectionAge[Grace] to collector's gRPC server (@jpkrohling in #3422)
- Fix prefixed index rollover (@albertteoh in #3457)
- Log problems communicating with Elasticsearch (@esnible in #3451)
- UI pinned to version 1.20.0. The changelog is available here v1.20.0
- Remove deprecated
CLI flag (@yurishkuro in #3410)
- Fix debug image builds by installing
to enable GCC (@yurishkuro in #3400) - Limit URL size in Elasticsearch index delete request (@jkandasa in #3375)
- UI pinned to version 1.19.0. The changelog is available here v1.19.0
- Add auth token propagation for metrics reader (@albertteoh in #3341)
- Add in-memory storage support for adaptive sampling (@lonewolf3739 in #3335)
- Do not throw error on empty indices in Elasticsach rollover lookback (@jkandasa in #3369)
- Treat input throughput data as immutable (@rbroggi in #3360)
- Remove dependencies on unused tools, install tools explicitly instead of via go.mod (@rbroggi in #3355)
- Update mockery to version 2 and adapt to
approach (@rbroggi in #3358) - Control lightweight storage integration tests via build tags (@rbroggi in #3346)
- Remove package
from coverage reports (@rbroggi in #3357) - Remove outdated reference to cover.sh (@rbroggi in #3348)
- Update monitoring mixin (@jpkrohling in #3331)
- Update Jaeger chart link (@isbang in #3328)
- Fix args order in strings.Contains in es-rollover (@pavolloffay in #3324)
- Use
instead of non-portable/mnt/*
in Badger (@pavolloffay in #3325) - Fix
retrieval from Zipkin'sMESSAGE_ADDR
annotation (@Git-Jiro in #3312)
- UI pinned to version 1.18.0. The changelog is available here v1.18.0
- Migrate elasticsearch rollover to go (#3242, @rubenvp8510)
- Add 'opensearch' as a supported value for SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE (#3255, @yurishkuro)
- Add support for adaptive sampling with a Cassandra backend. (#2966, @joe-elliott, @Ashmita152)
- Support graceful shutdown in grpc plugin (#3249, @slon)
- Enable gzip compression for collector grpc endpoint. (#3236, @slon)
- Use UTC in es-index-cleaner (#3261, @pavolloffay)
- Upgrade to alpine-3.14 (#3304, @nontw)
- refactor: move from io/ioutil to io and os package (#3294, @Juneezee)
- Changed sampling type env var and updated collector help text (#3302, @joe-elliott)
- Close #3270: Prevent rollover lookback from passing the Unix epoch (#3299, @ctreatma)
- Fixing otel configuration in docker compose (#3286, @Ashmita152)
- Added ability to pass config file to grpc plugin in integration tests (#3253, @EinKrebs)
- UI pinned to version 1.17.0. The changelog is available here v1.17.0
- Add cassandra v4 support (@Ashmita152 in #3225).
- Note: Users running on existing schema version v3 without issues, need not run an upgrade to v4. The new schema simply updates the table metadata, primarily removing
deprecated table option, which automatically gets ignored/removed when upgrading to Cassandra 4.0.
- Note: Users running on existing schema version v3 without issues, need not run an upgrade to v4. The new schema simply updates the table metadata, primarily removing
- Add es-index-cleaner golang implementation (@pavolloffay in #3204)
- Add CLI Option for gRPC Max Receive Message Size (@js8080 in #3214 and #3192)
- Automatically detect OpenSearch version (@pavolloffay in #3198)
- Add SendGetBodyAs on elasticsearch (@NatMarchand in #3193)
- Set lookback in ES rollover to distant past (@pavolloffay in #3169)
- Check for invalid --agent.tags (@esnible in #3246)
- Replace old linters with golangci-lint (@albertteoh in #3237)
- Fix panic on empty findTraces query (@akuzni2 in #3232)
- Upgrade to Go v1.17 (@Ashmita152 in #3220)
- Add docker buildx make target (@pavolloffay in #3213)
- Fix the name for elasticsearch integration tests (@Ashmita152 in #3208)
- Upgrade ES images in integration tests (@pavolloffay in #3185)
- UI pinned to version 1.16.0 - https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-ui/releases/tag/v1.16.0
- Add query service with OTLP (#3086, @pavolloffay)
- Add ppc64le support on multiarch docker images (#3160, @krishvoor)
- Fix base path in grpc gateway for api_v3 (#3139, @pavolloffay)
- Add /api prefix for /v3 API (#3178, @pavolloffay)
- Define
to forward logs to Zap (#3157, @yurishkuro) - Add ATM dev environment docker-compose and API doc (#3171, @albertteoh)
- Log the source of sampling strategies (#3166, @yurishkuro)
- Pin elasticsearch-py to older version without elastic.co product check (#3180, @pavolloffay)
- Upgrade Badger from v1.6.2 to v3.2103.0 (#3096, @Ashmita152):
- Deprecated
flag. - All badger related expvar prefix has changed from
- Deprecated
- Add docker images for linux/arm64 (#3124, @GaruGaru)
- Add s390x support on multiarch docker images (#2948, @kun-lu20)
- Add TLS support for Prometheus reader (#3096, @albertteoh)
- Add HTTP handler for metrics querying #3095, @albertteoh)
- Add MetricsQueryService grcp handler #3091, @albertteoh)
- Hook up MetricsQueryService to main funcs (#3079, @albertteoh)
- Add metrics query capability to query service (#3061, @albertteoh)
- Add build info metrics to Jaeger components (#3087, @Ashmita152)
- Upgrade gRPC to 1.38.x (#3096, @pavolloffay)
- Remove unused
flag (#2865, @albertteoh):
- Inject trace context to grpc metadata (#2870, @lujiajing1126)
- Passing default sampling strategies file as environment variable (#3027, @Ashmita152)
- [es] Add index rollover mode that can choose day and hour (#2965, @WalkerWang731)
- Add a TIMEOUT environment variable for es rollover (#2938, @ediezh)
- Allow the ILM policy name to be configurable (#2971, @jrRibeiro)
- [es] Add remote read clusters option for cross-cluster querying (#2874, @dgrizzanti)
- Enable logging in ES client (#2862, @albertteoh)
- Fix jaeger-agent reproducible memory leak (#3050, @jpkrohling)
- Changed Range Query to use startTimeMillis date field instead of startTime field (#2980, @Sreevani871)
- Verify FindTraces() received a query (#2979, @esnible)
- Set Content-Type in healthcheck's http response (#2926, @logeable)
- Add jaeger-query HTTP handler diagnostic logging (#2906, @albertteoh)
