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The current Maintainers Group for the Jaeger Project consists of:

Name Employer Responsibilities
@albertteoh PackSmith ALL
@jkowall Aiven ALL
@joe-elliott Grafana Labs ALL
@mahadzaryab1 Bloomberg ALL
@pavolloffay RedHat ALL
@yurishkuro Meta ALL

This list must be kept in sync with the CNCF Project Maintainers list.

See the project Governance for how maintainers are selected and replaced.

Emeritus Maintainers

We are grateful to our former maintainers for their contributions to the Jaeger project.

Maintainer Onboarding

Upon approval, the following steps should be taken to onboard the new maintainer:

  • 1. Update Project Documentation
    • File: Merge the PR to add the new maintainer to the file(s) in the relevant Jaeger repositories.
  • 2. Grant Permissions
    • GitHub: Add the new maintainer to the @jaegertracing/jaeger-maintainers GitHub team. This grants them write access to the Jaeger repositories.
    • CNCF Mailing List: Add the new maintainer to the mailing list (and any other relevant Jaeger mailing lists). Contact the existing cncf-jaeger-maintainers to find out the precise process for adding to the mailing list, it will likely involve getting in touch with the CNCF.
    • CNCF Maintainer Registry:
      • Create a PR against the cncf/foundation repository to add the new maintainer's information to the project-maintainers.csv file. The following fields are required:
      • Reference the PR in the cncf-jaeger-maintainers mailing list.
    • Signing Keys:
      • Jaeger uses a GPG key for encrypted emails sent to the maintainers for security reports along with access to the maintainers-only GitHub repository. This key is stored in our 1password repository.
    • 1Password: Connect with an existing maintainer to be added to our jaegertracing 1Password team.
  • 3. Announcement
    • Announce the new maintainer to the Jaeger community through the mailing list, blog, or other appropriate channels.

Maintainer Offboarding

The process for removing a maintainer is similar to adding one. A maintainer can step down voluntarily or be removed by a vote of the other maintainers if they are no longer fulfilling their responsibilities or are violating the project's Code of Conduct. A supermajority vote is needed to remove a maintainer. Their access should be revoked from all relevant tools, and the project documentation updated accordingly.