- Fix es-archive namespace default values (#2865, @albertteoh)
Remove deprecated TLS flags (#2790, @albertteoh):
is replaced by--cassandra.tls.enabled
is replaced by--cassandra-archive.tls.enabled
is replaced by--collector.grpc.tls.enabled
is replaced by--collector.grpc.tls.client-ca
is replaced by--es.tls.enabled
is replaced by--es-archive.tls.enabled
is replaced by--kafka.consumer.tls.enabled
is replaced by--kafka.producer.tls.enabled
is replaced by--reporter.grpc.tls.enabled
Remove deprecated flags of Query Server
, please use dedicated HTTP--query.http-server.host-port
(defaults to:16686
) and gRPC--query.grpc-server.host-port
(defaults to:16685
) host-ports flags instead (#2772, @rjs211)- By default, if no flags are set, the query server starts on the dedicated ports. To use common port for gRPC and HTTP endpoints, the host-port flags have to be explicitly set
Remove deprecated CLI flags (#2751, @LostLaser):
is replaced by--collector.http-server.host-port
is replaced by--collector.grpc-server.host-port
is replaced by--collector.zipkin.host-port
Remove deprecated flags
, please use--admin.http.host-port
(#2752, @pradeepnnv) -
Remove deprecated flag
, please use--es.max-doc-count
(#2482, @BernardTolosajr) -
Remove deprecated flag
, please use--agent.tags
(#2753, @yurishkuro) -
Remove deprecated Cassandra flags (#2789, @albertteoh):
- Jaeger will automatically detect the version of the dependencies table--cassandra.tls.verify-host
- please use--cassandra.tls.skip-host-verify
Remove incorrectly scoped downsample flags from the query service (#2782, @joe-elliott)
removed from jaeger-query--downsampling.ratio
removed from jaeger-query
Add TLS Support for gRPC and HTTP endpoints of the Query and Collector servers (#2337, #2772, #2798, @rjs211)
- If TLS in enabled on either or both of gRPC or HTTP endpoints, the gRPC host-port and the HTTP host-port have to be different
- If TLS is disabled on both endpoints, common HTTP and gRPC host-port can be explicitly set using the following host-port flags respectively:
- Query:
- Collector:
- Query:
Add support for Kafka SASL/PLAIN authentication via SCRAM-SHA-256 or SCRAM-SHA-512 mechanism (#2724, @WalkerWang731)
[agent] Add metrics to show connections status between agent and collectors (#2657, @WalkerWang731)
Add plaintext as a supported kafka auth option (#2721, @pdepaepe)
Add ability to use JS file for UI configuration (#123 from jaeger-ui) (#2707, @th3M1ke)
Support Elasticsearch ILM for managing jaeger indices (#2796, @bhiravabhatla)
Push official images to quay.io, in addition to Docker Hub (#2783, @Ashmita152)
Add status command (#2684, @sniperking1234)
- Usage:
$ ./cmd/collector/collector-darwin-amd64 status {"status":"Server available","upSince":"2021-02-19T17:57:12.671902+11:00","uptime":"25.241233383s"}
- Usage:
Support configurable date separator for Elasticsearch index names (#2637, @sniperking1234)
- Use workaround for windows x509.SystemCertPool() (#2756, @Ashmita152)
- Guard against mal-formed payloads received by the agent, potentially causing high memory utilization (#2780, @jpkrohling)
- Expose cache TTL for ES span writer index+service (#2737, @necrolyte2)
- Copy spans from memory store (#2720, @bobrik)
- [pkg/queue] Add
function (#2714, @mx-psi) - Fix potential cross-site scripting issue (#2697, @yurishkuro)
- Updated gRPC Storage Plugin README with example (#2687, @js8080)
- Deduplicate collector tags (#2658, @Betula-L)
- Add latency metrics on collector HTTP endpoints (#2664, @dimitarvdimitrov)
- Fix collector panic due to sarama sdk (#2654, @Betula-L)
- Handle collector Start error (#2647, @albertteoh)
- [anonymizer] Save trace in UI format (#2629, @yurishkuro)
- UI pinned to version 1.13.0. The changelog is available here v1.13.0
- Add trace anonymizer utility (#2621, #2585, @Ashmita152)
- Add URL option for sampling strategies file (#2519, @goku321)
- Expose tunning options via expvar (#2496, @dstdfx)
- Support more encodings for Kafka in OTel Ingester (#2580, @XSAM)
- Create debug docker images for jaeger backends (#2545, @Ashmita152)
- Display backend & UI versions in Jaeger UI
- Inject version info into index.html (#2547, @yurishkuro)
- Added jaeger ui version to about menu (#606, @alanisaac)
- Update x/text to v0.3.4 (#2625, @objectiser)
- Update CodeQL to latest best practices (#2615, @jhutchings1)
- Bump opentelemetry-collector to v0.14.0 (#2617, @Vemmy124)
- Bump Badger to v1.6.2 (#2613, @Ackar)
- Fix sarama consumer deadlock (#2587, @albertteoh)
- Avoid deadlock if Stop is called before Serve (#2608, @chlunde)
- Return buffers to pool on network errors or queue overflow (#2609, @chlunde)
- Clarify deadlock panic message (#2605, @yurishkuro)
- fix: don't create tags w/ empty name for internal zipkin spans (#2596, @mzahor)
- TBufferedServer: Avoid channel close/send race on Stop (#2583, @chlunde)
- Bumped OpenTelemetry Collector to v0.12.0 (#2562, @jpkrohling)
- Disable Zipkin server if port/address is not configured (#2554, @yurishkuro)
- [hotrod] Add links to traces (#2536, @yurishkuro)
- OTel Cassandra/Elasticsearch Exporter queue defaults (#2533, @joe-elliott)
- [otel] Update jaeger-lib to v2.4.0 (#2538, @dstdfx)
- Remove unnecessary ServiceName index seek if tags query is available (#2535, @burmanm)
- Update static UI assets path in contrib doc (#2548, @albertteoh)
- UI pinned to version 1.12.0. The changelog is available here v1.12.0
Configurable ES doc count (#2453, @albertteoh)
flag has been deprecated in favour of--es.max-doc-count
is marked for removal in v1.21.0 as indicated in the flag description.If both
are set, the lesser of the two will be used.The use of
(which defaults to 10,000) will limit the results from all Elasticsearch queries by the configured value, limiting counts for Jaeger UI:- Services
- Operations
- Dependencies (edges in a dependency graph)
- Span fetch size for a trace
The default value for the flag
has changed to0s
, meaning that the clock skew adjustment is now disabled by default. See #1459.
- Grpc plugin archive storage support (#2317, @m8rge)
- Separate Ports for GRPC and HTTP requests in Query Server (#2387, @rjs211)
- Configurable ES doc count (#2453, @albertteoh)
- Add storage metrics to OTEL, metrics by span service name (#2431, @pavolloffay)
- Increase coverage on otel/app/defaultconfig and otel/app/defaultcomponents (#2515, @joe-elliott)
- Use OTEL Kafka Exporter/Receiver Instead of Jaeger Core (#2494, @joe-elliott)
- Fix OTEL kafka receiver/ingester panic (#2512, @pavolloffay)
- Disable clock-skew-adjustment by default. (#2513, @jpkrohling)
- Fix ES OTEL status code (#2501, @pavolloffay)
- OTel: Factored out Config Factory (#2495, @joe-elliott)
- Fix failing ServerInUseHostPort test on MacOS (#2477, @albertteoh)
- Fix unmarshalling in OTEL badger (#2488, @pavolloffay)
- Improve UI placeholder message (#2487, @yurishkuro)
- Translate OTEL instrumentation library to ES DB model (#2484, @pavolloffay)
- Add partial retry capability to OTEL ES exporter. (#2456, @pavolloffay)
- Log deprecation warning only when deprecated flags are set (#2479, @pavolloffay)
- Clean-up Badger's trace-not-found check (#2481, @yurishkuro)
- Run the jaeger-agent as a non-root user by default (#2466, @chgl)
- Regenerate certificates to use SANs instead of Common Name (#2461, @albertteoh)
- Support custom port in cassandra schema creation (#2472, @MarianZoll)
- Consolidated OTel ES IndexNameProviders (#2458, @joe-elliott)
- Add positive confirmation that Agent made a connection to Collector (… (#2423, @BernardTolosajr)
- Propagate TraceNotFound error from grpc storage plugins (#2455, @joe-elliott)
- Use new ES reader implementation in OTEL (#2441, @pavolloffay)
- Updated grpc-go to v1.29.1 (#2445, @jpkrohling)
- Remove olivere elastic client from OTEL (#2448, @pavolloffay)
- Use queue retry per exporter (#2444, @pavolloffay)
- Add context.Context to WriteSpan (#2436, @yurishkuro)
- Fix mutex unlock in storage exporters (#2442, @pavolloffay)
- Add Grafana integration example (#2408, @fktkrt)
- Fix TLS flags settings in jaeger OTEL receiver (#2438, @pavolloffay)
- Add context to dependencies endpoint (#2434, @yoave23)
- Fix error equals (#2429, @albertteoh)
- UI pinned to version 1.11.0. The changelog is available here v1.11.0
Upgrade to a working UI version before React refactoring.
Revert UI back to 1.9 due to a bug jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#628
The pull request #2297 aimed to add TLS support for the gRPC Query server but the flag registration is missing, so that this feature can't be used at the moment. A fix is planned for the next Jaeger version (1.20).
- Reload TLS certificates on change (#2389, @pavolloffay)
- Add --kafka.producer.batch-min-messages collector flag (#2371, @prymitive)
- Make UDP socket buffer size configurable (#2336, @kbarukhov)
- Enable batch and queued retry processors by default (#2330, @pavolloffay)
- Add trace anonymizer prototype (#2328, @yurishkuro)
- Add native OTEL ES exporter (#2295, @pavolloffay)
- Define busy error type in processor (#2314, @pavolloffay)
- Use gRPC instead of tchannel in hotrod (#2307, @pavolloffay)
- TLS support for gRPC Query server (#2297, @jan25)
- Check missing server URL in ES OTEL client (#2411, @pavolloffay)
- Fix Elasticsearch version in ES OTEL writer (#2409, @pavolloffay)
- Fix go vet warnings on Go 1.15 (#2401, @prymitive)
- Add new Elasticsearch reader implementation (#2364, @pavolloffay)
- Only add the collector port if it was not explicitly set (#2396, @joe-elliott)
- Fix panic in collector when Zipkin server is shutdown (#2392, @Sreevani871)
- Update validity of TLS certificates to 3650 days (#2390, @rjs211)
- Added span and trace id to hotrod logs (#2384, @joe-elliott)
- Jaeger agent logs "0" whenever sampling strategies are requested (#2382, @jpkrohling)
- Fix shutdown order for collector components (#2381, @Sreevani871)
- Serve jquery-3.1.1.min.js locally (#2378, @chaseSpace)
- Use a single shared set of CA, client & server keys/certs for testing (#2343, @rjs211)
- fix null pointer in jaeger-spark-dependencies (#2327, @moolen)
- Rename ARCH to TARGETARCH for multi platform build by docker buildx (#2320, @morlay)
- Mask passwords when written as json (#2302, @objectiser)
- UI pinned to version 1.10.0. The changelog is available here v1.10.0
- CVE-2020-10750: jaegertracing/jaeger: credentials leaked to container logs (@chlunde)
- Add ppc64le support (#2293, @Siddhesh-Ghadi)
- Expose option to enable TLS when sniffing an Elasticsearch Cluster (#2263, @jennynilsen)
- Enable OTEL receiver by default (#2279, @pavolloffay)
- Add Badger OTEL exporter (#2269, @pavolloffay)
- Add all-in-one OTEL component (#2262, @pavolloffay)
- Add arm64 support for binaries and docker images (#2176, @MrXinWang)
- Add Zipkin OTEL receiver (#2247, @pavolloffay)
- Remove experimental flag from rollover (#2290, @pavolloffay)
- Move ES dependencies index mapping to JSON template file (#2285, @pavolloffay)
- Bump go-plugin to 1.3 (#2261, @yurishkuro)
- Ignore chmod events on UI config watcher. (#2254, @rubenvp8510)
- Normalize CLI flags to use host:port addresses (#2212, @ohdearaugustin)
- Add kafka receiver flags to ingester (#2251, @pavolloffay)
- Configure Jaeger receiver and exporter by flags (#2241, @pavolloffay)
Remove Tchannel between agent and collector (#2115, #2112, @pavolloffay)
port (14267) from collector andTchannel
reporter from agent.These flags were removed from agent:
--collector.host-port --reporter.tchannel.discovery.conn-check-timeout --reporter.tchannel.discovery.min-peers --reporter.tchannel.host-port --reporter.tchannel.report-timeout
These flags were removed from collector:
Normalize CLI flags to use host:port addresses (#1827, @annanay25)
Flags previously accepting listen addresses in any other format have been deprecated:
is superseded bycollector.tchan-server.host-port
is superseded bycollector.http-server.host-port
is superseded bycollector.grpc-server.host-port
is superseded bycollector.zipkin.host-port
is superseded byadmin.http.host-port
- Add grpc storage plugin OTEL exporter (#2229, @pavolloffay)
- Add OTEL ingester component (#2225, @pavolloffay)
- Add Kafka OTEL receiver/ingester (#2221, @pavolloffay)
- Create Jaeger OTEL agent component (#2216, @pavolloffay)
- Merge hardcoded/default configuration with OTEL config file (#2211, @pavolloffay)
- Support periodic refresh of sampling strategies (#2188, @defool)
- Add Elasticsearch OTEL exporter (#2140, @pavolloffay)
- Add Cassandra OTEL exporter (#2139, @pavolloffay)
- Add Kafka OTEL storage exporter (#2135, @pavolloffay)
- Clock skew config (#2119, @joe-elliott)
- Introduce OpenTelemetry collector (#2086, @pavolloffay)
- Support regex tags search for Elasticseach backend (#2049, @annanay25)
- Do not skip service/operation indexing for firehose spans (#2242, @yurishkuro)
- Add build information to OTEL binaries (#2237, @pavolloffay)
- Enable service default sampling param (#2230, @defool)
- Add Jaeger OTEL agent to docker image upload (#2227, @ning2008wisc)
- Support adding process tags in OTEL via env variable (#2220, @pavolloffay)
- Bump OTEL version and update exporters to use new API (#2196, @pavolloffay)
- Support sampling strategies file flag in OTEL collector (#2195, @pavolloffay)
- Add zipkin receiver to OTEL collector (#2181, @pavolloffay)
- Add Dockerfile for OTEL collector and publish latest tag (#2167, @pavolloffay)
- Run OTEL collector without configuration file (#2148, @pavolloffay)
- Update gocql to support AWS MCS (#2133, @johanneswuerbach)
- Return appropriate gRPC errors/codes to indicate request status (#2132, @yurishkuro)
- Remove tchannel port from dockerfile and test (#2118, @pavolloffay)
- Remove tchannel between agent and collector (#2115, @pavolloffay)
- Move all tchannel packages to a single top level package (#2112, @pavolloffay)
- UI pinned to version 1.9.0. The changelog is available here v1.9.0
- Fix enable Kafka TLS when TLS auth is specified #2107, @pavolloffay)
- Migrate project to go modules #2098, @pavolloffay)
- Do not skip service/operation indexing for firehose spans #2090, @yurishkuro)
- Close the span writer on main (#2096, @jpkrohling)
- Improved graceful shutdown - Collector (#2076, @jpkrohling)
- Improved graceful shutdown - Agent (#2031, @jpkrohling)
- UI pinned to version 1.8.0. The changelog is available here v1.8.0
- [tracegen] Add service name as a command line option (#2080, @kevinearls)
- Allow the Configuration of Additional Headers on the Jaeger Query HTTP API (#2056, @joe-elliott)
- Warn about time adjustment in tags (#2052, @bobrik)
- Add CLI flags for Kafka batching params (#2047, @apm-opentt)
- Added support for dynamic queue sizes (#1985, @jpkrohling)
- [agent] Process data loss stats from clients (#2010, @yurishkuro)
- Add /api/sampling endpoint in collector (#1990, @RickyRajinder)
- Add basic authentication to Kafka storage (#1983, @chandresh-pancholi)
- Make operation_strategies part also be part of default_strategy (#1749, @rutgerbrf)
- Upgrade gRPC to ^1.26 (#2077, @yurishkuro)
- Remove pkg/errors from dependencies (#2073, @yurishkuro)
- Update dependencies, pin grpc<1.27 (#2072, @yurishkuro)
- Refactor collector mains (#2060, @jpkrohling)
- Clarify that "kafka" is not a real storage backend (#2066, @yurishkuro)
- Added -trimpath option to go build (#2064, @kadern0)
- Use memory size flag to activate dyn queue size feature (#2059, @jpkrohling)
- Add before you push to the queue to prevent race condition on size (#2044, @joe-elliott)
- Count received batches from conforming clients (#2030, @yurishkuro)
- [agent] Do not increment data loss counters on the first client batch (#2028, @yurishkuro)
- Allow raw port numbers for UDP servers (#2025, @yurishkuro)
- Publish tracegen (#2022, @jpkrohling)
- Build binaries for Linux on IBM Z / s390x architecture (#1982, @prankkelkar)
- Admin/Query: Log the real port instead of the provided one to enable the use of port 0 (#2002, @ChadiEM)
- Split agent's HTTP server and handler (#1996, @yurishkuro)
- Clean-up collector handlers builder (#1991, @yurishkuro)
- Added 'resize' operation to BoundedQueue (#1948, @jpkrohling)
- Add common TLS configuration (#1838, @backjo)
- UI pinned to version 1.7.0. The changelog is available here v1.7.0
- Endpoint changes:
- Both Http & gRPC servers now take new optional parameter
in addition toservice
. When spanKind is absent or empty, operations from all kinds of spans will be returned. - Instead of returning a list of string, both Http & gRPC servers return a list of operation struct. Please
update your client code to process the new response. Example response:
curl 'http://localhost:6686/api/operations?service=UserService&spanKind=server' | jq { "data": [{ "name": "UserService::getExtendedUser", "spanKind": "server" }, { "name": "UserService::getUserProfile", "spanKind": "server" }], "total": 2, "limit": 0, "offset": 0, "errors": null }
- The legacy http endpoint stay untouched:
- Both Http & gRPC servers now take new optional parameter
- Storage plugin changes:
- Memory updated to support spanKind on write & read, no migration is required.
- Badger & ElasticSearch
to be implemented:
For now
will be set as empty string during read & write, onlyname
will be valid operation name. - Cassandra updated to support spanKind on write & read (#1937, @guo0693):
If you don't run the migration script, nothing will break, the system will use the old table
and set emptyspanKind
in the response. Steps to get the updated functionality:- You will need to run the command below on the host where you can use
to connect to Cassandra:The script will create new tableKEYSPACE=jaeger_v1 CQL_CMD='cqlsh host 9042 -u test_user -p test_password --request-timeout=3000' bash ./v002tov003.sh
and migrate data from the old table.spanKind
column will be empty for those data. At the end, it will ask you whether you want to drop the old table or not. - Restart ingester & query services so that they begin to use the new table
- You will need to run the command below on the host where you can use
Trace and Span IDs are always padded to 32 or 16 hex characters with leading zeros (#1956, @yurishkuro)
Previously, Jaeger backend always rendered trace and span IDs as the shortest possible hex string, e.g. an ID
with numeric value 255 would be rendered as a string ff
. This change makes the IDs to always render as 16 or 32
characters long hex string, e.g. the same id=255 would render as 00000000000000ff
. It mostly affects how UI
displays the IDs, the URLs, and the JSON returned from jaeger-query
Motivation: Among randomly generated and uniformly distributed trace IDs, only 1/16th of them start with 0 followed by a significant digit, 1/256th start with two 0s, and so on in decreasing geometric progression. Therefore, trimming the leading 0s is a very modest optimization on the size of the data being transmitted or stored.
However, trimming 0s leads to ambiguities when the IDs are used as correlations with other monitoring systems, such as logging, that treat the IDs as opaque strings and cannot establish the equivalence between padded and unpadded IDs. It is also incompatible with W3C Trace Context and Zipkin B3 formats, both of which include all leading 0s, so an application instrumented with OpenTelemetry SDKs may be logging different trace ID strings than application instrumented with Jaeger SDKs (related issue #1657).
Overall, the change is backward compatible:
- links with non-padded IDs in the UI will still work
- data stored in Elasticsearch (where IDs are represented as strings) is still readable
However, some custom integration that rely on exact string matches of trace IDs may be broken.
Change default rollover conditions to 2 days (#1963, @pavolloffay)
Change default rollover conditions from 7 days to 2 days.
Given that by default Jaeger uses daily indices and some organizations do not keep data longer than 7 days the default of 7 days seems unreasonable - it might result in a too big index and running curator would immediately remove the old index.
- Support collector tags, similar to agent tags (#1854, @radekg)
- Support insecure TLS and only CA cert for Elasticsearch (#1918, @pavolloffay)
- Allow tracer config via env vars (#1919, @yurishkuro)
- Allow turning off tags/logs indexing in Cassandra (#1915, @joe-elliott)
- Blacklisting/Whitelisting tags for Cassandra indexing (#1904, @joe-elliott)
- Support custom basepath in HotROD (#1894, @jan25)
- Deprecate tchannel reporter flags (#1978, @objectiser)
- Do not truncate tags in Elasticsearch (#1970, @pavolloffay)
- Export SaveSpan to enable multiplexing (#1968, @albertteoh)
- Make rollover init step idempotent (#1964, @pavolloffay)
- Update python urllib3 version required by curator (#1965, @pavolloffay)
- Allow changing max log level for gRPC storage plugins (#1962, @yyyogev)
- Fix the bug that operation_name table can not be init more than once (#1961, @guo0693)
- Improve migration script (#1946, @guo0693)
- Fix order of the returned results from badger backend. (#1939, @burmanm)
- Update python pathlib to pathlib2 (#1930, @objectiser)
- Use proxy env vars if they're configured (#1910, @zoidbergwill)
- UI pinned to version 1.6.0. The changelog is available here v1.6.0
- Build platform binaries as part of CI (#1909, @yurishkuro)
- Upgrade and fix dependencies (#1907, @yurishkuro)
The default value for the Ingester's flag
has been changed to0
(#1868, @jpkrohling)With the new default, the ingester won't
if there are no messages for the last minute. To restore the previous behavior, set the flag's value to1m
. -
flag as deprecated for jaeger-collector. (#1840, @yurishkuro)The deprecated flag will still work until being removed, it's recommended to use
- Support TLS for Kafka (#1414, @MichaHoffmann)
- Add ack and compression parameters for Kafka #1359 (#1712, @chandresh-pancholi)
- Propagate the bearer token to the gRPC plugin server (#1822, @radekg)
- Add Truncate and ReadOnly options for badger (#1842, @burmanm)
- Use correct context on ES search methods (#1850, @rubenvp8510)
- Handling of expected error codes coming from grpc storage plugins #1741 (#1814, @chandresh-pancholi)
- Fix ordering of indexScanKeys after TraceID parsing (#1809, @burmanm)
- Small memory optimizations in badger write-path (#1771, @burmanm)
- Set an empty value when a default env var value is missing (#1777, @jpkrohling)
- Decouple storage dependencies and bump Go to 1.13.x (#1886, @yurishkuro)
- Update gopkg.in/yaml.v2 dependency to v2.2.4 (#1865, @objectiser)
- Upgrade jaeger-client 2.19 and jaeger-lib 2.2 and prom client 1.x (#1810, @yurishkuro)
- Unpin grpc version and use serviceConfig to set the load balancer (#1786, @guanw)
- UI pinned to version 1.5.0. The changelog is available here v1.5.0
Create ES index templates instead of indices (#1627, @pavolloffay)
This can break existing Elasticsearch deployments if security policies are applied. For instance Jaeger
configuration now requires permission to create index templates -manage_index_templates
Add Elasticsearch version configuration to rollover script (#1769, @pavolloffay)
Add Elasticsearch version flag (#1753, @pavolloffay)
Add Elasticsearch 7 support (#1690, @gregoryfranklin)
The index mappings in Elasticsearch 7 are not backwards compatible with the older versions. Therefore using Elasticsearch 7 with data created with older version would not work. Elasticsearch 6.8 supports 7.x, 6.x, 5.x compatible mappings. The upgrade has to be done first to ES 6.8, then apply data migration or wait until old daily indices are removed (this requires to start Jaeger with
to force using ES 7.x mappings for newly created indices).Jaeger by default uses Elasticsearch ping endpoint (
) to derive the version which is used for index mappings selection. The version can be overridden by flag--es.version
. -
Added support for hot reload of UI config (#1688, @jpkrohling)
Added base Grafana dashboard and Alert rules (#1745, @jpkrohling)
Add the jaeger-mixin for monitoring (#1668, @gouthamve)
Added flags for driving cassandra connection compression through config (#1675, @sagaranand015)
Support index cleaner for rollover indices and add integration tests (#1689, @pavolloffay)
Collector kafka producer protocol version config (#1658, @marqc)
Configurable kafka protocol version for msg consuming by jaeger ingester (#1640, @marqc)
Use credentials when describing keyspaces in cassandra schema builder (#1655, @MiLk)
Add connect-timeout for Cassandra (#1647, @sagaranand015)
- Fix gRPC over cmux and add unit tests (#1758, @yurishkuro)
- Add CA certificates to agent image (#1764, @yurishkuro)
- Fix badger merge-join algorithm to correctly filter indexes (#1721, @burmanm)
- Change Zipkin CORS origins and headers to comma separated list (#1556, @JonasVerhofste)
- Added null guards to 'Process' when processing an incoming span (#1723, @jpkrohling)
- Export expvar metrics of badger to the metricsFactory (#1704, @burmanm)
- Pass TTL as int, not as float64 (#1710, @yurishkuro)
- Use find by regex for archive index in index cleaner (#1693, @pavolloffay)
- Allow token propagation if token type is not specified (#1685, @rubenvp8510)
- Fix duplicated spans when querying Elasticsearch (#1677, @pavolloffay)
- Fix the threshold precision issue (#1665, @guanw)
- Badger filter duplicate results from a single indexSeek (#1649, @burmanm)
- Badger make default dirs work in Windows (#1653, @burmanm)
- UI pinned to version 1.4.0. The changelog is available here v1.4.0
The traces related metrics on collector now have a new tag
(#1576, @guanw)This might break some existing metrics dashboard (if so, users need to update query to aggregate over this new tag).
The list of metrics affected:
. -
Remove deprecated index prefix separator
from Elastic (#1620, @pavolloffay)In Jaeger 1.9.0 release the Elasticsearch index separator was changed from
. To keep backwards compatibility the query service kept querying indices with:
separator, however the new indices were created only with-
. This release of Jaeger removes the query capability for indices containing:
, therefore it's recommended to keep using older version until indices containing old separator are not queried anymore.
- Passthrough OAuth bearer token supplied to Query service through to ES storage (#1599, @rubenvp8510)
- Kafka kerberos authentication support for collector/ingester (#1589, @rubenvp8510)
- Allow Cassandra schema builder to use credentials (#1635, @PS-EGHornbostel)
- Add docs generation command (#1572, @pavolloffay)
- Fix data race between
(#1625, @tigrannajaryan) - Use json number when unmarshalling data from ES (#1618, @pavolloffay)
- Define logs as nested data type (#1622, @pavolloffay)
- Fix archive storage not querying old spans older than maxSpanAge (#1617, @pavolloffay)
- Query service: fix logging errors on SIGINT (#1601, @jan25)
- Direct grpc logs to Zap logger (#1606, @yurishkuro)
- Fix sending status to health check channel in Query service (#1598, @jan25)
- Add tmp-volume to all-in-one image to fix badger storage (#1571, @burmanm)
- Do not fail es-cleaner if there are no jaeger indices (#1569, @pavolloffay)
- Automatically set
(#1560, @rubenvp8510) - Add CA certs to all-in-one image (#1554, @chandresh-pancholi)
- UI pinned to version 1.3.0. The changelog is available here v1.3.0
flags were removed in favor ofkafka.producer
flags (#1424, @ledor473)The following flags have been removed in the Collector and the Ingester:
--kafka.brokers --kafka.encoding --kafka.topic --ingester.brokers --ingester.encoding --ingester.topic --ingester.group-id
In the Collector, they are replaced by:
--kafka.producer.brokers --kafka.producer.encoding --kafka.producer.topic
In the Ingester, they are replaced by:
--kafka.consumer.brokers --kafka.consumer.encoding --kafka.consumer.topic --kafka.consumer.group-id
Add Admin port and group all ports in one file (#1442, @yurishkuro)
This change fixes issues #1428, #1332 and moves all metrics endpoints from API ports to admin ports. It requires re-configuring Prometheus scraping rules. Each Jaeger binary has its own admin port that can be found under
command line flag by running the${binary} help
- Add gRPC resolver using external discovery service (#1498, @guanw)
- gRPC storage plugin framework (#1461, @chvck)
- Supports customized kafka client id (#1507, @newly12)
- Support gRPC for query service (#1307, @annanay25)
- Expose tls.InsecureSkipVerify to es.tls.* CLI flags (#1473, @stefanvassilev)
- Return info msg for
endpoint (#1465, @stefanvassilev) - Add pprof endpoint to admin endpoint (#1375, @konradgaluszka)
- Add inbound transport as label to collector metrics #1446 (guanw)
- Sorted key/value store
backed storage plugin (#760, @burmanm) - Add Admin port and group all ports in one file (#1442, @yurishkuro)
- Adds support for agent level tag (#1396, @annanay25)
- Add a Downsampling writer that drop a percentage of spans (#1353, @guanw)
- Sort traces in memory store to return most recent traces (#1394, @jacobmarble)
- Add span format tag for jaeger-collector (#1493, @guo0693)
- Upgrade gRPC to 1.20.1 (#1492, @guanw)
- Switch from counter to a gauge for partitions held (#1485, @bobrik)
- Add CORS handling for Zipkin collector service (#1463, @JonasVerhofste)
- Check elasticsearch nil response (#1467, @YEXINGZHE54)
- Disable sampling in logger -
(#1460, @psinghal20) - New layout for proto definitions and generated files (#1427, @annanay25)
- Upgrade Go to 1.12.1 (#1437 ,@yurishkuro)
- UI pinned to version 1.2.0. The changelog is available here v1.2.0
flags to replacekafka
flags (#1360, @ledor473)The following flags have been deprecated in the Collector and the Ingester:
--kafka.brokers --kafka.encoding --kafka.topic
In the Collector, they are replaced by:
--kafka.producer.brokers --kafka.producer.encoding --kafka.producer.topic
In the Ingester, they are replaced by:
--kafka.consumer.brokers --kafka.consumer.encoding --kafka.consumer.group-id
- Support secure gRPC channel between agent and collector (#1391, @ghouscht, @yurishkuro)
- Allow to use TLS with ES basic auth (#1388, @pavolloffay)
- Make
esRollover.py init
idempotent (#1407 and #1408, @pavolloffay) - Allow thrift reporter if grpc hosts are not provided (#1400, @pavolloffay)
- Deprecate colon in index prefix in ES dependency store (#1386, @pavolloffay)
- Make grpc reporter default and add retry (#1384, @pavolloffay)
- Use
in final call tocqlsh
(#1372, @funny-falcon)
- UI pinned to version 1.1.0. The changelog is available here v1.1.0
- Discover dependencies table version automatically (#1364, @black-adder)
- Separate query-service functionality from http handler (#1312, @annanay25)
- Remove cassandra SASI indices (#1328, @black-adder)
Migration Path:
- Run
which will copy dependencies into a csv, update thedependency UDT
, create a newdependencies_v2
table, and write dependencies from the csv into thedependencies_v2
table. - Run the collector and query services with the cassandra flag
which will instruct jaeger to write and read to and from the newdependencies_v2
table. - Update spark job to write to the new
table. The feature will be done in #58. - Run
which will DELETE the old dependency table and the SASI index.
Users who wish to continue to use the v1 table don't have to do anything as the cassandra flag cassandra.enable-dependencies-v2
will default to false. Users may migrate on their own timeline however new features will be built solely on the dependencies_v2
table. In the future, we will remove support for v1 completely.
- Support certificates in elasticsearch scripts (#1339, @pavolloffay)
- Add ES Rollover support to main indices (#1309, @pavolloffay)
- Load ES auth token from file (#1319, @pavolloffay)
- Add username/password authentication to ES index cleaner (#1318, @gregoryfranklin)
- Add implementation of FindTraceIDs function for Elasticsearch reader (#1280, @vlamug)
- Support archive traces for ES storage (#1197, @pavolloffay)
- Use Zipkin annotations if the timestamp is zero (#1341, @geobeau)
- Use GRPC round robin balancing even if only one hostname (#1329, @benley)
- Tolerate whitespaces in ES servers and kafka brokers (#1305, @verma-varsha)
- Let cassandra servers contain whitespace in config (#1301, @karlpokus)
- Change Elasticsearch index prefix from
(#1284, @pavolloffay)
Changed index prefix separator from :
to -
because Elasticsearch 7 does not allow :
in index name.
Jaeger query still reads from old indices containing -
as a separator, therefore no configuration or migration changes are required.
- Add CLI configurable
while retrieving spans from ES (#1283, @annanay25)
The default value is set to 10000. Before no limit was applied.
- Update to jaeger-lib 2 and latest sha for jaeger-client-go, to pick up refactored metric names (#1282, @objectiser)
Update to latest version of jaeger-lib
, which includes a change to the naming of counters exported to
prometheus, to follow the convention of using a _total
suffix, e.g. jaeger_query_requests
is now
Jaeger go client metrics, previously under the namespace jaeger_client_jaeger_
are now under
- Add gRPC metrics to agent (#1180, @pavolloffay)
The following metrics:
jaeger_agent_tchannel_reporter_batch_size{format="jaeger"} 0
jaeger_agent_tchannel_reporter_batch_size{format="zipkin"} 0
jaeger_agent_tchannel_reporter_batches_failures{format="jaeger"} 0
jaeger_agent_tchannel_reporter_batches_failures{format="zipkin"} 0
jaeger_agent_tchannel_reporter_batches_submitted{format="jaeger"} 0
jaeger_agent_tchannel_reporter_batches_submitted{format="zipkin"} 0
jaeger_agent_tchannel_reporter_spans_failures{format="jaeger"} 0
jaeger_agent_tchannel_reporter_spans_failures{format="zipkin"} 0
jaeger_agent_tchannel_reporter_spans_submitted{format="jaeger"} 0
jaeger_agent_tchannel_reporter_spans_submitted{format="zipkin"} 0
jaeger_agent_collector_proxy{endpoint="baggage",result="err"} 0
jaeger_agent_collector_proxy{endpoint="baggage",result="ok"} 0
jaeger_agent_collector_proxy{endpoint="sampling",result="err"} 0
jaeger_agent_collector_proxy{endpoint="sampling",result="ok"} 0
have been renamed to:
jaeger_agent_reporter_batch_size{format="jaeger",protocol="tchannel"} 0
jaeger_agent_reporter_batch_size{format="zipkin",protocol="tchannel"} 0
jaeger_agent_reporter_batches_failures{format="jaeger",protocol="tchannel"} 0
jaeger_agent_reporter_batches_failures{format="zipkin",protocol="tchannel"} 0
jaeger_agent_reporter_batches_submitted{format="jaeger",protocol="tchannel"} 0
jaeger_agent_reporter_batches_submitted{format="zipkin",protocol="tchannel"} 0
jaeger_agent_reporter_spans_failures{format="jaeger",protocol="tchannel"} 0
jaeger_agent_reporter_spans_failures{format="zipkin",protocol="tchannel"} 0
jaeger_agent_reporter_spans_submitted{format="jaeger",protocol="tchannel"} 0
jaeger_agent_reporter_spans_submitted{format="zipkin",protocol="tchannel"} 0
jaeger_agent_collector_proxy{endpoint="baggage",protocol="tchannel",result="err"} 0
jaeger_agent_collector_proxy{endpoint="baggage",protocol="tchannel",result="ok"} 0
jaeger_agent_collector_proxy{endpoint="sampling",protocol="tchannel",result="err"} 0
jaeger_agent_collector_proxy{endpoint="sampling",protocol="tchannel",result="ok"} 0
- Rename tcollector proxy metric in agent (#1182, @pavolloffay)
The following metric:
has been renamed to:
- Add tracegen utility for generating traces (#1245, @yurishkuro)
- Use DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy as fallback for TokenAwarePolicy (#1285, @vprithvi)
- Add Zipkin Thrift as kafka ingestion format (#1256, @geobeau)
- Add
to the spanstore interface (#1246, @vprithvi) - Migrate from glide to dep (#1240, @isaachier)
- Make tchannel timeout for reporting in agent configurable (#1034, @gouthamve)
- Add archive traces to all-in-one (#1189, @pavolloffay)
- Start moving components of adaptive sampling to OSS (#973, @black-adder)
- Add gRPC communication between agent and collector (#1165, #1187, #1181 and #1180, @pavolloffay)
- Update exposed ports in ingester dockerfile (#1289, @objectiser)
- Upgrade Shopify/Sarama for proper handling newest kafka servers 2.x by ingester (#1248, @vprithvi)
- Fix sampling strategies overwriting service entry when no sampling type is specified (#1244, @objectiser)
- Fix dot replacement for int (#1272, @pavolloffay)
- Add C* query to error logs (#1250, @vprithvi)
- Add locking around partitionIDToState map accesses (#1239, @vprithvi)
- Reorganize config manager packages in agent (#1198, @pavolloffay)
- UI pinned to version 1.0.0. The changelog is available here v1.0.0
- Fix link in scatter plot when embed mode (#283, @aljesusg)
- Fix rendering X axis in TraceResultsScatterPlot - pass milliseconds to moment.js (#274, @istrel)
- Make agent timeout for reporting configurable and fix flags overriding (#1034, @gouthamve)
- Fix metrics handler registration in agent (#1178, @pavolloffay)
- Refactor agent configuration (#1092, @pavolloffay)
The following agent flags has been deprecated in order to support multiple reporters:
New flags:
- Various changes around metrics produced by jaeger-query: Names scoped to the query component, generated for all span readers (not just ES), consolidate query metrics and include result tag (#1074, #1075 and #1096, @objectiser)
For example, sample of metrics produced for find_traces
operation before:
jaeger_find_traces_attempts 1
jaeger_find_traces_errLatency_bucket{le="0.005"} 0
jaeger_find_traces_errors 0
jaeger_find_traces_okLatency_bucket{le="0.005"} 0
jaeger_find_traces_responses_bucket{le="0.005"} 1
jaeger_find_traces_successes 1
And now:
jaeger_query_latency_bucket{operation="find_traces",result="err",le="0.005"} 0
jaeger_query_latency_bucket{operation="find_traces",result="ok",le="0.005"} 2
jaeger_query_requests{operation="find_traces",result="err"} 0
jaeger_query_requests{operation="find_traces",result="ok"} 2
jaeger_query_responses_bucket{operation="find_traces",le="0.005"} 2
- Configurable deadlock detector interval for ingester (#1134, @marqc)
- Emit spans for elastic storage backend (#1128, @annanay25)
- Allow to use TLS certificates for Elasticsearch authentication (#1139, @clyang82)
- Add ingester metrics, healthcheck and rename Kafka cli flags (#1094, @ledor473)
- Add a metric for number of partitions held (#1154, @vprithvi)
- Log jaeger-collector tchannel port (#1136, @mindaugasrukas)
- Support tracer env based initialization in hotrod (#1115, @eundoosong)
- Publish ingester as binaries and docker image (#1086, @ledor473)
- Use Go 1.11 (#1104, @isaachier)
- Tag images with commit SHA and publish to
repository (#1082, @pavolloffay)
- Fix child span context while tracing cassandra queries (#1131, @annanay25)
- Deadlock detector hack for Kafka driver instability (#1087, @vprithvi)
- Fix processor overriding data in a buffer (#1099, @pavolloffay)
- Span Search - Highlight search results (#238), @davit-y
- Span Search - Improve search logic (#237), @davit-y
- Span Search - Add result count, navigation and clear buttons (#234), @davit-y
- Use correct duration format for scatter plot (#266), @tiffon)
- Fix collapse all issues (#264), @tiffon)
- Use a moderately sized canvas for the span graph (#257), @tiffon)
- Compare two traces (#228, @tiffon)
- Make tags clickable (#223, @divdavem)
- Directed graph as React component (#224, @tiffon)
- Timeline Expand and Collapse Features (#221, @davit-y)
- Integrate Google Analytics into Search Page (#220, @davit-y)
binary has been renamed tojaeger-all-in-one
. This change also includes package rename fromstandalone
(#1062, @pavolloffay)
- (Experimental) Allow storing tags as object fields in Elasticsearch for better Kibana support((#1018, @pavolloffay)
- Enable tracing of Cassandra queries (#1038, @yurishkuro)
- Make Elasticsearch index configurable (#1009, @pavolloffay)
- Add flags to allow changing ports for HotROD services (#951, @cboornaz17)
- (Experimental) Kafka ingester (#952, #942, #944, #940, @davit-y and @vprithvi))
- Use tags in agent metrics (#950, @eundoosong)
- Add support for Cassandra reconnect interval (#934, @nyanshak)
The storage implementations no longer write the parentSpanID field to storage (#856). If you are upgrading to this version, you must upgrade query service first!
Update Dockerfiles to reference executable via ENTRYPOINT (#815) by Zachary DiCesare (@zdicesare)
It is no longer necessary to specify the binary name when passing flags to containers. For example, to execute the
command of the collector, instead of$ docker run -it --rm jaegertracing/jaeger-collector /go/bin/collector-linux help
$ docker run -it --rm jaegertracing/jaeger-collector help
Detect HTTP payload format from Content-Type (#916) by Yuri Shkuro (@yurishkuro)
When submitting spans in Thrift format to HTTP endpoint
, theformat
argument is no longer required, but the Content-Type header must be set to "application/vnd.apache.thrift.binary". -
Change metric tag from "service" to "svc" (#883) by Won Jun Jang (@black-adder)
Add Kafka as a Storage Plugin (#862) by David Yeghshatyan (@davit-y)
The collectors can be configured to write spans to Kafka for further data mining.
Package static assets inside the query-service binary (#918) by Yuri Shkuro (@yurishkuro)
It is no longer necessary (but still possible) to pass the path to UI static assets to jaeger-query and jaeger-standalone binaries.
Replace domain model with Protobuf/gogo-generated model (#856) by Yuri Shkuro (@yurishkuro)
First step towards switching to Protobuf and gRPC.
Include HotROD binary in the distributions (#917) by Yuri Shkuro (@yurishkuro)
Improve HotROD demo (#915) by Yuri Shkuro (@yurishkuro)
Add DisableAutoDiscovery param to cassandra config (#912) by Bill Westlin (@whistlinwilly)
Add connCheckTimeout flag to agent (#911) by Henrique Rodrigues (@Henrod)
Ability to use multiple storage types (#880) by David Yeghshatyan (@davit-y)
- [ES storage] Log number of total and failed requests (#902) by Tomasz Adamski (@tmszdmsk)
- [ES storage] Do not log requests on error (#901) by Tomasz Adamski (@tmszdmsk)
- [ES storage] Do not exceed ES _id length limit (#905) by Łukasz Harasimowicz (@harnash) and Tomasz Adamski (@tmszdmsk)
- Add cassandra index filter (#876) by Won Jun Jang (@black-adder)
- Close span writer in standalone (#863) (4 weeks ago) by Pavol Loffay (@pavolloffay)
- Log configuration options for memory storage (#852) (6 weeks ago) by Juraci Paixão Kröhling (@jpkrohling)
- Update collector metric counters to have a name (#886) by Won Jun Jang (@black-adder)
- Add CONTRIBUTING_GUIDELINES.md (#864) by (@PikBot)
- Add bounds to memory storage (#845) by Juraci Paixão Kröhling (@jpkrohling)
- Add metric for debug traces (#796) by Won Jun Jang (@black-adder)
- Change metrics naming scheme (#776) by Juraci Paixão Kröhling (@jpkrohling)
- Remove ParentSpanID from domain model (#831) by Yuri Shkuro (@yurishkuro)
- Add ability to adjust static sampling probabilities per operation (#827) by Won Jun Jang (@black-adder)
- Support log-level flag on agent (#828) by Won Jun Jang (@black-adder)
- Add healthcheck to standalone (#784) by Eundoo Song (@eundoosong)
- Do not use KeyValue fields directly and use KeyValues as decorator only (#810) by Yuri Shkuro (@yurishkuro)
- Upgrade to go 1.10 (#792) by Prithvi Raj (@vprithvi)
- Do not create Cassandra index if it already exists (#782) by Greg Swift (@gregswift)
- None
- Publish binaries for Linux, Darwin, and Windows (#765) - thanks to @grounded042
- View Trace JSON buttons return formatted JSON (fixes #199)
- Support traces with >10k spans in Elasticsearch (#668) - thanks to @sramakr
- Allow slash '/' in service names (#586)
- Log errors from HotROD services (#769)
- Add sampling handler with file-based configuration for agents to query (#720) (#674)
- Allow overriding base path for UI/API routes and remove --query.prefix (#748)
- Add Dockerfile for hotrod example app (#694) <Guilherme Baufaker Rêgo>
- Publish hotrod image to docker hub (#702)
- Dockerize es-index-cleaner script (#741)
- Add a flag to control Cassandra consistency level (#700)
- Collect metrics from ES bulk service (#688)
- Allow zero replicas for Elasticsearch (#754)
- Apply namespace when creating Prometheus metrics factory (fix for #732) (#733)
- Disable double compression on Prom Handler - fixes #697 (#735) <Juraci Paixão Kröhling>
- Use the default metricsFactory if not provided (#739)
- Avoid duplicate expvar metrics - fixes #716 (#726)
- Make sure different tracers in HotROD process use different random generator seeds (#718)
- Test that processes with identical tags are deduped (#708)
- When converting microseconds to time.Time ensure UTC timezone (#712)
- Add to WaitGroup before the goroutine creation (#711)
- Pin testify version to ^1.2.1 (#710)
- Support running Jaeger behind a reverse proxy (fixes #42)
- Track Javascript errors via Google Analytics (fixes #39)
- Add Google Analytics event tracking for actions in trace view (#191)
- Clearly identify traces without a root span (fixes #190)
- Fix #166 JS error on search page after viewing 404 trace
- Use elasticsearch bulk API (#656)
- Support archive storage in the query-service (#604)
- Introduce storage factory framework and composable CLI (#625)
- Make agent host port configurable in hotrod (#663)
- Add signal handling to standalone (#657)
- Remove the override of GOMAXPROCS (#679)
- Use UTC timezone for ES indices (#646)
- Fix elasticsearch create index race condition error (#641)
- Use Ant Design instead of Semantic UI (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#169)
- Fix 2 digit lookback (12h, 24h) parsing (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#167)
- Add support for retrieving unadjusted/raw traces (#615)
- Add CA certificates to collector/query images (#485)
- Parse zipkin v2 high trace id (#596)
- Skip nil and zero length hits in ElasticSearch storage (#601)
- Make Cassandra service_name_index inserts idempotent (#587)
- Align atomic int64 to word boundary to fix SIGSEGV (#592)
- Add adjuster that removes bad span references (#614)
- Set operationNames cache initial capacity to 10000 (#621)
- Change tag search input syntax to logfmt (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#145)
- Make threshold for enabling DAG view configurable (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#130)
- Show better error messages for failed API calls (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#127)
- Add View Option for raw/unadjusted trace (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#153)
- Add timezone tooltip to custom lookback form-field (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#161)
- Use consistent icons for logs expanded/collapsed (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#86)
- Encode service name in API calls to allow '/' (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#138)
- Fix endless trace HTTP requests (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#128)
- Fix JSON view when running in dev mode (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#139)
- Fix trace name resolution (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#134)
- Only JSON.parse JSON strings in tags/logs values (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#162)
- Support Prometheus metrics as default for all components (#516)
- Enable TLS client connections to Cassandra (#555)
- Fix issue where Domain to UI model converter double reports references (#579)
- Make dependencies tab configurable (#122)
- Verify stored search settings jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#111
- Fix browser back button not working correctly jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#110
- Handle FOLLOWS_FROM ref type jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#118
- Allow embedding custom UI config in index.html #490
- Add startTimeMillis field to JSON Spans submitted to ElasticSearch #491
- Introduce version command and handler #517
- Fix ElasticSearch aggregation errors when index is empty #535
- Change package from uber to jaegertracing #528
- Introduce logging level configuration #514
- Support Zipkin v2 json #518
- Add HTTP compression handler #545
- Refactor trace detail jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#53
- Virtualized scrolling for trace detail view jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#68
- Mouseover expands truncated text to full length in left column in trace view jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#71
- Make left column adjustable in trace detail view jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#74
- Fix trace mini-map blurriness when < 60 spans jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#77
- Fix Google Analytics tracking jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#81
- Improve search dropdowns jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#84
- Add keyboard shortcuts and minimap UX jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#93
- Add tracing to the query server #454
- Support configuration files #462
- Add cassandra tag filter #442
- Handle ports > 32k in Zipkin JSON #488
- Convert to Apache 2.0 License